Vegetable oil for wrinkles reviews

Good afternoon. I read on the forum that you can use oils to get rid of wrinkles under your eyes. I'm 23, I have small wrinkles around my eyes. So the question is - which oils to buy and in what proportion to dilute them so as NOT TO HARM! Just as clearly and in detail as possible, please. Thank you very much in advance)! experts

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heh. You won’t get rid of wrinkles anymore! You can't even dream! You can simply support your skin by applying oil to it. From time to time I smear the skin under my eyes with extra virgin olive oil. Before this I bought creams, even expensive ones. But they only made things worse.

Olive is not suitable for under the eyes - it’s too heavy. Better than wheat germ, it has a lot of vitamin E. In general, go to the aromatherapy forums, everything is described in detail there.

Or you can just use vitamin E, it even feels pleasant, that’s what I do.

Vitamin E - pharmacy option. nothing to do with nature.

4, Do you think there is no point in using it for cosmetic purposes?

I apply Aevit not only under my eyes, but also my entire face, my skin is dry. The result is superb, the skin really glows.

Related topics

5,The natural option is always better. There is a lot of bad talk about synthetic vitamins. buy wheat oil, smear it on your face and take a teaspoon orally in the morning. that's it!

Off topic, of course, but green tea really helps me with bags under my eyes, if you lie with the lotions for 10 minutes, it looks so fresh!

at 23 it’s not wrinkles, it’s a lack of water. drink more and buy a simple uvl cream. + oils, if needed.

here some recipe was given to a good girl of 23 years old too. can anyone remember?

I think they wrote on another forum that you should apply castor oil under your eyes to remove wrinkles. And jojoba oil is also good for the face.

here some girl wrote, they say, a spoon of jojoba or shea + a spoon of something like cocoa (butter) + 1-2 drops of essential oils = and at 26 she no longer has wrinkles (at 23 she had them, now they’re gone))) but I don’t have the proportions I remember exactly)

Don’t worry, take Miokin for your eyes as if you erased it with an eraser. Oils are good on thicker skin, but here a different approach is needed. I use myokin for the eyes, grape seed oil for the face, cedar oil for the inside, burdock for the hair, apricot oil for the nails. In 3 months, real changes came in everything; I only looked like this when I was 20 years old.

Crow's Eye, how old are you? Can be more?? Is Myokin Vichy a skin cream for the eyes? But he has a lift? This means it is not suitable for young skin. How about grape seed oil on your face? - How is that? Do you apply oil instead of cream? I also make masks and burdock oil for my hair..

Myokin is still without lifting, it’s for 25-30 year olds, but there are all sorts of novadiols. I’m 32. And apply grape seed oil to a damp face at night. Oils are a bit heavy for the eyelids. And in the morning (if you have to go to work before lunch), You can apply the oil at eight o'clock, and by 10-11 it's already makeup, it fits well and doesn't crease. In general, after oils, creams seem like just a chemical mass that has nothing to do with the skin.

For wrinkles - orange oil. Only a little differently it will burn very strongly. You can add it to eye cream.

Can you give me some advice on this topic for those who are over 30 - you want to look good at any age.

Crow's Eye, please tell me how you take cedar oil internally? Or would regular 100% cedar oil, sold in pharmacies, work?

Victoria, today I bought sweet orange essential oil... what should I do with it now? how to apply? exactly how much? and will it really help with wrinkles, I bought it at a regular pharmacy, scary to say for 23 rubles (((

author, now you need to buy a base oil (jojoba or others) and drop an orange into it.

heh. You won’t get rid of wrinkles anymore! You can't even dream! You can simply support your skin by applying oil to it. From time to time I smear the skin under my eyes with extra virgin olive oil. Before this I bought creams, even expensive ones. But they only made things worse.

Olive is not suitable for under the eyes - it’s too heavy. Better than wheat germ, it has a lot of vitamin E. In general, go to the aromatherapy forums, everything is described in detail there.

Or you can just use vitamin E, it even feels pleasant, that’s what I do.

Vitamin E - pharmacy option. nothing to do with nature.

4, Do you think there is no point in using it for cosmetic purposes?

