You can go to the solarium during your period

Many modern women are concerned about whether it is possible to go to a solarium during menstruation. There are many conflicting statements on this matter, but most gynecologists believe that using a solarium during this period is not entirely safe. And this is confirmed by the fact that in 90% of all cases, a visit to a solarium during menstrual periods negatively affects women’s health.

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What are the harms of a solarium during menstruation?

During menstruation, all women undergo various changes in their bodies. Hormone levels decrease and menstruation begins, which, under the influence of heat, can provoke heavy bleeding. These days, doctors do not recommend taking a bath, visiting the bathhouse or sauna. This also applies to staying in a solarium.

It is harmful to go to a solarium during menstruation because:

  1. The number of discharges increases. It is known that the amount of blood released during menstruation depends on the ambient temperature. The hotter and hotter the air, the faster blood flows through the blood vessels. Therefore, you should avoid tanning procedures in a solarium during your period.
  2. A woman’s body during menstrual bleeding is highly vulnerable to various kinds of negative effects.
  3. Skin sensitivity increases.
  4. Skin melanin production is reduced to a minimum.
  5. General health may worsen, as blood loss affects the woman’s health. You may feel dizzy, your blood pressure may drop or rise, and you may feel very weak.
  6. Having chronic diseases can cause complications. This includes cervical erosion, mastopathy, adnexitis, cysts, endometriosis and other gynecological and endocrinological diseases.
  7. The tan will be uneven. Since hormone levels fluctuate greatly during your period, this can affect the uniformity of your tan. Often women experience skin pigmentation, pustular diseases and changes in the shade of the skin during menstruation. Therefore, sometimes you may notice uneven adhesion of the tan. To restore the balance of the skin, in such cases, it is recommended to pay significant attention to protective products.

Recommendations for safe visits to the solarium

Solariums have been popular for a long time. This is an excellent remedy for acne, dermatitis and some types of rashes. There you can compensate for the lack of vitamin D, which ensures the normal functioning of the body. And what can we say about an even golden tan, which gives every woman additional attractiveness. To get a beautiful tan, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. If your period begins, it is better to reschedule your visit to the solarium to another time, at least for the last days of menstruation;
  2. If a woman feels even a little unwell (dizzy or stomach hurts from loss of blood), it is recommended to refuse the procedure and not risk her own health;
  3. Water procedures should be carried out 2 hours before or 3 hours after. During procedures, it is better to use a tampon instead of a pad, and then replace it with a pad. For hygienic purposes, it is better to leave the lower part of the underwear on the body.
  4. It is recommended to cover vulnerable areas: nipples with stikini (special circles), put a cap on your hair, and apply hygienic lipstick to your lips. Contact lenses must be removed and special solarium glasses must be put on your eyes.
  5. It is recommended to use cosmetic products as much as possible. Tanning products in a solarium differ from those used to obtain a regular sun tan. Artificial tanning is considered softer and harmless than natural tanning, as it has a lower degree of radiation. Tanning equipment does not emit harmful ultraviolet waves. On the eve of the solarium, it is advisable to cleanse the skin so that the tan is even.


To the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium during menstruation, the answer is simple: it is not advisable and it all depends on the woman’s body. It is not necessary to sacrifice your health for beauty. After all, this is not a trip to the sea when your period comes during your vacation. A visit to the SPA salon can be postponed for a couple of days. All the same, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged, even tan in one procedure, and a short break between sessions is unlikely to affect the overall quality of the tan.

Not knowing whether it is possible to visit a beauty salon during menstruation led to unexpected, and sometimes... As for solariums and lumbar massage, as well as hardware weight loss, they should also be avoided, but for different reasons.

Eyelash extensions should be applied no later than 12 to 24 hours after visiting the solarium. . Finding herself in a similar situation, the girl believes the reason is that she got eyelash extensions during her period.

Don’t even think about how to bathe during your period without a tampon. Pads when visiting the beach are not the best option, use Tampax or Ob. . Is it possible to go to a solarium during menstruation?

Is sugaring allowed during menstruation, or should I wait for the procedure? . It can cause inflammation. You are also not allowed to visit the swimming pool or solarium for the next 12 hours.

We recommend reading the article about solariums during menstruation. From it you will learn about the dangers of the procedure for women during menstruation, and recommendations for safe visits to the solarium.

Massage during menstruation is not a vital necessity, and patients should, when pursuing beauty, think about the consequences of their rash actions. . Is it possible to go to a solarium during menstruation?

During menstruation, there are monthly complications for any woman. However, a modern woman tries not to limit herself in anything, even these days, especially when it comes to getting a beautiful tan.


However, getting a bronze shade at critical moments can carry hidden dangers that every representative of the fairer sex should be aware of.

What are periods?


Menstrual cycle
- This is a monthly process in which the mucous layer of the uterine cavity is rejected. The process is accompanied by copious discharge, most of which is blood.

