Is it possible for pregnant women to remove papillomas with celandine?

Is it possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine in a pregnant woman?

The content of the article:
  1. Why do papillomas appear during pregnancy?
  2. The effect of HPV on pregnancy
  3. Pros and cons
  4. How to use celandine for papillomas

Treatment of papilloma with celandine during pregnancy is a rather controversial method of combating unpleasant formations caused by HPV. During the period of bearing a child, the body of the expectant mother undergoes significant changes and experiences stress that is not comparable to any other physiological state. During pregnancy, it is extremely important to maintain not only the woman’s physical health, but also to ensure psychological comfort. At a time when doctors recommend simply observing non-oncogenic formations, women themselves strive to get rid of the unaesthetic growth. In this case, priority should be given to gentle products of natural origin. Celandine is one of the most effective such remedies, but is it possible for pregnant women to remove papillomas with celandine, because the juice of the plant is poisonous? This issue should be studied in more detail.

Why do papillomas appear during pregnancy?

HPV 3d model

Once it enters the body, the papilloma virus will remain there forever, appearing only during periods of decreased human protective abilities. Pregnancy cannot be classified as such a condition, however In this case, the woman’s hormonal background undergoes serious changes. In this regard, already in the first trimester, papillomas may appear in various areas of the skin and mucous membranes, and in the second and third, their number increases significantly.

Another reason for the occurrence of neoplasms is called weight gain in a pregnant woman and increased friction between the skin and clothing, causing local irritation.

But the appearance of genital growths in the expectant mother is provoked by changes in internal microflora, an increase in the amount of discharge, hormonal changes. Such formations should be treated with particular care. Given the sensitivity of this area, it is prohibited to remove papillomas with celandine during pregnancy in this area.

Treatment must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor in accordance with the instructions. If there is a risk of trauma to the formations during labor or harm to the fetus, the woman will be recommended to have a cesarean section.

Note! If the conception of a child is planned, the consultant doctor will direct the parents to be tested for the presence of human papillomavirus. Further recommendations will depend on the results, the identified strains of the virus and the woman’s health condition. In most cases, the doctor will not recommend cauterizing the growths, citing the fact that the woman’s body after childbirth is able to cope with the disease on its own. However, medications will be prescribed to support the woman’s own immunity.
  1. Read also: why small papillomas appear during pregnancy

The effect of HPV on pregnancy

The effect of HPV on pregnancy

Modern research shows that the presence of human papillomavirus does not affect pregnancy. In most cases, such a diagnosis will not prevent a woman from quickly conceiving and giving birth on her own.

The exception is cases when large formations occur in the genital area. The diagnosis may be the basis for recommending a cesarean section.

Any new growths should be reported to your doctor. The doctor monitors the structure and, in extreme cases, recommends destruction. As a rule, a clinical method of removal will be indicated; home remedies based on celandine are not recommended by every doctor, because in official circles there is still debate about whether it is possible to remove papillomas with celandine during pregnancy.

The issue of the relationship between HPV in a woman in labor and the health of the child has not been fully studied. Various sources contain information that up to 80% of children are infected with the virus during the passage of the birth canal. No cases of intrauterine infection of a child have been recorded, but doctors do not exclude this possibility.

Note! If in an adult woman the strain affects the intimate area, then a small person, when infected, suffers from neoplasms not only of the anogenital area, but also of the bronchi and larynx. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent the child from becoming infected and to localize the disease in the mother.
  1. Read also about the symptoms of type 45 papilloma during pregnancy

The use of celandine during pregnancy: pros and cons

Celandine plant for papillomas during pregnancy

In the photo there is celandine for cauterization of papillomas during pregnancy

Celandine is a plant of the Poppy family; it is not for nothing that people call it celandine or warthog. Its healing properties in the fight against growths on the body were known long before the foundations of modern medicine were formed.

All parts of the plant are considered poisonous, as they contain alkaloids, citric, malic and other acids, and carotenoids. The rich chemical composition gives the plant analgesic, anesthetic, and tonic properties. At the same time, it also has an irritating effect. It is this toxic composition that raises the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to remove papilloma with celandine, because women during this period should avoid pathogenic influences.

Alkaloids contained in the plant can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus and provoke the development of intoxication and defects. At the stage when the baby’s body is just beginning to form, even a very small dose of a substance can lead to harmful consequences. Celandine alkaloids can reach the fetus through the common mother-child bloodstream system. But the substances themselves appear in the mother’s blood due to careless treatment of papillomas with celandine during pregnancy.

