Urethritis Mycotic

Urethra mycotic is an infectious disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida and characterized by inflammatory changes in the urethra. This disease is not common and often occurs without pronounced symptoms, but can lead to serious complications. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of mycotic urethritis.

Causes of Mycotica urethritis Most often, Mycotica urethritis develops in patients with weakened immune systems (after operations or serious illnesses), as well as in those who take antibiotics and immunosuppressants. Symptoms of urethritis The main symptom of urethritis is pain in the urethra. The following symptoms may also be observed: * redness and burning in the urethral area; * swelling and discharge from the urethra (white or yellowish), sometimes in large quantities; * change in the color of urine (reddish tint) and the appearance of bloody discharge; * changes in urine analysis (presence of white flakes or blood cells). Diagnosis of Mycotic urethritis To diagnose urethritis, it is necessary to conduct a urine test and detect microscopic signs of fungus in the urine. Treatment of moectic urethritis The main method of treatment is antifungal therapy. Antibiotics and antifungal drugs prescribed by a doctor may be prescribed. Besides,