This process is natural and should be observed in every woman before a certain age, which is called menopause.

During the menstrual cycle, there is an increase in hormonal emissions, which is why many representatives of the fairer sex experience pain symptoms and many other unpleasant symptoms.

The first menstruation begins at the age when a girl’s genital organs are fully formed. For each person, this time comes at a different age and brings different symptoms.

How long does menstruation last?


Each body is unique, so menstruation may vary from person to person.

However, gynecologists say that the normal period of menstruation is from 3 to 6 days. In this case, there should be a gradual decrease in discharge after 3-4 days.

If the discharge does not stop for more than six days and is profuse, you must contact a medical institution for a gynecological examination.

Also, if the discharge is observed for less than three days, this may be a harbinger of some kind of disorder, which only a doctor can detect.

Is it possible to visit a solarium during menstruation?

The question of whether it is possible to sunbathe during menstruation, in the sun or in a solarium, worries many representatives of the fairer sex. However, it is almost impossible to express an unambiguous answer to this question.

Of course, there are some prohibitions and warnings, but before going to the salon during these days, a woman should seek advice from her treating gynecologist, who will help her make the right decision.

Is there any danger in visiting a solarium during menstruation?


Many representatives of the fairer sex do not take into account the recommendations of specialists and visit salons to acquire the desired skin tone.

When turning to specialists for services, girls should know that at the time of menstruation their body weakens, and factors appear that are negatively affected by the solarium.

In addition, the release of hormones occurs unevenly, so it is impossible to say with confidence that any kind of complications will not arise after solarium services.

Ultraviolet rays negatively affect a woman’s genitals during menstruation, which poses a great danger of getting a serious gynecological disease.

The danger increases for the following categories of girls who have the following symptoms:

  1. The presence of an acute pain symptom during a critical cycle
  2. Not regular cycle
  3. Observation of heavy discharge
  4. Recent genital surgery
  5. Hormonal imbalances

Such representatives of the fairer sex are prohibited from using ultraviolet waves during monthly discharge.

Tanning during menstruation

Sunbathing during menstrual periods is allowed if the girl does not have any gynecological diseases. And monthly discharge occurs without observing pain symptoms and other unpleasant components. If heavy discharge and sharp spasms of pain are observed, tanning should be postponed.

The effects of solarium on the body during menstruation

Each organism is affected by ultraviolet rays differently, but there are some general consequences of this process:

  1. mozhno-hodit-v-solyarij-vo-qGxQD.webp

    Increased blood pressure and deterioration in the girl’s general well-being
  2. Increased pain in the lower abdomen
  3. Observing disruptions in the monthly cycle
  4. Increased discharge
  5. Possibility of uneven distribution of skin tone
  6. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Before visiting the salon these days, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the consequences.

Increasing the number of discharges

Everyone knows that when body temperature rises, blood circulates much faster in the blood vessels. Therefore, when sunbathing, a situation may arise that will lead to an increase in the abundance of blood discharge, as well as to an increase in pain symptoms. Therefore, to prevent such a situation from occurring, going to the solarium should be postponed during menstruation.

This is the most common answer to the question: “Why can’t you go to a solarium during menstruation?”

Uneven tan

Every girl at the time of menstruation may exhibit signs that appear on the skin in the form of pigment spots or rashes. During the tanning procedure during this period, there may be an uneven distribution of shade, which was caused precisely by changes in hormonal levels. Such cases are rare, however, they still happen.

Feeling worse

At the time of menstruation, the body loses its protection and is weak, the additional load on which can lead to poor health, even loss of consciousness. Before going to the salon, you need to assess your general health.


Most often, deterioration in health when using rays is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea
  2. Dizziness
  3. General weakness
  4. Changes in blood pressure
  5. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen
  6. Loss of consciousness
  7. Increased body temperature.

Complications of the disease, if any

Girls should know that if they have any diseases, visiting a solarium is not recommended; this can carry the risk of developing complications and lead to serious consequences. Especially if these diseases are inflammatory in nature, the influence of ultraviolet radiation can accelerate the development of the disease and complicate the treatment procedure.

Low chance of tanning

If you have menstruation, the results obtained from visiting the sun room may worsen. This is due to the fact that during this period the body produces too little of the enzyme that is responsible for the absorption of tanning. Therefore, there may be situations when a visit to the salon does not bring the desired results.

Inflammation caused by tampons


When visiting a solarium if you have menstrual flow, you must use tampons.

This may carry a hidden danger, as using tampons can be a dangerous possibility of developing various infections.

In a situation where body temperature increases, the use of tampons in a solarium can lead to inflammatory processes.

What time can you go to the solarium if tanning is necessary?

To visit the salon, you should wait a few days and get the desired tan without harming the body.

