Metal allergy [Et(A) + Allergies]

Metal allergies and allergies

Metal allergy (or less commonly “metallergy”) is the body’s reaction to metals. Unfortunately, the concept is widespread among artists, musicians, dancers, especially metalheads, who do not know how to avoid or neutralize this feature of the body. Today I will tell you about this problem in more detail...

Many musicians and their wives suffer from metal allergies. Our body creates a reaction when it encounters metal. Some experience red swelling and irritability. But the worst thing is hair loss, hair loss and dermatitis on the skin, as well as candidiasis (fungus). Therefore, before a concert, you should take an allergy test in advance before going. And after the concert, use ointments to keep your facial skin in good condition. If you have a tendency to metal allergies, then you should immediately take precautions before starting a music session. Pay attention to the composition of your perfumes and deodorants. You can take an antihistamine to relieve swelling (as many metal allergens can be found in perfumes and body creams). If you notice any of the above, then you can’t do without the help of a doctor and