Myositis Syphilitic

**Syphilic myositis** is a disease of muscles and connective tissue that develops after suffering chancroid or secondary syphilis. Myositis can be either an independent clinical manifestation or a syndrome accompanying certain dermatoses, neuroinvasions (measles), epidemic and other infectious diseases. Syphilitic myositis has been known for a long time, but recognizing them often caused difficulties due to the relatively rare incidence of syphilis in this muscle group. It was not taken into account that not all patients with visible manifestations of chancre may have a laboratory positive result of a serological blood test for syphilis. The disease was often diagnosed as isolated polyarthritis or other polymyositis, directly related to treatment with gold or penicillin. It was only in 1949 that the Austrian Pieter de Beere began to specifically study these rashes when he found out that they were always associated with a vaginal infection due to syphilis. IN