Sanitary and Epidemic Condition of the Troops Safe

The sanitary and epidemiological condition of troops is an important indicator of the health of military personnel and the safety of military service. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the control and management of the sanitary and epidemiological condition of troops in order to ensure conditions for the health and well-being of personnel. Today I want to talk about what the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the troops is.

The sanitary and epidemiological situation of the unit is characterized by indicators indicating the absence of diseases among the unit’s personnel, with the normal supply of military units with special supplies and standard equipment. Its presence is defined as the implementation of the medical support plan for formations, units and individual units in the military unit and the system of the Ministry of Defense; organizing the work of medical officers for comprehensive control of the epidemic condition; prompt awareness of higher commanders and headquarters about each identified infectious patient (team report).

SANE-EPIDEMOLOGICAL CONDITION OF THE TROOPS IS GOOD, characterized by the absence of infectious diseases or diseases of non-infectious origin in all units and institutions (associations) of the RF Ministry of Defense and in the rear of military units (including isolated cases). SESVD (single or group non-epizootic or non-parasitic, non-contagious diseases), as well as the absence of conditions for their transmission from one person to another (with the exception of contagious diseases).

Currently, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the troops is stable or favorable. This means that the number of sick military personnel per doctor is minimal. Accordingly, military medical institutions and clinics require a limited number of specialists. That is, staff are not overloaded with overtime tasks and are not distracted from their main tasks.