Mutism Choreic

Mutism Choreoteanism is a special disease in which a person loses the ability to carry out a conversation due to his fear of public. This is a type of autism spectrum disorder. As a result of this disease, a person experiences an acute fear of communicating with other people, and cannot fully conduct conversations. Despite this, choreothean mutism, there are many ways that can help restore confidence and goodwill in dealing with other people.

Chorea mutism is a disease that is caused by a combination of various factors, such as genetics, environment, upbringing, age, and emotional state. Depending on the

Pseudobulbar paresis is a functional neurological disorder, which is characterized by selective damage to parts of the peripheral or central parts of the nervous system, leading to severe weakness and muscle atrophy, as well as motor impairment of some speech and respiratory organs. Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of this disorder allows us to propose an effective set of therapeutic measures aimed at restoring muscle tone, eliminating dysphagia, preventing respiratory failure, maintaining adequate speech and protecting patients from exacerbations of the underlying disease.

Pseudobulbar palsy (PBP) is a group of diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system with a decrease in the strength of individual muscle groups and dysfunction of the tongue, pharynx, larynx and difficulty swallowing solid and liquid food (In patients with PBP, not only speech is impaired - the patient cannot even chew food and swallow pills).