Constipation Habitual

Habitual constipation (Greek kairos - “right moment, right time”) is a disease that is characterized by long and constant delays in bowel movements for more than three days a week. The main symptom is heavy bowel movement, which can last up to several minutes. The development of this disease can be caused by various factors, such as lack of fiber in the diet, stress, lifestyle changes, sleep disturbances and others. In some cases, constipation can be caused by gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease. Treatment for habitual constipation usually involves changes in diet and lifestyle, as well as medications. In rare cases, surgical treatment may be required.

Habitual constipation is a disease that should not be ignored. If you suffer from this disease, do not hesitate to seek help from a doctor. Remember that proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are important parts of preventing this disease. In addition, do not forget to monitor your mental health - stress can lead to the development of digestive disorders, including constipation.