I apply Aevit not only under my eyes, but also my entire face, my skin is dry. The result is superb, the skin really glows.

5,The natural option is always better. There is a lot of bad talk about synthetic vitamins. buy wheat oil, smear it on your face and take a teaspoon orally in the morning. that's it!

Off topic, of course, but green tea really helps me with bags under my eyes, if you lie with the lotions for 10 minutes, it looks so fresh!

at 23 it’s not wrinkles, it’s a lack of water. drink more and buy a simple uvl cream. + oils, if needed.

here some recipe was given to a good girl of 23 years old too. can anyone remember?

I think they wrote on another forum that you should apply castor oil under your eyes to remove wrinkles. And jojoba oil is also good for the face.

here some girl wrote, they say, a spoon of jojoba or shea + a spoon of something like cocoa (butter) + 1-2 drops of essential oils = and at 26 she no longer has wrinkles (at 23 she had them, now they’re gone))) but I don’t have the proportions I remember exactly)

Don’t worry, take Miokin for your eyes as if you erased it with an eraser. Oils are good on thicker skin, but here a different approach is needed. I use myokin for the eyes, grape seed oil for the face, cedar oil for the inside, burdock for the hair, apricot oil for the nails. In 3 months, real changes came in everything; I only looked like this when I was 20 years old.

Crow's Eye, how old are you? Can be more?? Is Myokin Vichy a skin cream for the eyes? But he has a lift? This means it is not suitable for young skin. How about grape seed oil on your face? - How is that? Do you apply oil instead of cream? I also make masks and burdock oil for my hair..

Myokin is still without lifting, it’s for 25-30 year olds, but there are all sorts of novadiols. I’m 32. And apply grape seed oil to a damp face at night. Oils are a bit heavy for the eyelids. And in the morning (if you have to go to work before lunch), You can apply the oil at eight o'clock, and by 10-11 it's already makeup, it fits well and doesn't crease. In general, after oils, creams seem like just a chemical mass that has nothing to do with the skin.

For wrinkles - orange oil. Only a little differently it will burn very strongly. You can add it to eye cream.

Can you give me some advice on this topic for those who are over 30 - you want to look good at any age.


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A product such as sunflower oil is available in any kitchen. It is widely used in cooking for seasoning and cooking. But not everyone knows that you can use sunflower oil for wrinkles. This simple and accessible remedy allows you to maintain the beauty and youth of your face.


Sunflower seeds are used to obtain oil. The beautiful, bright yellow flowers of this plant are very familiar to everyone, and the oil from this raw material can be bought in any store.


There are several varieties of the product. In greatest demand refined product, its production uses multi-level purification, due to which residues of pesticides and heavy metals are removed from the oil. But with such cleaning, not only harmful, but almost all beneficial substances are removed from the oil. Therefore, both the nutritional and cosmetic value of the refined product is low.

In the production of unrefined product Only one cleaning method is used - mechanical filtration. Therefore, all beneficial substances are completely preserved in the product. This oil has a pronounced aroma and a peculiar tart taste, which not everyone likes. But this particular type of oil is beneficial both for the body as a whole and for the skin of the face.

Unrefined oil is produced in two ways. The most natural product is obtained when cold pressed. This oil has a dark tint, a pronounced aroma, and there may be sediment at the bottom of the bottle. The main disadvantage of this oil option is its short shelf life. The product does not tolerate exposure to sunlight well, so it is advisable to store it in dark glass bottles.

Unrefined oil is obtained from sunflower seeds and using the method hot pressing. This oil contains less vitamins, but it has a longer shelf life. The oil differs in color, it has a light yellow tint, a pronounced characteristic smell and taste, the presence of sediment at the bottom of the dish is acceptable.

The composition of the unrefined product is rich and varied. The main components of oil are fatty acids. The oil contains the following types of acids in large quantities:

  1. palmitic;
  2. stearic;
  3. oleic;
  4. peanut;
  5. linoleic;
  6. linolenic

These substances actively nourish cells, help retain moisture, smooth and heal the epidermis.


