

Mitoxanrone is a synthetic antitumor agent from the group of anthracyclines, an antibiotic from the group of alkylating agents. The mechanism of action is associated with the formation of highly reactive complexes, mainly with DNA, thereby causing their cytotoxic effect (disturbs the synthesis of nucleic acids, inhibits the fusion-flocculation activity of tumor cells, associated with disruption of the processes of transcription and translation of oncoproteins).

It is characterized by a wide spectrum of action on various types of tumors of various histological origins; has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect (in patients with prostate cancer).

Exogenous oxymethalone is similar to the endogenous hormone in biological effects. It inhibits FSH-stimulated tumor growth at a young age, but at the same time induces its growth in an aging organism. Oxymethalone is produced by the body from endogenous L-11,3-oxomaleic acid and accumulates with long-term use of thalidomide.

**Indications** Breast cancer, refractory or progressing after chemotherapy, with or without metastasis, after neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy. Ovarian cancer, egg cancer