Bags under the eyes when smiling


The skin of young people in the lower eyelid area contains a large amount of collagen fibers.

It is well hydrated and contains a large amount of water in the intercellular substance.

The lacunae in the orbital area are not very enlarged, so there is no swelling and fat deposition there, if the patient’s condition is stable and there are no diseases.

With age, these parameters begin to deteriorate. The amount of collagen fibers in the skin decreases, lacunae increase in size, swelling forms, and fatty tissue is deposited. All this leads to enlargement of the skin under the lower eyelids. This often results in the formation of bags that become larger when you smile.

Bags can also appear at a younger age when smiling, if this is caused by the person’s constitution. There may be a congenital enlargement of the gaps between the eyes and the skin of the eyelids.

To eliminate this condition, you will need to use nourishing creams and masks, and visit a cosmetologist's office. There, deeper hydration of the skin and stimulation of the formation of collagen fibers are carried out using special procedures. The use of eyelid massage is also indicated. If the skin becomes excessively loose, blepharoplasty and a facelift can be performed.


The unattractive appearance of bags under the eyes affects people with thin eyelid skin and poor blood flow in the eye area. Swelling pulls on the delicate and thin skin of the eyelids, stretching it even more.

To correct a cosmetic problem. Read completely

I’m only 20 years old, but when I smile, skin gathers under my eyes, these bags and wrinkles appear. So ugly. What to do? Do you have this? experts

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Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Author, I have this =) It’s okay, I’m used to it, I don’t worry (I’m 21), my sister doesn’t have bags, but when she smiles, facial wrinkles gather, it suits her like crazy, she looks like a sunbeam =) And when she doesn’t smile, everything smooths out , no wrinkles (she’s 30).
Love yourself for who you are, enjoy life and don’t be complex, everything is fine! =)

my niece is 8 years old, same thing)

Weak skin tone. And the fact that this is the skin around the eyes, i.e. is especially vulnerable, then it can be strengthened either with care products that increase tone (which means that the skin will very quickly get used to it, become lazy in functioning independently and in the future will require more and more powerful products, so that at the age of 30 you will already need to use products for 50-year-olds , and by 40, in general, only plastic surgery will save you, or follow the example of Monica Bellucci, i.e. learn to walk with a “stony” face, without showing emotions, which are the cause of the appearance of all these wrinkles. Bags are either kidneys or hereditary.

In short, go with wrinkles and don’t worry)))

Damn, there is a girl on YouTube - Inch Ovochka, she has the same thing. Sometimes you can’t even see her eyes)) but she doesn’t give a damn about the campaign, she’s constantly laughing)) a ​​channel about manicure, it seems. In short, if someone comes looking to look at her bags, she has a raccoon at home - a nose. I watch it just because of this little animal)

I have it too, but the bag only appears under one eye and it looks terrible((I want to get rid of it, but I don’t know how

Related topics

I have it too, but the bag only appears under one eye and it looks terrible((I want to get rid of it, but I don’t know how

Same problem. I’m terribly afraid of surgery) and here’s a link to the YouTube channel

You can ask Lyudmila.

I’m only 13 (almost 14) and I also have bags, so I’m running around on sites, looking for how to get rid of them

I have exactly the same situation. Haven't you solved the problem?

I’m only 13 (almost 14) and I also have bags, so I’m running around on sites, looking for how to get rid of them


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Bags under the eyes are not the most pleasant sight, so when they appear, many women become desperate. This defect cannot be hidden with cosmetics, which means that measures must be taken to eliminate it. However, first you will need to accurately determine the cause that provoked the formation of edema.

Bags under the eyes are swelling, the appearance of which occurs when the periocular fatty tissue changes, as well as a greatly weakened membrane separating the eyeball. This phenomenon is not a disease, and in all cases occurs due to a specific reason. Edema can be pathological or physiological.