However, if an unforeseen situation arises in which it is urgently necessary to use the services of a solarium, then it is advisable to seek this service at the moment of menstruation when the discharge begins to decrease, on average this is after the third day. But these criteria are different for each girl, so it is necessary to act in connection with the situation.

Tips for a bladeless tan during your period

To get a beautiful skin tone that will not harm your health, you should use the following tips:

  1. mozhno-hodit-v-solyarij-vo-IoYSvH.webp

    When visiting a solarium, you should carefully assess your general condition.
  2. Be sure to use special creams that protect against the harmful effects of rays that can affect the body.
  3. Avoid exposing your body to overheating too often
  4. It is necessary to take care to increase the flow of fluid into the body, especially during the menstrual cycle
  5. When choosing hygiene products, you need to pay attention to absorption capacity and anti-allergic effects. When visiting a solarium, hygiene products must have a high degree of moisture absorption
  6. In cases where there are various diseases, it is necessary to postpone visits to the salon until complete recovery.


Reviews about tanning in a solarium during menstruation:


In conclusion, several conclusions need to be drawn:

  1. Going to a solarium during menstruation is a dangerous procedure that may be accompanied by negative consequences.
  2. When tanning using ultraviolet rays, you should carefully follow all the rules of safe tanning.
  3. Before visiting the salon, you should assess your general health and take advantage of all the expert advice for a beautiful and harmless tan.

Girls who want to get a good, beautiful and lasting skin tone must be careful about their health, otherwise diseases may appear that can have dangerous complications.


During menstrual periods, girls and women give up many activities and cosmetic procedures. Regarding visiting a solarium during menstruation, the opinions of experts are divided, since there is a high risk of complications. If it is impossible to refuse the procedure, then you should properly prepare for it in order to minimize all risks.


Negative manifestations

During your period, you can go to the solarium, but you need to understand what harm the procedure can cause.


Most often, women encounter the following negative manifestations::

  1. discharge becomes more intense;
  2. skin becomes more sensitive;
  3. possible exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  4. The tan may not set evenly.

The air temperature determines how quickly the blood moves through the blood vessels. The air temperature in the solarium is quite high, and the female body is very sensitive during menstruation, so the amount of menstrual flow can increase significantly.

Among the chronic diseases can be attributed primarily to gynecological. This may be a cyst, mastopathy and cervical erosion. During menstruation, hormones surge in the female body, so the tan may lie unevenly on the skin.

Sometimes after visiting a solarium during menstruation pustular diseases may occur, pigmentation problems and allergic rashes. Sudden changes in blood pressure are fraught with general weakness, dizziness and nausea.

After receiving artificial tanning, the painful symptoms that accompany menstruation may increase significantly. Another negative manifestation is cycle failure or complete cessation of menstruation.

Not everyone experiences complications after receiving artificial tanning. However, their probability is quite high.

The procedure should be abandoned if there is a gynecological disease, heavy and painful periods. Otherwise, during menstruation, you can visit the solarium. You must first consult with a gynecologist.

Dermatologists' opinion


Many dermatologists and cosmetologists argue that going to a solarium during menstruation is not the best idea, as it will lead to ineffective results.

Their statement is based on the fact that during menstruation there is an increase in the amount of estrogens and progesterones.

During this period, the skin reacts poorly to various influences, so the tan may not go on well, rashes and peeling will appear. During menstruation, the amount of melanin decreases significantly, so the tan may not last at all or lie unevenly.

Main contraindications

There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which you should avoid visiting the solarium. They are:

  1. gynecological diseases;
  2. pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  3. unstable menstrual cycle;
  4. severe pain and cramps in the lower abdomen;
  5. diseases of the genitourinary system;
  6. neurosis;
  7. copious bleeding.


Before going to the salon, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist and choose the right time. Otherwise, there may be serious complications, including infertility.

Safe visit to the solarium

To ensure that visiting a solarium during critical periods does not cause complications, you should be prepared. It is important to choose the right time to visit the salon.


On the first day, the discharge is insignificant, so you can sunbathe. But on the 2nd–3rd day of menstruation it is better to refuse the procedure, since, in addition to intense discharge, a woman may feel general weakness, dizziness and nausea. On days 4-5, the intensity of discharge decreases, therefore the risk of a negative reaction is minimized.

During the procedure It's best to use a tampon, and after the procedure immediately change it. This minimizes the risk of developing an inflammatory process. It is recommended to take a shower 2 hours before tanning and 3 hours after. But immediately after the manipulation, it is better to refuse to take a shower and give preference to special cooling and moisturizing creams. To protect the intimate area from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, you need to leave the lower part of your underwear on.

Visit a solarium during menstruation possible only on certain days and in the absence of obvious contraindications. If there is a chance to cancel or reschedule a session, it is better to take this opportunity. Most often, no negative consequences are observed, but it is not worth the risk, since we are talking not only about beauty, but also about women’s health.