Facial massage with honey

There are many massage techniques used for cosmetic purposes. There are options that act solely on appearance. There are techniques that have a comprehensive health and aesthetic effect. Honey facial massage is one of them. The positive effect is determined by the beneficial composition of the product used. Honey in combination with massage can eliminate various skin problems. You can master the technique on your own. You need to carefully study the nuances of the procedure.

Efficiency of the procedure

The beneficial effect of the procedure is based on the qualities of honey. Thanks to the product, the integument is healed. The skin receives additional nutrition and hydration. Honey has fat-burning, toning, matting, whitening, and exfoliating properties. The epidermis becomes smooth, even, velvety, radiating health.


The use of honey masks is considered a less effective use option. A useful product combined with massage gives a more pronounced result. The joint positive effect of the procedures is evident.

Honey massage helps:

  1. improve the appearance, quality of integument;
  2. achieve rejuvenation (get rid of wrinkles, ptosis);
  3. model the desired oval;
  4. get rid of dermatological problems;
  5. get a general strengthening effect.

As a result, the skin becomes clean and elastic. The integument becomes stronger and reaches tone. The tissues are tightened and excess volume disappears. Age-related changes are minimized.

Honey massage is useful for those with dry, normal skin. The procedure is indicated for:

  1. dull color of the integument, peeling;
  2. pigment spots, traces of scars, scars, acne;
  3. the need to reduce the volume of body fat;
  4. desire to reduce age-related manifestations.

Note! Massage is acceptable at any age. The procedure will reveal beneficial qualities, solving existing problems and preventing the appearance of others.

Execution Rules


Honey massage is not carried out in continuous series. The optimal option for the course: 2–3 sessions per week. It is acceptable to massage your face every other day. The session lasts 10–15 minutes (at the beginning of the course 5–6 minutes). To achieve the effect, 10–20 procedures will be required.

Before starting exposure, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test to the mixture used. It is necessary to carefully assess your health and take into account possible contraindications.

Massage movements are fast. Stopping your fingers on the skin causes them to stick. This negatively affects the condition of the integument. The mass quickly thickens and changes color. The process is associated with filling honey with toxins and waste products.

Honey massage is recommended in the evening. The composition will have a relaxing, slight hypnotic effect, and will calm the psyche disturbed by the worries of the day. The result of the session may be redness of the integument (vasodilation, exfoliation, mechanical action).

Rubbing honey over the skin helps the substance roll off. It is not advisable to rub lumps into the skin. The speed of the process depends on the condition of the integument and the quality of the product used. It is recommended to choose honey carefully, taking into account the generally known rules.

Honey selection

A high-quality product combined with proper massage is the key to a successful result. Basic requirements for honey: freshness, natural composition. Only use liquid product. Thick, candied, heated in a steam bath are not suitable.

Honey from honeycombs is ideal. Any variety can be used. Buckwheat is a priority. Massage is carried out with a pure product or a mixture is prepared. Honey can be supplemented with vitamins A, E, and essential oils. Select options that are optimal for solving the tasks.

The intensity of the impact of the chosen technique leaves an imprint on the formation of the correct honey mixture. It is allowed to combine the product with a base oil. Methods with deep elaboration exclude the use of honey. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with whether the product can be used by studying in detail the technique of exposure.

Preparing for the session


Cleansing the integument is a basic requirement for a session. Remove makeup completely and wash with a mild detergent. To improve the effect, it is advisable to steam the skin a little. A previously taken hot bath or shower is sufficient. Additional use of cream and oil is excluded.

The session requires preparation of the working mixture. The container is filled with 1-2 tbsp. l. honey (add other ingredients). The container with the mixture is heated in a water bath to a comfortable body temperature.. A cold composition will become less effective, a hot one can injure.

To carry out basic actions, they occupy a comfortable position. It is advisable to conduct the session sitting in front of a mirror. You need to relax, but continue to maintain your posture.

