
Mestralone is one of the most common types of estrogen-type hormonal drugs. It is also called mestranol (mestranolic acid) or 17-estradiol. Mestranol is used to treat various diseases associated with a lack or excess of estrogen hormones in the body. However, like any other drug, Mestranol has its side effects and contraindications for use.

Manufacturers of the drug are GNIISKLS (Russia) and Yenapharm (Germany). The international name of Mestranol is methylenestril.

As a therapeutic agent, Mestranol is used to relieve symptoms of menopausal syndrome, as well as to normalize health in men who are undergoing treatment after castration. However, when using Mestronal, a doctor’s consultation is necessary, since the drug has a number of contraindications. One of the main contraindications is the presence of cancer, so before using Mestrol you must undergo an examination by a specialist and obtain an appropriate conclusion on its use. For children, the use of the substance is possible if this process takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Mestranon is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation. Mestranool can also be used for disorders in the endocrine system caused by male sex hormones. In these cases, the substance cannot be used for prophylactic purposes.