Anaplastic metaplasia

Metaplasia: concept and features of the process Metaplasia is a complex process occurring in the cells of epithelial tissue, which leads to a change in their structure and function. The anaplastic form of metaplasia is one of the most serious and dangerous forms of this process. In simple words, anaplastic metaplasia is a disease in which healthy cells of the body begin to degenerate and rebuild. It is for this reason that this form of the disease is so dangerous for humans.

This disease can be the result of many reasons: metabolic disorders, poor diet, poor lifestyle, and some other factors. It is also worth knowing the causes of the disease in order to understand how to avoid it. In general, there are many reasons for metaplasia, so I will list the most basic ones:

* alcohol abuse and smoking; * digestive disorders (insufficient peristalsis of the intestines and stomach, fatty, carbohydrate-rich foods); * violation of cellular metabolism. * intoxication with chemicals;

! And since the anaplastic type of the disease does not spare anyone, this disease is treated only surgically. But these measures are not always successful. Sometimes cancer cells continue to develop without paying attention to medications. In such cases, chemotherapy is ineffective, and doctors decide to perform a cancerectomy.