
Miel is a difficult word to pronounce and may not seem very familiar to many. However, this concept is important for understanding human biology and neurology, because myel controls memory, thinking, cognitive abilities and even emotions. In this article we will look at the essence of myeloma and its role in the human body.

Miel: What is it Miel can be called the material, or building blocks, for the brain and nervous system. The term comes from the Greek word myelós, which means "bone marrow." Indeed, myel is mainly found in the bones of some vertebrates. It serves as both a site for the formation of red and white blood cells and stores red blood cells and stem cells, which can create different blood cells, that is, different types of cells responsible for different functions. It is the myel system that is the center of the blood in humans and other mammals, and its development is supported by many processes, such as regeneration. Thanks to the new molecule GDF-15, which is known as gene-inhibitor