Interneural Connections

Interneuron connections are one of the key mechanisms of the nervous system. They ensure the transmission of signals between neurons and regulate their activity. In this article we will look at the main types of interneuron connections and their role in the functioning of the nervous system.

Interneuron connections are carried out through synapses, which are special contacts between neurons. There are three main types of synapses: axonosomatic, axonodendritic and axonoaxonal.

Axonosomatic synapses are formed between the axons (processes) of one neuron and the body (soma) of another neuron. They play an important role in transmitting excitatory signals from one neuron to another. Axonodendric synapses arise between the axons of one neuron and the dendrites (branches) of another neuron; they transmit excitatory signals from the dendrites to the axons. Axonoaxonal synapses are formed between the axons of two different neurons; they transmit inhibitory signals from one axon to another.

In addition, there is another type of interneuron communication - these are glial synapses, which are formed between a neuron and glial cells. Glia play an important role in regulating neuronal function and maintaining homeostasis in the nervous system.

Thus, interneuronal connections play a key role in the functioning of the nervous system and ensure the transmission of signals between neurons with different functions.

Interneuronal connections are contacts between neurons in the nervous system that occur through synapses. Synapses are special connections between neurons and other cells that allow the transmission of electrical impulses between them.

There are several types of synapses, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, axin-dendritic synapses connect the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of another neuron. Axon-axon synapses connect the axons of one neuron with each other, and axosomatic synapses connect the axon and the neuron body.

Interneuron connections play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system. They allow you to transmit information from one neuron to another and regulate the functioning of the brain. In addition, interneuronal connections can be disrupted in various diseases, such as schizophrenia, depression and other mental disorders.