Mingaccini-Barre Trial

The Mingazzini-Barre test is a neurological examination method used to identify lesions of the pyramidal system.

It was proposed by the Italian neurologist and psychiatrist Giuseppe Mingazzini and the French neurologist Jean Barre at the beginning of the 20th century.

During the test, the patient is in a supine position. He is asked, without bending his knees, to raise his straightened leg 10-15 centimeters above the couch and hold it in this position for 5-10 seconds.

If the pyramidal system is damaged, the patient cannot perform this movement due to weakening of the leg extensors. The Mingazzini-Barre test can detect even minor disturbances in the motor functions of the lower extremities.

It is widely used in neurological practice to diagnose diseases accompanied by pyramidal insufficiency, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries.

Mingazzino-Barre is a syndrome that occurs due to damage to the central nervous system and affects the muscles of the body. This condition may manifest as paralysis or muscle weakness. In some cases, mingazzino Barre may be accompanied by headache, loss of coordination and difficulty swallowing.

Symptoms of mingaccini barre may vary depending on the location and severity of the injury. Patients with Mingacinia Barre syndrome may experience weakness or paralysis in an entire arm or leg, and sore necks and backs are also most commonly affected. In severe cases, sufferers may lose control of their muscles and become immobile.

One of the causes of this syndrome is a viral infection. Barre's meningitis is also known to occur after an infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. Another common cause of this syndrome is damage to the peripheral nervous system. This often occurs due to physical or emotional stress or poor posture.

Treatment for mingazzina barre depends on its cause. Sometimes it is necessary to treat pain and relieve muscle tension, and physical therapy is performed if necessary. In the case of the infectious nature of Mingacinna Barre, treatment with antibiotics and vitamins is necessary.