Sunflower seed oil contains vitamins in large quantities. So, In terms of the content of the “vitamin of youth” - tocopherol, this product is even ahead of olive oil.

In addition, unrefined sunflower seed oil contains B vitamins, carotenoids and lecithin. The product contains a lot of valuable elements, including selenium, calcium, iron, zinc. Each of these components is important for maintaining healthy skin, and together they help eliminate many cosmetic problems.


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How does it work?

Using sunflower seed oil helps:

  1. increase blood flow to the skin, which improves cell nutrition;
  2. saturate cells with moisture, smooth out surface wrinkles;
  3. cleanse pores, eliminate acne;
  4. protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  5. soften dry skin, eliminate flaking;
  6. restore metabolic processes;
  7. will increase elasticity;
  8. speed up the healing of damage.


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Who is it suitable for?

From the above, we can conclude that sunflower seed oil is a universal product; it can be recommended for cosmetic facial care at any age. Young girls can use the oil to fight acne, as it helps cleanse pores and eliminate inflammation. Cosmetologists recommend that adult ladies use sunflower oil against wrinkles on the face.


The oil can be used at any time of the year; it effectively protects against the drying effects of frost and ultraviolet radiation. The product is quite greasy, but has a light structure and is well absorbed; it can be used to eliminate wrinkles in any area of ​​the face, including under the eyes.

Important Rules

The benefits of sunflower seed oil are obvious. But to achieve a good result, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Choose an unrefined product, preferably cold-pressed. As a last resort, you can take unrefined oil obtained by hot method, but using refined oil is practically useless. It will, of course, soften and moisturize the skin, but it contains much less vitamins.
  2. Before mixing the oil base with other ingredients, it is recommended to warm it up slightly. But you cannot heat the product to a temperature above forty degrees, otherwise the vitamins will begin to be destroyed.
  3. Ready-made formulations can only be applied to a well-prepared face. If you don't cleanse your skin well, an oil mask will do harm rather than good. Therefore, you need to remove all makeup, wash your face or wipe your face with lotion and make a hot compress. You can apply the composition after taking a hot bath; after this procedure, the pores open, and beneficial substances can act not only on the surface, but also penetrate deep into the tissues.


  1. Do not try to keep the composition on your face for too long; the maximum exposure time is half an hour.
  2. It is recommended to remove oily compounds with warm water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. It is advisable not to use soap.
  3. Procedures need to be carried out weekly, but if a specific problem is being solved (acne, wrinkles), then you can increase the frequency of procedures and perform them every other day.
  4. It is recommended to do the procedures in a course. The maximum number of masks in a course is 10-12 pieces, then you need to take a break for at least two months.


In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Precautionary measures

Almost everyone can use sunflower oil for cosmetic care. The only contraindication is individual intolerance, which is extremely rare. It’s better not to risk it and do a test before first use to check your skin’s reaction.

How to use?

There are many ways to use sunflower seed oil. So, it can replace makeup remover milk, since the product dissolves cosmetics perfectly. In addition, you can use it to prepare homemade cosmetic products and use it for compresses and massages.

Instead of cream

Sunflower oil contains almost all the substances that are necessary to nourish and soften the epidermis. That's why try replacing your night cream sometimes this product. After the procedure, the skin will become fresher and more elastic. And with regular use it will become resistant to external influences (frost, wind, sun, etc.).

Simply apply slightly warmed oil to your skin. You can combine the procedure with a light massage, lightly tapping your fingertips on the surface of your face. After about twenty minutes you need to remove the residue with a napkin.

In the summer you can cook this anti-aging composition:

  1. finely chop half a medium onion;
  2. pick five large dandelion flowers and cut them smaller;
  3. mix onions with chopped inflorescences, pour 100 ml of sunflower seed oil over them;
  4. heat over low heat for about half an hour, then leave for 12 hours and strain;
  5. Use the resulting infusion as described above.


Cosmetologists recommend using sunflower oil for wrinkles around the eyes, compresses will be especially effective. To carry out the procedure, you need to soak gauze pads in warm oil and apply them to the problem area for half an hour. Then remove the gauze and blot the skin with dry wipes.

