
Currently, information technologies are developing in giant strides, thanks to them, we gain access to a huge amount of information. But, as a rule, the user is not able to fully analyze all the data, since his mental and time resources are limited. Special programs, systems, managers come to the rescue that are able to automate the processes of human activity and thus help reduce the time spent on studying the information array, but at the same time give you the necessary information in the required volume.

Morph can be called special, “peculiar to a given object” meanings of different words that characterize this object. In a language, morphs are changes in the sound shell of a word in different forms, changes in the lexical meaning of a word under the influence of context, etc. For example, from the word “forest”, when changing the place of stress or when changing the case, you can get completely different words: from “forest” you get “ forests", that is, other forests; When you decline the word "honey" you can get the word "meda". This noun "honey" had another noun - "honey cake"