Brain Appendage

Modern man often does not think about the functions of his brain and many other important organs, due to which the body exists in harmony. However, there are those organs that work as a bridge between the brain and the rest of the body, ensuring its functioning and the proper functioning of all systems. One of these organs is the brain appendage.

How does the brain give orders to the brain for the functioning of all organs and tissues? For this purpose, the body needs to secrete special substances, hormones, that can spread through the bloodstream and influence certain processes. Some hormones can only be produced by the brain appendage. The medullary appendage is a small, apple-shaped, triangular organ located in the cranium above the pituitary gland. It is an important organ in regulating the hormonal balance of the body. Small lobules found inside the organ produce various hormones for the body. They help the body stay healthy due to their regulating properties. The function of the brain appendage was first discovered in reptiles. Now it also helps keep many mammals, birds and fish healthy. Without a brain appendage, any large group of animals would not be viable. With the help of the medullary appendage, enzymes and hormones are absorbed into the blood