Such a compress can be made for the entire face; to do this, you will need to prepare a fabric mask in advance by cutting holes for the lips and eyes on a piece of cotton fabric or gauze. After the procedure, it is recommended to do a contrast wash; this stimulates blood circulation, which promotes better absorption of the beneficial substances contained in the oil.


This procedure is very useful, it helps improve blood circulation, nourishes cells with useful substances, increases skin elasticity. For massage, it is recommended to use a regular tablespoon.

Place the spoon in a bowl of hot water to warm it up. Separately, heat some oil. Now dip the spoon into the oil and begin to massage, moving the convex side of the cutlery in the direction of the massage lines. The pressure should not be strong, but noticeable. After completing the procedure, you need to give the oil time to absorb (15 minutes), and then remove the excess with a napkin.

Several mask recipes

Using affordable products that can be easily purchased at a supermarket or pharmacy, you can keep your face fresh for a long time.

With quail egg

This composition is recommended for tired skin covered with fine wrinkles.


Beat one quail egg and mix it with two tablespoons of any fermented milk product without additives. You can take kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt. Then pour a tablespoon of oil into the mixture and thicken the composition with starch until you obtain a mass that resembles cream in thickness. Apply for twenty minutes.

With kelp

This recipe is recommended for women aged 40+; it perfectly rejuvenates, restores smoothness and elasticity. To prepare, you need to purchase kelp powder and aloe extract in ampoules at the pharmacy.

Take a spoonful of kelp powder (if you were able to buy dry seaweed or kelp in tablets, you must first grind them in a coffee grinder to flour) and pour cold brewed green tea or cold chamomile infusion. The liquid must be added little by little to form a semi-liquid slurry. Then you need to let the mixture sit for about an hour. Pour the contents of one ampoule of aloe extract and a dessert spoon of sunflower seed oil into the infused kelp. Stir and apply for half an hour.

With aspirin and white charcoal

This version of the composition is used to cleanse pores and rejuvenate. You need to take five tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and white coal, and crush them to a powder. Separately, grate the fresh cucumber on the finest grater. Combine a tablespoon of the cucumber mass with the powder from the tablets, pour in a dessert spoon of oil. Apply the composition for twenty minutes.

Oatmeal with strawberries

This composition moisturizes well and gives the face a fresh and healthy color. You will need several strawberries; mash them with a fork until pureed and mix with a tablespoon of butter. Add oatmeal to the mixture in such an amount that the composition can be applied to the skin in a thick layer. Keep this composition for twenty minutes.

Banana with ginger

This composition effectively eliminates wrinkles and fights the appearance of age-related pigmentation. For cooking you will need about half a ripe banana. The fruit must be ground to obtain a puree and mixed with a dessert spoon of unrefined sunflower seed oil. Then add a pinch of dry ground almonds (sold in the spice department). Apply for twenty minutes.

With cosmetic clay

This composition is perfect for aging skin with enlarged pores.


The basis of the composition is cosmetic clay. It is recommended to use green or pink. Dilute a full tablespoon of clay with a small amount of cold water. Add a teaspoon of unrefined oil and five drops of rosemary ether into the thick mass. Apply for a quarter of an hour.


Heat 10 grams of honey with the same amount of sunflower oil. Let the mixture cool slightly and add fresh egg yolk. Apply with acid for twenty minutes.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Sunflower seed oil can take its rightful place in the arsenal of home remedies. It helps get rid of acne, cleanses pores, and fights superficial wrinkles. Of course, you shouldn’t count on the fact that the oil can give the same pronounced effect as salon treatments, but with regular use, it will allow keep skin youthful.

Women's opinion

By using sunflower seed oil as a cosmetic product, you can achieve good results. Feedback from women speaks to this.

I have wrinkles under my eyes and around my lips. Unfortunately, I cannot afford expensive procedures in a beauty salon, and I cannot afford expensive cosmetics. But I decided to fight age-related changes with available means, namely, the use of sunflower oil. I regularly make masks and compresses, and am quite pleased with the results!

