Microenemas Medicinal

Medicinal microenemas are one of the effective ways to treat constipation and hemorrhoids, which allows you to have a local effect on the intestines due to its contents. It can be used to relieve symptoms associated with painful constipation or hemorrhoids, as well as improve the body's metabolism. However, it is important to understand that you must consult your doctor before using any medications, including microenemas. Here's what you need to know about medicinal microenemas:

Purpose. A medicinal microenema is prescribed by a doctor after conducting the necessary tests and determining the exact diagnosis of the disease. The use of such microenemas will be especially effective for: - constipation; - hemorrhoids; - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; - inflammatory processes; - prostatitis; - swelling; - complications of gynecological diseases.

Indications for the use of microenemas. Doctors prescribe medicinal microenemas for hemorrhoids and constipation, provided that the patient: - has intestinal dysfunction; - intestinal motility is impaired;