Instructions for implementation

Having passed the preparatory stage, they begin active actions:

  1. Apply a preheated honey composition in an even thick layer. The entire surface is involved, excluding the delicate areas of the eyes and lips. The mixture is left for 3-5 minutes to absorb. Dry skin instantly absorbs the substance. In other cases, the composition is absorbed unevenly. Problem areas (inflammation) retain large drops.
  2. After absorbing the honey, start working with your fingers. Perform gentle patting with pads. Movements are directed from bottom to top. The process warms up, prepares the integument and muscles. The manipulations are light and energetic.
  3. The prepared skin begins to be processed along massage lines. The movements are upward. Start from the middle of the chin and move towards the earlobes. Similar movements are made from the corners of the mouth, the middle of the upper lip, and the wings of the nose. They work on the nose and forehead. Perform smooth stroking and jerky tapping with fingers. Lastly, they start with the eyelids. Apply light pats clockwise, making a circle.
  4. Problem areas are treated more thoroughly. It is permissible to linger longer and make a more noticeable effort. The massage should be completed when the honey is rolled into lumps.
  5. The treated surface is rinsed with warm water. To facilitate the process, apply a towel (napkin) moistened with warm water to the skin. This will ensure the most delicate process.
  6. Cleansed skin can be rinsed with cool water. The skin is treated with cream (light cosmetic oil). To enhance the rejuvenation effect, use a lifting agent.


Important point! It is advisable to rest after the massage. The reddened skin reaches normal gradually. It is recommended to avoid going outside (1–2 hours).

To learn how to do a massage correctly, it is recommended to watch the video tutorials.

Consolidate the effect

The results of the session are noticeable 1-2 hours after exposure. The skin becomes smoother, more even, and fresher. The effect lasts 1–2 days. The accumulation of beneficial effects occurs gradually. After 5–10 sessions, you will be able to discern the lifting effect. To solve complex problems, 15–20 sessions will be required.

Proper daily care of the integument helps to consolidate the effect. It is necessary to regularly cleanse the skin and use suitable cosmetics. A healthy lifestyle, the absence of bad habits, stress, and healthy sleep will enhance your achievements.

Photos before and after



Cost of a session in the salon

For manipulations at home, it is enough to buy honey and master the massage technique. In the salon, a master will professionally handle the procedure. Finding a service is not difficult. Many establishments offer honey effects. The average price depends on the prestige of the salon and the artist. The amount varies between 500–2500 rubles.

Precautionary measures

An obvious danger of honey procedures is the possibility of an allergic reaction of the body. Redness, rash, swelling are the most common side effects. Exposure is excluded in case of allergies. Before the session, a sensitivity test to the product is required.

You should refuse honey massage if:

  1. disorders of the endocrine system (especially diabetes mellitus);
  2. open damage to the integument;
  3. diseases of inflammatory, viral nature;
  4. exacerbation of herpes;
  5. allergic diseases (asthma);
  6. having sensitive skin.

Failure to comply with contraindications leads to complications in the current illness and increases the risk of allergic reactions.

The uses of honey in cosmetics are extensive. Massage using the product is a common option. To get the maximum effect from the session, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the procedure in advance.

Useful videos

Technique and procedure for performing honey facial massage in the salon.

Honey is a concentration of beneficial microelements. The beneficial effect on the skin is due to its composition: magnesium, fructose, vitamins, calcium. The combination of honey and massage ensures deep absorption and an almost instant effect. Honey facial massage is not only useful, but also pleasant. It can be done at home. Many beauty salons offer this procedure, as it allows you to solve the most common skin problems. Before the session, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and technique.

How does facial massage with honey work?


During the massage, blood circulation improves. The skin absorbs all the beneficial components better, and therefore the procedure in question is more effective than simple honey-based masks. The following effects of this healing massage can be noted:

  1. Moisture is retained inside the epidermis, and therefore the skin becomes hydrated.
  2. The initial signs of aging disappear.
  3. The keratinized particles are exfoliated, and the face whitens.
  4. The skin is tightened and nourished.

