Brain Rear

Forebrain and hindbrain. Metaspheric difference of the brain

***It has long been known in scientific circles that during the course of evolutionary development, 67% of fish species became extinct, birds by genus - as a species became extinct, 87% of families of tetrapods by genus - 43 species of mammals became extinct, they are considered sharks among mammals. These endangered species became the ancestors of: primates, reptiles, birds, mammals and fish. This diversity and variety of living beings served as the basis for the formation of the Brain - embryonic specialization developed faster and, thanks to functional division, a new generation of structures was formed - the brain.***

Brain Posterior. Metasphere of the left and right hemisphere

*Let's consider the most interesting differences for us - the hindbrain.* One of the common features of a person is manifestations of “personality” - right-left type preferences. The interpretation of this metasphere in the process of deduction-induction is extremely interesting. The right or left hemisphere can be in “activation mode” or in “deactivation mode”. The processes of thinking and logical decision in the left hemisphere only begin to show their activity in a state of early sleep deprivation (before 7 am). During this period, the left hemisphere has not yet acquired a full background of “analysis”, the received “data for processing” quickly gets tired - you and I both hear and see, and we get tired faster. The next day, the process of reverse maturation of the left hemisphere by us