Aspergillosis mycetoma

Allergies appear due to individual intolerance to some substance. Moreover, doctors consider this variety to be one of the most dangerous, since it must be treated immediately. The danger of mycetoma is that in 40% of cases the infection leads to the death of the patient. And all because the pathogen (fungus) is so dangerous that the body is not able to cope with it on its own. Therefore, any delay could cost lives.

The disease that will be discussed has two representatives, among which one pathogenic mycelium is not entirely comfortable for humans. More precisely, none. In short, mycetoma is a disease that is caused by one of the types of mold fungi, namely black mold. You can get such a sore in two ways: by direct contact with mold (an active lifestyle, say, working in greenhouses) or through animals that have fed on it. Cases of infection with this infection have been recorded all over the world; the disease is most often found in Africa and South America. In Europe, the disease was also registered, but, fortunately, much less frequently. In addition, if you are a resident of Russia, the likelihood of developing mycosis is still lower.