Under the influence of massage, all active components are quickly absorbed, which gives the skin tone and rejuvenation.

There are points on the face that affect the entire body, so massage with honey has a general strengthening effect:

  1. blood circulation is normalized,
  2. restoration processes are activated.


The procedure is indicated for the following problems:

  1. Dull skin color.
  2. Dry skin.
  3. Peeling.
  4. Ptosis (sagging) of the skin.
  5. Dark spots.
  6. Scars and small scars.
  7. Pimple marks.
  8. Bruises under the eyes.
  9. Pimples and acne.

Honey can also be used for normal skin. It is indispensable for providing adequate nutrition and hydration. Prevents signs of aging.

How to do the right honey massage at home?

The basis of an effective massage is high-quality honey and the correct technique. Movements should be made along massage lines. Before the session, you need to prepare the skin for subsequent exposure.

How to choose honey for cosmetic purposes?

The product must be fresh, without artificial additives. It is recommended to choose honey with liquid or medium consistency. Carrying out the procedure with a candied or overly thick product will not be very convenient. Sugar particles can damage delicate skin. It is advisable to take honey directly from the honeycomb. It will provide the greatest effect. However, not everyone has this opportunity. If you purchase the product in a store, it is advisable to choose the buckwheat variety. It is considered the most valuable from a cosmetological point of view.

During the massage, you can use both pure honey and a product with the addition of vitamins A and E and essential oils. It is preferable to choose grape seed or avocado oil. They enhance the effects of honey and also have a rejuvenating effect.

For one session you will need 1-2 tablespoons of the product. It is preheated in a water bath. The temperature should be pleasant to the skin. In addition, all the beneficial properties of the product are enhanced when warm (not hot).


An anti-wrinkle facial massager provides effective skin lifting. But, you need to purchase a quality massage device.
Information about an equally effective procedure - Japanese rejuvenating facial massage is here. You need to carefully study the scheme and technique, and you can begin rejuvenation at home.



First you need to prepare your skin for exposure. To do this, it is cleaned. First you need to wash your face with warm water, and then treat the surface with tonic or micellar water. If desired, you can steam the skin. In this case, the pores are opened, which ensures improved absorption. To warm up the skin, you can also lightly tap the skin with your fingertips. In the future you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Honey is evenly distributed over all surfaces of the face, avoiding areas near the eyes.
  2. Five minutes later, after part of the product has been absorbed, the fingertips begin to move from the forehead to the temples, from the tip of the nose to the earlobes, from the base of the nose to its tip. Then you need to move from the corners of the lips to the earlobes, from the upper lip to the beginning of the ear, from the middle of the chin to the ears.
  3. After a few minutes, your fingertips will begin to stick to the surface. Pellets are formed that need to be removed.
  4. The product should be washed off with warm water.
  5. It is advisable to apply a warm and damp towel to your face. This will ensure the pores gradually close.
  6. Apply cosmetic oil or nourishing cream.
  7. If a rejuvenating effect is expected, you can use a lifting cream after the procedure.

It is recommended to massage your face in this way every other day. For a pronounced effect, 10-15 sessions are enough. The skin should get used to the new effect gradually, so the time of the first procedure is reduced to 5-6 minutes. Then the duration gradually increases.


The main contraindication of honey is allergic reactions. After using this product, many people experience redness and rashes. Before the session, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the product to the inner surface of the wrist for 10-15 minutes. If no negative effects are observed, you can use honey for facial massage. The procedure is also contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  2. Open wounds, abrasions.
  3. Inflammatory processes of an acute nature.
  4. Herpes.
  5. Increased skin sensitivity.
  6. Asthma.
  7. Diabetes.

In all of these cases, the session can be harmful.

