Metrography, Hysterography (Uterography)

Metrography, or hysterography (uterography) is an X-ray method for examining the uterus and its cavity.

The essence of the method is as follows: a contrast agent is injected into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal, after which an X-ray of the organ is taken. Metrography allows you to obtain information about the shape, size and position of the uterus, the condition of its walls and cavity, and the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Indications for hysterography are:

  1. suspicion of abnormal development of the uterus;

  2. diagnosis of intrauterine pathology (polyps, fibroids, synechiae);

  3. infertility associated with possible changes in the uterine cavity and patency of the fallopian tubes;

  4. control after surgical interventions on the uterus.

Metrography is an invasive examination method and is carried out according to strict indications. It is not performed during menstruation and pregnancy. Contraindications include inflammatory diseases of the female genital area and oncological processes. After the procedure, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity for 2-3 days.

Metrography and hysterography are two diagnostic methods that are used to study the female reproductive system. Both methods rely on X-rays, but they differ in how they are used and what data can be obtained.

Metrography is a method of radiography of the uterus that is used to diagnose diseases of the uterus and ovaries. This method provides an image of the inner surface of the uterus and ovaries, which allows the doctor to determine the presence of tumors, cysts, fibroids and other diseases.

Hysterography is another radiography technique that is also used to examine the reproductive system. This method involves injecting a special solution into the uterus, which is then irradiated with X-rays. This allows you to obtain an image of the uterus and its vessels, which can help in the diagnosis of various diseases.

Both methods are safe and painless for the patient, and can be used to diagnose various diseases of the reproductive system, such as cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, polyps and others. These methods can also be used to monitor treatment and monitor disease progress.

In general, metrography and hysterography are important diagnostic methods that can help in the treatment of many diseases of the reproductive system in women. They are safe, painless and can provide important information about the condition of a woman’s uterus and ovaries.

Metrography and hysterography: what is the difference? If the cause of nagging pain in the lower abdomen or bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle is unclear, women undergo ultrasound diagnostics, which uses two research methods: metrography and hysterography.

Metrography **Vaginal metrography** is a method of x-ray diagnosis of fallopian tube patency, based on their ability to transmit x-rays. The drug used for this examination exhibits luminescence under the influence of X-rays. The result is a negative result, indicating obstruction of the appendages, as well as possible inflammatory processes. If the fallopian tubes