In the village where my parents live, a small enterprise has opened to produce natural sunflower oil. Knowing the benefits of this product, I bought the oil. But I couldn’t eat it. For me, its taste and smell seemed too strong. So that the oil would not be wasted, I decided to use it instead of cream. And I was right. The oil perfectly nourishes and smoothes out wrinkles well. I smear it not only on my face, the oil perfectly softens my hands, and after using this product my heels became smooth and pink.



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Wednesday, February 03, 2016 07:26 + to quote book

Hello, dear readers! I suggest you audit your cosmetics cabinet today. Let's check the expiration date and throw away old creams and lotions. I’m sure there will be a couple or three jars left, purchased recently, but sent to the trash bin because the contents did not live up to expectations. I hear the cries of skeptics: essential oil for wrinkles is a Stone Age product, grandma’s cosmetics. Grandmothers are different from grandmothers.

  1. 1 Let's take an example from the best
  2. 2 How small ethers work
  3. 3 Anti-wrinkle oil - top 10 essential oils
  4. 4 A few safety rules
  5. 5 How to prepare a mask
  6. 6 Best Foundations for Anti-Wrinkle Masks
  7. 7 Feel like a goddess

Let's take an example from the best

Queen Nefertiti, the beautiful Cleopatra and Thais of Athens preserved their beauty using ointments based on natural esters. The seductress's hair and face were anointed to give them a fragrance, but over time they noticed and appreciated the cosmetic properties of Lebanese cedar, lily, dill, and basil. This knowledge was kept secret and was accessible only to priests and royalty.

Today, aromatherapy products are available and sold in any pharmacy. The method of obtaining has changed little since ancient times. Plant materials (flowers, roots, leaves) are moistened, heated, volatile vapors are captured and condensed. The result is a concentrate, a fragrant extract, an absolutely natural product. A drop of this active substance absorbs the beneficial power of the plant and is able to defeat even deep wrinkles.

How do small ethers work?

Essential substances, in addition to smelling pleasant, have excellent softening and smoothing properties. Vitamins (E, A, D), microelements (selenium, iron, retinol...), which are part of them, improve metabolic processes and activate blood circulation. Deep skin layers receive more oxygen, a fresh blush appears, and swelling subsides.
The aging process is accompanied by the production of oxidation products - free radicals. As soon as they become abundant, goodbye youth. Esters are powerful antioxidants; they suppress the activity of free radicals and prevent the formation of new ones.

Anti-wrinkle oil - top 10 essential oils

  1. Rose.The goddesses of ancient Greece took baths from rose petals. This magical plant effectively fights early fine rays and deep age wrinkles. The face will be grateful if you prepare it for bed or refresh it in the morning with rose water. Add a drop of ether to your lotion or tonic and your skin firming product is ready.
  2. Patchouli.It grows in the countries of Southeast Asia. This is a plant with a rich history. During the time of Napoleon, thin Kashmiri shawls became fashionable at court. Brought from overseas countries, they retained the aroma of patchouli, which manufacturers used to cover them in order to protect them from moths. This is how the smell of patchouli became fashionable. Perfumers still use patchouli to this day to add a spicy oriental note to fragrances. Creams with patchouli extracts are effective for mature skin of any type (dry and oily), have a lifting effect, and give the face a fresh, healthy look.
  3. Vetiver.If you want to maintain firm breasts, add a few drops of vetiver, ylang-ylang and mandarin to your favorite lotion. Vetiver is an aphrodisiac and has a subtle sensual scent. A satin neckline combined with a stimulating aroma is the best means of seduction.
  4. Nerol.A plant with a wide range of cosmetic effects. Nerol, among other advantages, perfectly helps with stretch marks (striae) and ruptures of small vessels (rosacea).
  5. Palmarosa.Cosmetics with palmarosa extracts make the face smooth and matte. Against the background of the subtle aroma of this plant, the sour odors of the epidermis, which appear with age-related metabolic disorders, become unnoticeable.
  6. Frankincense and sandalwood.Thanks to the action of these ancient cosmetics, the sluggish contours of the face and neck become clear. Allergic dermatitis and eczema go away. The look becomes more expressive because wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out and the eyelids are tightened.
  7. Lavender.Works well on aging, irritated, oily skin. Relieves redness and peeling. A powerful antioxidant, activates the growth of new cells and promotes the healing of microcracks.
  8. Chamomile.Our old pharmacy friend is no less effective than her exotic compatriots. Inflammation, allergic rashes, peeling, dryness - this is an incomplete list of problems that chamomile can cope with. Thin skin prone to wrinkles cannot do without the help of this miraculous plant.
  9. Geranium.Another famous flower with little-known properties. An excellent blood circulation activator, it will add a healthy glow to cheeks dulled by lack of oxygen. Those suffering from age spots can correct the situation; geranium whitens perfectly.
  10. Carrot oil.Rich in beta-carotene, vitamins B, C, D, it is a healer for dry, cracked skin.