Watch the technique of honey massage in this video:

Since ancient times, honey has been used for cosmetic purposes. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin and provides a rejuvenating effect. In order for the massage to be effective, you need to choose the right product, become familiar with the technique, and make all the movements along the massage lines. Before the procedure, a test for allergic reactions is carried out. If everything is done correctly, the skin will “thank you” with freshness and firmness. For the greatest effect, you need to complete a full course of massage sessions.

You can find more information on this topic in the section Facial massage.

Every beauty dreams of velvety, smooth, delicate skin. A woman’s eternal desire to own the main secrets of youth and beauty will certainly lead to an acquaintance with the technique of honey facial massage.

Today we can easily perform this cosmetic procedure, which will restore, tighten, give the face a fresh and healthy look, make the skin soft and velvety, and also return a delicate glow. Is it possible to find a simpler and more affordable way to restore normal tissue function?

Let's take a closer look at the principle of honey massage.

Features of massage using honey

The main goal of honey massage is a thorough and deep cleansing of contaminated pores on the skin and improving blood and lymph flow.

There are many types of massage:

Japanese, acupressure, lymphatic drainage, decongestant, vacuum and anti-aging massage. But the honey massage procedure has one significant technical feature, thanks to which the effectiveness of the massage increases several times. The secret of the procedure lies in careful and gentle pressure and then releasing. The use of honey composition causes the effect of sticking of fingers and their sharp separation from the dermis, which helps to create a vacuum that successfully pulls out sebaceous plugs from the skin.

Honey that remains on your hands after a massage session will turn into a whitish sticky mass, which then needs to be washed off with moderately hot water. After the procedure, the face does not need to be cleaned; after a while it will dry on its own, without leaving any sticky residue. Thanks to this, the skin will return freshness, elasticity and healthy color.

  1. for diseases of the respiratory system, you need to pay attention to the cheeks and cheekbones;
  2. in case of malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, massage of the temples and forehead area should be performed;
  3. for diseases of the genitourinary system, the chin area;
  4. for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is necessary to knead the tip of the nose.

The best time for a massage is in the morning, immediately after sleep. The recommended course is 10-15 sessions every other day. This massage restores the skin's sensitivity to temperature changes and light. After a massage with honey mixtures, clogged pores are released and the sun's rays reach the deep layers, helping the production of vitamin D.

A massage session with honey allows you to remove dead cells from the surface of the dermis. The whitish coating left on the hands after the procedure removes dead cells, allowing free access of oxygen to younger cells.

The process of cosmetic care will be much more productive thanks to the use of proven massage techniques and proven cosmetology products to clean the epidermis. This will significantly save time spent preparing for the procedure at home.

Indications for a honey massage session

Honey can be a real source of youth, beauty and health for your face. It is its use that helps achieve specific goals in perfect skin: soft, clean, elastic, and, most importantly, healthy. In addition to its undoubted cosmetic benefits, honey also has a positive effect on the nervous system and provides a relaxing, calming effect.

It's time to consider in what cases you can do a honey massage:

  1. with dull, unhealthy, pale skin color;
  2. dryness, thinning and peeling of the epidermis;
  3. for bruises under the eyes and slight swelling of the skin;
  4. with a network of small facial wrinkles;
  5. flabbiness and fatigue of the dermis, decreased clarity of the oval of the face;
  6. oily skin prone to inflammation;
  7. for oily shine, comedones and small rashes on the face.

Contraindications for honey massage

Before using a massage with honey mixtures, be sure to pay attention to a number of contraindications in which you should refuse the session:

  1. presence of damage, wounds or scratches;
  2. deep inflammatory processes in tissues;
  3. different types of asthma;
  4. problems with the body's endocrine system;
  5. allergic reaction to honey and its derivatives;
  6. diabetes;
  7. tendency to hematomas.

If you decide to do a facial massage at home, the first step towards your intended goal will be the correct selection of honey.