As a rule, physiological edema can be hereditary or acquired. You can often find people leading a healthy, active lifestyle, but at the same time suffering from edema. True, in this case the bags are weakly expressed and are easily masked with cosmetics. But if there is a hereditary predisposition to edema, and at the same time the person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, the bags will be more distinct, and they will not be removed with the help of cosmetics.

Acquired physiological edema occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as an unhealthy diet, abuse of alcoholic beverages, and sweets high in sugar and fat. Pathological edema is the result of certain diseases of systems and internal organs. This type of edema can appear even at a young age.

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

As a rule, this cosmetic defect appears for the following reasons:

  1. Using low-quality cosmetics. You should also not use expired products.

Alcohol abuse in the evening.

Depressive states, chronic lack of sleep, frequent exposure to stressful situations.

Unhealthy and unhealthy diet - eating large amounts of spicy, fatty and pickled foods.

A large amount of salty food eaten the day before.


There are cases when a person leads a correct, healthy lifestyle, exercises regularly, but constantly suffers from bags under the eyes, and none of the above reasons are suitable. In this case, you need to seek advice from an experienced doctor as soon as possible and undergo the necessary medical examination. This may result in allergies, heart failure or kidney failure. Only an experienced doctor will be able to select a course of treatment, after which the disease will be eliminated, and the bags under the eyes will disappear on their own.

How to remove bags under the eyes at the salon

Experienced cosmetologists will help eliminate bags under the eyes. The most popular and effective methods are:

Infrared laser. Using laser radiation, a special substance (hyaluronic acid) is injected under the skin. Thanks to the action of the laser, the substance intensively penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. This procedure activates all metabolic processes occurring in the dermis, resulting in increased production of elastin and collagen. The skin is moisturized for a long time, the cellular composition is regenerated, and a strong lymphatic effect is produced. After this procedure, not only bags under the eyes are removed, but also small expression wrinkles disappear.

Special peeling, intended for the skin around the eyes. This procedure is strictly forbidden to be carried out at home, as there is a risk of severe injury to delicate skin. Therefore, you will need to seek help from a professional cosmetologist. For peeling, fruit acids with a high content of active substances are used. During the procedure, all accumulated toxins, decay products and excess fluid are removed from the skin. Also, all dead particles are removed from the upper layer of the dermis, and small pores are effectively cleaned. This type of peeling also has a rejuvenating effect.

Lymphatic drainage. During this procedure, all excess fluid and metabolic products are removed from the intercellular space, lymph circulation is significantly improved, blood vessels dilate, muscles relax, therefore, lymph circulates much more easily.

Microcurrent therapy is exposed to current of ultra-low amplitude and frequency. To tighten the skin, special cosmetics containing large amounts of vitamins, amino acids and collagen are used. In this case, microcurrents act as conductors that deliver nutrients to the deeper layers of the dermis.

How to remove bags under the eyes using folk remedies

In some cases, traditional methods have a longer lasting effect than modern cosmetic procedures. This result can only be achieved if the right product is chosen:

Tea bags. You need to make cool compresses from cooled brewed black tea bags. An infusion of chamomile is also suitable.

Mask with cucumber and aloe. This product perfectly helps remove bags under the eyes, moisturizes and refreshes. To prepare the mask, take equal amounts of aloe and cucumber juice (1 tablespoon each). Almond oil (1 tsp) and a pinch of potato starch are added to the mixture. The finished mass is applied to problem areas, after 10 minutes you need to wash with warm water.

Ice massage. To prepare cosmetic ice, it is better to use decoctions of various medicinal herbs, such as sage, chamomile, birch leaves, linden, green tea, and fresh cucumber juice. Ice is simply wiped over the area under the eyes.

You should regularly use special products containing coffee, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastane. It is also necessary to monitor your diet, consume fresh vegetables as much as possible, give up existing bad habits and properly combine work with rest. If you follow these tips, there will be no need to search for methods to eliminate bags under the eyes.

Video on how to remove bags under the eyes:
