Metrogyl for wrinkles

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Helped a lot!! The skin is as clear as a baby's. But paired with lotion (in a bottle with chloramphenicol + crush 8 metronidazole tablets). Every evening, first cleanse your face, then shake the bottle of lotion so that the sediment is on the cotton pad, wipe your face, then apply the gel to the pimples. In a week, more than half of the pimples disappeared, the rest decreased in size, after two weeks the skin was completely clear.

Did it help get rid of pimples?!

I’m using this now, my acne is going away, but not as much as I would like. I took metronidazole tablets, now I just apply metrogil. already a month. It dries out the skin a little, I have oily skin in the T zone, so it still manages to dry it out. It seems to me that Metrogil is not a panacea.

I used Rozamet, it also contains 10 mg of substance. This is the only thing that helps me with acne and does not dry out my skin. Costs 120 rubles.

I used Rozamet, it also contains 10 mg of substance. This is the only thing that helps me with acne and does not dry out my skin. Costs 120 rubles.

And I am for rosamet! Does not dry out and removes acne

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It didn’t help me, on the contrary, it became even worse, which is just a shock for me. Now I use retasol, but it burns my skin.

It helped. It all went away in three weeks.

It helps, but you need to alternate it with other medications, otherwise it will become addictive and the effect will disappear

The mechanism of action of Metrogyl is the biochemical reduction of the 5-nitro group of metronidazole by intracellular transport proteins of anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa. The reduced 5-nitro group of metronidazole interacts with the DNA of microbial cells, inhibiting the synthesis of their nucleic acids, which leads to the death of bacteria.

I’m using this now, my acne is going away, but not as much as I would like. I took metronidazole tablets, now I just apply metrogil. already a month. It dries out the skin a little, I have oily skin in the T zone, so it still manages to dry it out. It seems to me that Metrogil is not a panacea.

Good afternoon. Can I use it on my eyes or is there another gel? Thank you


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Every year, many people around the world face the problem of skin rashes. In different patients, these problems can be caused by different factors, but they all have one thing in common - the desire to get rid of inflammatory processes. In the fight for the aesthetic appeal of the face, one of the popular products, according to reviews, is Metrogyl acne gel.

Composition of the product

Metrogyl gel contains the following active ingredients:

  1. Metronidazole — this component is the main active force of the drug. This substance has significant anti-inflammatory properties and functions as an antibiotic, which allows you to quickly cope with foci of infection. Metronidazole also helps dry out the pathogenic environment, preventing microorganisms from multiplying, and its antibacterial properties contribute to the speedy healing of damage;


  2. high molecular weight carboxyvinyl polymer — used as a moisturizer to reduce the risk of microburns and significant peeling;
  3. caustic soda — dries out acne and fights bacteria;
  4. denodium edetate - preservative and stabilizer.


Metrogyl gel has an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the appearance of even the most significant rashes within 3-5 days of use. The gel is particularly effective for bright focal lesions of the dermis.


After using the gel, the skin is cleansed, the increased production of sebaceous glands is reduced, which leads to a long-lasting effect, provided there are no hormonal disorders in the body. Metrogyl gel is universal for most acne, which is what made it a popular assistant for both professionals and ordinary people.

Indications for use

Metrogyl acne gel, reviews of which are given by most cosmetology specialists, has the following indications:

  1. acne - bright red acne, painful on palpation;
  2. milium - white acne;
  3. Rosacea - rosacea of ​​large and small sizes;
  4. comedones - blackheads and blackheads in their place;


  5. steroid or medicinal acne;
  6. trophic ulcers of small diameter;
  7. seborrheic dermatitis on the eyebrows;
  8. prevention in the presence of cracks and minor damage to the skin.


During clinical studies, the following contraindications were identified:

  1. individual intolerance to metronidazole and its derivatives;
  2. pregnancy in the first trimester and lactation period;
  3. hypersensitivity of the skin.

Doctors recommend taking into account that during the drug study, all the side effects that were identified for this medicine are indicated, so you should not be afraid of contraindications and listen more carefully to your feelings from using the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Advantages of Metrogyl gel:

  1. Metrogyl gel has an affordable price compared to its more expensive analogues and other products of similar action;
  2. the drug can remove even the most significant skin imperfections in a matter of days;


  3. Thanks to its gel consistency and almost colorless composition, this product is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, leaving no colored marks on the face or an oily sheen. The gel does not require rinsing and continues to act and protect damaged skin all day;
  4. Metrogyl gel is hypoallergenic and in extremely rare cases causes minor local adverse reactions;
  5. while using Metrogyl, you don’t have to give up decorative cosmetics, however, it is not recommended to abuse them;
  6. The drug is made in Russia, therefore it does not have any unwanted markups.

Disadvantages of this tool:

  1. For visible results, complex therapy is required. It is best to use the gel after cosmetic facial cleansing, as an addition to the main procedure;
  2. the degree of effectiveness of the product varies for different people, and for some, the gel is not always effective, and sometimes is simply useless;
  3. Metrogyl gel is quickly addictive, and in most cases a repeated course is less effective or not at all effective;
  4. The algorithm of the product’s operation causes dryness and flaking in the areas of application, which forces the parallel use of moisturizers.

Features of application

When using Metrogyl gel, there are a number of rules for use, following which you can not only significantly increase the effectiveness of the product, but also avoid unpleasant application errors and allergic reactions.

Features of application:

  1. Before using on the face, the gel is applied to the bend of the elbow and left for 20 minutes. If there is no negative skin reaction to the components of the product, you can begin a course of treatment;

Before using Metrogyl acne gel, you must conduct an allergy test.

the use of Metrogyl is recommended after cosmetic facial cleansing, so the effectiveness of the drug and procedure can be increased significantly; The gel can only be applied to clean, dry skin. After the product is absorbed, you can even apply hypoallergenic cosmetics; It is not recommended to use this drug for more than 5 days, as addiction occurs and the effectiveness of the course decreases; Metrogyl gel is compatible with almost all medications, but it is recommended to use it with caution in combination with Warfarin and its derivatives; in case of significant disorders of the skin, the gel is applied up to 2 times a day; cosmetologists recommend immediately after completing a course of treatment with Metrogyl to start using anti-scarring agents, since this drug will not protect against post-acne scars; It is recommended to apply the gel with a special cosmetic stick or fingertips, previously thoroughly cleaned and rubbed with alcohol lotion.

Side effects

Due to the low concentration of the active substance in Metrogyl gel, side effects after use are extremely rare.

These include:

  1. dry throat;
  2. dry skin;
  3. itching and urticaria;
  4. increased tearfulness;


  5. hyperemia;
  6. individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  7. in extreme cases, cracks in the skin may occur.

Complex treatment

Metrogyl acne gel (reviews and recommendations from experts indicate that only complex treatment will achieve the best results) has long confirmed its high effectiveness. To improve the effect, it is recommended to use Metrogyl in combination with other popular products.

Such drugs may include:


The face and hands are thoroughly cleansed (with tar soap, alcohol lotion, micellar water or facial wash). Metrogyl gel is applied locally to the affected areas of the skin in small portions.

The gel requires 10-12 minutes to be completely absorbed. It is recommended to repeat the procedure in the morning and evening, however, for mild problems, the frequency of use should be reduced to once a day.

Is the drug effective for demodicosis?

According to numerous comments online, Metrogyl acne gel also successfully fights the manifestations of demodicosis, a disease characterized by damage to the skin and hair structures by a parasitic mite. Often they try to treat such a disease with folk remedies, but without observing the desired effect, the use of pharmacological drugs begins.


The active components of the drug Metrogyl are able to penetrate deep into the pathogenic habitat of the parasite and destroy it along with the demodex mite, and antibacterial substances promote rapid healing of damage.

However, it should be taken into account that the course of therapy for demodicosis should also include, in addition to Metrogyl, drugs that are individually prescribed by a dermatologist.

Can Metrogyl be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Metrogyl acne gel (reviews of which are in most cases positive) is a safe drug, however, experts recommend that nursing mothers and pregnant women refrain from using it in the first three months of pregnancy.

You should also take into account the individual intolerance of the body to the components of the gel. Experts warn that if a pregnant woman’s body is oversaturated with metranidazole, an allergic reaction may occur.

Where to buy Metrogyl gel

Metrogyl gel is available in a metal tube with a volume of 30 g. The gel has a medium consistency and is not bright in color, which makes it easy to use throughout the day. Depending on the region of the country and the place of purchase, the cost varies from 180 to 230 rubles per tube. The tube itself is distributed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Metrogyl acne gel, thanks to positive reviews from doctors and cosmetologists, is sold everywhere:

  1. in online medicine stores and pharmacy warehouses. Often prices at such sales outlets are lower, and when purchasing in bulk there is an opportunity to save;
  2. pharmacies within walking distance;
  3. cosmetics and household chemicals stores.

The drug can be purchased from a specialized specialist, who can also tell you in detail about the most effective methods of its use and dosages.

Reviews from doctors

Metrogyl acne gel (reviews of experts on which are widely presented on the Internet) has a wide range of antibactericidal effects even on those bacteria that are capable of life without oxygen.


Most professionals, both in the field of dermatology and cosmetology, recommend this drug as an effective and budget-friendly product for a short period of use.

Customer Reviews

Users of the drug consider this product to be ideal in terms of price-quality ratio. After all, at a low price, the desired effect is not achieved in all cases, and the impossibility of regular use makes this gel not the most popular long-term remedy for acne.

An undoubted advantage is that the drug is widespread and can always be found in stock.


Metrogyl acne gel, like most popular drugs, also has several analogue products:

  1. Rozex - cream predominantly French made. The price is significantly higher than Metrogyl gel and ranges from 556 to 584 rubles. The main component, metronidazole, is contained in a proportion of 0.75% per 1 gram. This product is less effective than Metrogyl, but it is an ideal solution for sensitive skin and minor redness.
  2. Rozamet - a Croatian drug containing in its composition an active substance identical to metrogel - metronidazole in the amount of 10 ml per 1 g. The composition also contains glycerol, beeswax and liquid paraffin, which determines the moisturizing properties of the cream and prevents the formation of peeling and itching. Available in 25 g tubes. The price of Rozamet varies from 246 to 270 rubles per tube.
  3. Metronidazole - a cream made in Russia, it is distinguished by its budget. The active substance metronidazole contains 5 mg per gram of the drug. The price of the product starts from 50 rubles and can reach up to 80 rubles.


  4. Klion — the drug is an analogue of Metrogyl. Contains 5 mg of active substance per 1 gram of medicine. However, it should be noted that Klion is available only in liquid and tablet form. But the price will greatly please you - only 30 rubles;
  5. Baziron AS - a product containing benzoyl peroxide effectively fights acne, but the price of such a drug starts from 800 rubles.

All these drugs contain the active substance metronidazole. The difference in analogue products is the dosage of metronidazole, which directly determines the effectiveness of the product. If we take into account the price comparison, Metrogyl gel has a significant advantage over its analogues.

Among the many drugs on the Russian market, Metrogyl acne gel not only has many positive reviews from doctors and ordinary people, but is also a proven, affordable and budget-friendly remedy in the fight against various rashes on the face of people at any age.

Article format: Olga Pankevich

Video about Metrogyl acne gel

What is Metrogyl gel and its use in dermatology:

How and with what to treat demodicosis on the face:

Rashes on the face, back and décolleté cause a lot of trouble not only for adolescents in adolescence, but also for adults. Retouching redness with cosmetics leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands and only aggravates the problem. Acne is the result of inflammation caused by the action of the bacterium propionibact Erium Acnes. To eliminate them, it is necessary to use agents that can neutralize pathogenic microflora. One such drug is the acne gel Metrogyl.

What kind of drug is this

Metrogyl gel has been used in the treatment of pimples and acne of varying severity for many years. This is an ointment for external use and does not require a prescription. It does not contain antibiotics or hormones.

The main active ingredient is metronidazole. This component helps to actively fight inflammatory processes that lead to acne. The ointment also contains antibacterial elements that suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria. In addition to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, it has regenerating and wound-healing properties.

The drug for external use is produced in the form of a gel, packaged in an aluminum tube with 30 g packaging. Metrogyl is in demand. Its popularity is due to its effectiveness, a minimum number of contraindications and side effects, as well as its low price.


How it works

The main reason for the appearance of acne on the face and some parts of the body is disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, which can be caused by the following factors:

  1. hormonal imbalances associated with adolescence or disruption of the endocrine system;
  2. gynecological diseases and abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. intoxication of the body caused by the unsystematic use of drugs;
  4. long stay in stuffy, very dusty rooms;
  5. failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Metrogyl anti-acne gel effectively combats problems caused by the action of pathogenic bacteria that actively develop in the epidermis under the influence of one or more of the factors listed above.

The ointment has a powerful therapeutic effect aimed at preventing the spread of infection:

  1. stops the inflammatory process and increases the resistance of the skin;
  2. effectively cleanses the skin, is a strong antioxidant;
  3. has a drying effect on opened purulent rashes;
  4. prevents the appearance of scars and scars that may appear after treatment of deep subcutaneous acne.

Metrogyl solves the problem at the cellular level. It inhibits the action of bacteria by penetrating their DNA structure and disrupting the process of substance synthesis. The gel helps start the regeneration process of injured skin.

Important! Before starting the course, it is better to consult a doctor. Unsystematic use of ointment can disrupt the water and fat balance of the epidermis.



In the list of the most popular acne gels, Metrogyl takes 3rd place. This high rating is due to the following properties of the drug:

  1. strong antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effect;
  2. wide range of uses;
  3. rapid relief of inflammatory processes and increased immunity of the epidermis at the cellular level;
  4. long-lasting effect after use;
  5. is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system and organ function;
  6. has a light structure, is quickly absorbed, does not require rinsing;
  7. can be used as a base for makeup, does not dry out the skin and does not create a feeling of tightness;
  8. the ointment can be bought without a prescription at an affordable price (average cost in pharmacies is 130 rubles).

Attention! At least 10 minutes should pass between using the medicinal ointment and applying foundation.



Metrogil does not have many disadvantages, but they are still present:

  1. the possibility of allergic reactions to individual components of the drug;
  2. to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use the drug after cleansing the face, as an addition to the procedure;
  3. Metrogyl is highly addictive and repeated use may be less effective;
  4. therapy takes a long time. The minimum duration of the course is 2 weeks. In difficult cases, treatment may take 2 months;
  5. after use, avoid prolonged exposure of treated skin to direct sunlight;
  6. in winter, it is better to refrain from long walks in the cold;
  7. visiting a sauna can neutralize the therapeutic effect of the ointment;
  8. The gel is not effective in 100% of cases.

The last drawback can be attributed to almost all medications used in the treatment of acne.

Attention! Each case is individual. If the choice of medicine is dictated by the recommendations of Internet users, and not by a doctor’s prescription, it is impossible to guarantee a 100% result.


Indications for use

Metrogyl is a broad-spectrum drug. It can be prescribed for the following skin problems:

  1. acne on the face and back;
  2. infections and inflammations of the skin;
  3. trophic ulcers caused by poor circulation;
  4. burns, open, difficult-to-heal wounds after abscesses, boils, boils;
  5. with purulent inflammation;
  6. eczema, seborrhea, dermatitis, accompanied by severe rashes;
  7. bedsores at the initial stage;
  8. in proctology they are used for varicose hemorrhoidal veins and for the treatment of cracks and wounds in the anus.

For mild rashes, the desired effect can be achieved after just a few applications of the ointment. In more complex cases, you will have to complete the full course, which lasts up to 9 weeks.


How to treat acne with Metrogil ointment

Instructions for using the drug are included in the package. To achieve results, you must follow the rules for using the gel:

  1. Before application, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities and decorative cosmetics. It is recommended to wash with warm running water with minimal use of detergents;
  2. apply the ointment to problem skin with gentle massaging movements in a thin, even layer;
  3. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid accidental contact of ointment residues with the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  4. use the gel morning and evening. If the rash has cleared up after several uses, it is recommended to take a minimum course of 2 weeks;
  5. wait until completely absorbed. Remove excess with a soft cloth or towel.

Metrogyl, used against acne, rarely causes an allergic reaction, but a sensitivity test must be done before first use. For this

you need to apply a small amount of ointment to the inside of your wrist. If no discomfort occurs within 10 minutes, it can be used to treat acne.


Contraindications and side effects

Metrogyl for acne, like any other medicine, has contraindications and side effects. Since it is not absorbed into the blood, the official instructions for its use indicate only one contraindication:

  1. individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is not recommended to use Metrogyl during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and lactation. Patients with diseases of the blood, internal organs and the presence of tumors and neoplasms are recommended to consult a doctor before using the product.

The ointment contains a very low concentration of metronidazole, so the risk of side effects is minimal. However, in rare cases the following deviations can be observed:

  1. allergies (urticaria, skin rash);
  2. swelling, peeling, dryness and burning of the skin;
  3. lacrimation (when applying the ointment close to the eyes);
  4. reverse effect (when there are more acne than there were before treatment).

During the course, it is advisable to avoid the use of strong alcoholic beverages and closely monitor your condition. Excessive drowsiness may occur. This should be taken into account by people whose work requires increased concentration.

To achieve 100% results, the ointment is recommended to be used in combination with other facial skin care products, including mechanical or chemical cleansing.