
Massage: how it works and how to help your child relax

Massage is a method of influencing the human body, which is carried out using various manual techniques on the skin and tissues underneath it. Depending on the location of application, the nature, strength and duration of the massage effect, the functional state of the cerebral cortex changes, general nervous excitability decreases or increases. Massage has many positive effects on the body, including reducing pain, relaxing muscles, boosting immunity and improving blood circulation.

Massage is not only an important tool in medical therapy, but also an effective means of improving a person's physical and psychological well-being. A soft, gentle massage can help your baby calm down and fall asleep. What could be more pleasant than a gentle stroking of the back, especially if at the same time they are also telling a fairy tale or quietly humming a song. If your baby is overexcited, start the massage with his feet, inviting him to relax and close his eyes. Massage your legs in the calf area, after which the leg muscles should relax, and then do the same with your baby’s arms. Then ask him to relax his shoulders and massage them gently. Once complete, move to the neck and finally to the head. Do this in low light, very quietly, speak in a monotone voice or hum softly and see if it helps your baby fall asleep.

However, when touching a child, you need to be careful not to cause any discomfort in him. As he matures and develops, it is necessary to remind him that no one should touch his body in a way that causes discomfort. Inspire your child that if this happens, then, first of all, he should tell his parents about it - in such circumstances, parents can always help. Before your child goes to school, explain to him that others can only touch his body if he allows it. If the child is uncomfortable, it means something bad is happening.

In the mechanism of action of massage on the body, the so-called humoral factor plays an important role: under the influence of massage, biologically active substances that participate in vascular reactions, transmission of nerve impulses and other reactions are formed in the skin and enter the blood. At the site of its direct impact, massage also has a mechanical effect on tissue - stretching, displacement, pressure, as a result of which the circulation of lymph, blood, and interstitial fluid increases. The mechanical factor helps eliminate the phenomena of stagnation, enhance metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body. The skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors increases, the contractile function of muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase, and the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus increases. Massage eases the work of the heart and trains the vascular system. By causing the expansion of capillaries, massage promotes abundant blood supply not only to the massaged area, but also to tissues at a great distance from it.

Massage can be an effective way to treat many diseases and conditions, such as muscle pain, musculoskeletal disorders, headaches, fatigue, stress and depression. However, it is important to remember that massage should only be performed by an experienced specialist who knows how to correctly assess the condition of the body and choose the most effective massage techniques.

In conclusion, massage is an effective and enjoyable way to help your child relax and fall asleep, as well as improve the physical and psychological well-being of the body. However, it must be remembered that massage should be carried out carefully and only by an experienced specialist. It is also important to teach children that no one should touch their body without their permission, and that if they feel uncomfortable, they should contact a parent or other trusted adult.