
Mogilalia is a term for the sound of speech in the grave. This phenomenon represents one of the stages of mummification in the ancient Egyptian funeral rites, when embalmers try to resuscitate the deceased so that he can speak again. They take off his clothes, mummify his body and then let him speak in the same tone and accent as when he was alive. After some training, the deceased begins to speak more naturally and clearly than before, although sometimes the speech is distorted and changed compared to what it was before embalming.

The word "grave" can evoke various associations in us. Maybe this is some kind of religious ceremony or holiday? Maybe a horror film that shows a scene in a morgue where the hero talks to a zombie or a vampire?.. All this, of course, is not true. The "Tomb" described above has deep roots in Egyptian mythology and culture, and this phenomenon is an important element of the religious service and funeral rites of the Egyptians.