Myeloid leukemia Acute

Acute myeloid leukemia is a malignant tumor of the blood system. Develops from myelopoiesis precursors: granulocytes (which are a mixture of mature and young forms) and platelet precursors.

Hence the name of this disease “acute”. When too many granulocytes are released from the bone marrow or other blood-forming organs, leading to inadequate platelet production and bleeding disorders, AML typically develops. This is a primary disease and often appears as the first stage of a number of diseases associated with a strong increase in the amount of blood.

One of the reasons for the formation of AMI is viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, such as influenza, or some bacterial infections. A person may also encounter many other dangerous infections. However, in addition to this, there are a number of factors leading to the development of this disease. These include various forms of radiation. For example, it is necessary in cases where a patient is diagnosed with melanoma or another rare tumor that requires therapy. In addition, radiation exposure is possible in the treatment of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract or breast. To the less obvious causes of the disease, although they are powerful risk factors, there are many medications that can also be used for the treatment of certain diseases. One of the main drugs for the treatment of myeloid leukemia is a group of medications that is aimed at combating HIV infection

The acute version of milia leukemia is dangerous because it tends to spread early, affecting healthy areas of the bone marrow and spreading throughout the body, forming new foci in different parts of it in a fairly short time. Thus, if the disease is detected in time, treatment with more gentle methods is possible. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and hormones all help reduce or even eliminate blood flow, eliminating harmful substances produced by the disease and stopping the effects of untreated cancer.

If acute leukemia is not treated in a timely manner, then the probability of death can reach 95%.