Note! In ancient times, women drank decoctions of celandine to provoke abortoid processes.

Thus, it is strictly prohibited to use decoctions and infusions of celandine orally to get rid of papillomas during pregnancy. But regarding the external use of products based on it, the opinions of doctors are divided. Some may recommend cauterizing papillomas with celandine, while others consider the risk of toxins entering the body to be unjustified.

If the neoplasms do not cause physical discomfort in the woman and are benign, the doctor will strongly recommend waiting for the birth of the baby and the normalization of hormonal levels. It is likely that the structures will go away on their own over time. If this does not happen, it will be possible to carry out treatment with any, even the most aggressive methods.

The principle of action of celandine on pathogenic growth is as follows: when it gets on the tissues, the active acids of the plant begin to destroy them.

Removal of papillomas with celandine during pregnancy goes through several stages:

  1. The keratinized growth tissue is removed;
  2. The stem (root) of the formation is cauterized.

If you do not complete the second stage of treatment, then over time the formation will appear in the same place. And in some cases, there is an increase in the number of growths on the skin area.

Note! There have been no scientific studies on the effect of ointments and elixirs based on celandine on the course of pregnancy and the fetus as a whole. The opinion of doctors regarding the admissibility of using the plant in the fight against growths is based on the results of the patient’s tests, her state of health and the general medical experience of the specialist.
  1. Read also about the benefits of celandine against warts during pregnancy

How to use celandine for papillomas during pregnancy?

Celandine juice for papillomas during pregnancy

In the photo there is fresh celandine juice for papillomas during pregnancy

If, pondering whether it is possible to remove papilloma with celandine during pregnancy, the expectant mother decided to use this remedy, during the consultation the doctor admitted the possibility of such therapy; various plant-based formulations can be used externally:

  1. Fresh Juice. This method of removing papilloma with celandine during pregnancy is considered the most effective. It is enough to cut off part of the stem and anoint the keratinized areas of the growth with the yellow liquid that appears. However, the plant in our latitudes is available only at the beginning of summer; in other periods it is better to use prepared formulations.
  2. Ointment. Suitable for long-term storage. To prepare the ointment, you need to mix chistuka juice with a few drops of glycerin. This ointment reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions and extends the shelf life of the composition. A tangible result from using this product will be visible after 2 weeks.
  3. Celandine juice with alcohol. Mix the products in a two to one ratio; the alcohol composition will not lose its effectiveness until winter. A tincture can also be made from crushed leaves of the plant. Before use, the product should be left in a dark place for 3 weeks. The tincture is applied to the formation twice a day for a week.
  4. Celandine oil. To prepare it, the leaves of the plant are placed in a 0.5-liter glass container and filled with natural olive oil. This mixture should be left in a well-lit place for 2 weeks, stirring the contents regularly. After two weeks, strain the mixture through fine gauze, and use the remaining oil for compresses. The applied gauze must be changed every 12 hours. Within 2 weeks of using celandine oil during pregnancy, papillomas will disappear.

Celandine oil for papillomas during pregnancy

Photo of celandine oil for papillomas during pregnancy

The danger of home treatment is that careless violation of the integrity of the tumor can lead to its development into a malignant formation.

When removing papillomas with celandine during pregnancy, one should not forget about the toxicity of the plant; it is important to follow a few simple rules for working with it:

  1. Before starting the procedures, it is better to consult a doctor, make sure that the formation is not malignant, and also that you are not allergic to the plant or other components of the remedy.
  2. It is necessary to apply the composition based on celandine in a targeted manner so as not to burn nearby healthy areas; for the same reason, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended number of treatments.
  3. It is forbidden to use the product if there are wounds or cracks on the skin through which toxins can enter the bloodstream and then to the fetus; it cannot be used to combat papillomas on the mucous membranes.
  4. If within the specified period the treatment does not produce the expected result or the size and number of papillomas have increased, you must stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

Read also about methods of treating papillomas on the labia during pregnancy.

How to use celandine for papillomas - watch the video:

So, papillomas can be removed during pregnancy with celandine. Before starting the procedures, you should definitely consult with your doctor and carefully weigh the pros and cons of the procedure. If a decision is made about destruction, follow safety rules when working with compounds and remember - any actions you take in this situation should be aimed at preserving the health of you and your child.

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