It is worth noting that this process should be approached with knowledge and care.

Thin and sensitive dermis will respond better to a product with a light shade and subtle aroma (for example, linden, acacia or flower honey), and for oily skin it is worth looking for dark honey with a slight bitterness (buckwheat, mountain, heather).

The main thing is to remember that honey must be natural, of high quality, without artificial additives and as fresh as possible.

Experts often recommend using buckwheat honey. If you only have old candied honey, we recommend slightly heating it in a water bath.

How to do a honey facial massage?

Honey massage technique

To create a relaxing atmosphere for a professional beauty session, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Cleanse your skin of makeup, sebum, dust and other impurities using micellar water, toner or lotion. Choose quality lotions with natural herbal ingredients.
  2. Apply honey to the dermis in a thin, even layer and leave for 8-10 minutes to activate the antibacterial and cleansing properties of honey. Poorly absorbed honey gives us a sign to work more seriously with these places, as they are the most contaminated.
  3. Next, we begin the massage: with your fingertips you need to make leisurely, light, drumming movements. Start manipulations from the forehead, gradually moving down to the chin. After a few minutes, start gently patting your face with your palms. During these actions, your hands will stick to the frozen honey mass, and each time, with effort, tearing them off the surface of your face, you will remove all accumulated toxins and impurities to the surface of the skin;
  4. Wash off the remaining honey mixture using a soft sponge and water. The used honey mass will be brown due to the accumulated skin secretions in it.
  5. Soothe the epidermis with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

How often can you have a honey massage? After such a massage, you should not expect an immediate effect, because this procedure requires regularity. Repeat the massage 10-15 times with an interval of 1-2 days, or conduct sessions a couple of times a week, lasting no more than a quarter of an hour.

If you are not sure that you are able to do a honey facial massage on your own, we recommend that you contact professionals in a beauty salon.

It is worth noting that after 3-4 sessions positive changes will become noticeable: the skin will become softer, velvety and toned.

Be sure to pay attention to recipes for honey mixtures for facial massage, which, due to their high content of nutrients, will help speed up the renewal and rejuvenation of the dermis.

To more thoroughly cleanse dull, oily skin, mix buckwheat honey with a tablespoon of lemon juice. This honey-lemon massage will thoroughly refresh the skin, draw out impurities from the pores, and a pleasant lemon aroma will improve your mood.

Various essential oils are great for making massage mixtures with honey. Classic proportion: 5 drops of oil per teaspoon of bee product.

Mixture to make a honey facial massage for wrinkles:

  1. 3 teaspoons linden or acacia liquid honey;
  2. 10 drops of rose oil;
  3. 5 drops of lemon oil.

Massage mixture for puffy and tired skin:

  1. 3 teaspoons of flower honey;
  2. 5 drops of lavender oil;
  3. 5 drops of patchouli oil;
  4. 5 drops of rose oil.

Mixture for massage of problematic skin type:

  1. 3 spoons of buckwheat honey;
  2. 5 drops of tea tree oil;
  3. 5 drops of sage oil;
  4. 5 drops of geranium oil.

Recipes for honey compositions with a lot of oils are also good. To massage the oval of the face, three teaspoons of honey are enough. The following honey-butter recipes are the most popular.

  1. Honey, cosmetic oils of lemon (3 drops), sage (5 drops), lavender (2 drops) and mint (5 drops).
  2. Fresh flower honey, cedar oil (5 drops), lemon oil (5 drops) and tangerine oil (5 drops).
  3. Liquid honey, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 3 drops of lavender, 5 drops each of geranium and lemon oil.
  4. Peppermint oil (5 drops), lemon (5 drops), lavender (5 drops), fresh honey.

After a course of massage with honey, the tone of the dermis will increase, the color and texture of the surface of the face will improve. Wrinkles and minor imperfections will no longer bother you, and the oval of your face will return to its previous contours.