A few safety rules

  1. Do not apply essential extracts directly to the skin. They should only be used as part of creams or masks. In case of contact with mucous membranes, immediately rinse them with water.
  2. Consider the characteristics of the smell. Before going out in public, so as not to think that you have sprayed yourself with air flavoring, it is better not to use pine substances. Bright scents should suit your image and not mix with the smell of perfume.
  3. Check to see if you have an allergic reaction to a particular product. To do this, try each on a small area of ​​skin every day.

How to prepare a mask

Add esters and vitamins in oil form drop by drop into a base of natural vegetable oil heated to 35-40 degrees. You can also add honey, sour cream, cream. Apply the resulting mixture to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

The Best Foundations for Anti-Wrinkle Masks

Unlike esters, vegetable oils can be used as an independent cosmetic product, especially for the care of delicate dry skin around the eyes. They contain youth vitamins A and E, are rich in fatty acids, retain moisture in the skin, mixing with esters, enhancing their beneficial properties.

As part of the mask, oil performs a preparatory function and acts as a vehicle. The softened and moisturized surface layer of the epidermis begins, like a sponge, to absorb microelements, and the oil delivers them to deeper layers. For greater effect, the base should be heated (in a spoon or by lowering the bottle into hot water).

  1. Wheat germ oil. Leader in vitamin content. It contains a whole complex of them: E, A, D, B, as well as zinc, iron, selenium and other microelements. Effective antioxidant and antitoxin.
  2. Castor oil. We remember well from childhood that Aibolit treated animals for her. And few people know that this product has no price in cosmetology. In its pure form, castor oil is ideal for caring for the skin under the eyes, as it is easily absorbed and does not cause swelling, helps remove dark circles, and nourishes the roots of eyelashes.
  3. Sea ​​buckthorn. Be careful with sea buckthorn oil, it has a bright orange color, is difficult to wash off the skin and leaves permanent stains on clothes. In masks, it is better to dilute it with other bases (honey, cream, sour cream) and combine it with whitening ingredients - lemon juice or parsley juice.
  4. Rose hip. Rosehip extract gives excellent results, activating the rejuvenating properties of rose, bergamot, orange, lavender, ylang-ylang, patchouli. If you need to quickly get yourself in order, try doing a light massage by dipping your fingers in rosehip oil before applying makeup.
  5. Fir oil. It has a high tonic effect, helps with swelling, and activates blood flow.
  6. Camphor. On skin with wide pores, wrinkles are especially noticeable. Camphor oil is the best for those who suffer from acne, clogged pores and oily shine. Camphor whitens the skin, regulates the sebaceous glands, smoothes out acne scars.
  7. Grapeseed oil. It has a light texture, contains, in addition to the complex of vitamins and microelements typical of oils, tannins, and is rich in fatty acids. There is especially a lot of linoleic acid in this oil. A lifesaver for dry and flaky skin on the lips, eyelids and neck.

As a base you can use olive, almond, flaxseed, hazelnut oil.

Feel like a goddess

Set up a beauty salon at home and pamper your skin. Masks prepared independently will cost less than visiting a cosmetologist. And, most importantly, you will be sure that you used only natural and fresh ingredients.

The aromas of flowers, herbs and resins will add a relaxing effect to the procedure. Admiring reviews from colleagues will be the best proof that time was not wasted.

Categories: I will be better.

Tags: essential oils wrinkles

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