Is it possible to epilate your arms?


Our hands are often visible. We do manicures to make our fingers beautiful, and we decorate our hands with rings and bracelets. If the surface is covered with thick hair, no decorations will help. Nowadays, smooth hands are in fashion, and dark, coarse hair is bad manners. Not everyone knows what procedures exist for removing hair on the hands, what their features are and how to do hair removal yourself. The answers to all these questions are given below.

What is the difference between hair removal and depilation?

Depilation is an older, cruder method. With its help, you can only get rid of the outer layer of hair, which means that soon the hairs will break through again. However, even this technique has its advantages. We can say that everything is very convenient here. Taking a small razor with you is very easy. On vacation, on a business trip, or just at home, when every minute counts, you can always quickly put your hands in order.


The main thing is to remember to use shaving foam. Many people think that only men need it, but this is a mistaken opinion. The foam perfectly softens the skin and the hairs themselves. It improves friction, so shaving is very easy and there is no irritation on the skin afterwards. For maximum effect after shaving, you can use gel cream to 100% protect yourself from unpleasant sensations.

Important! After applying shaving foam to your hands, give it a couple of minutes to work. There is no need to immediately use the blade.


Why is waxing worse?

You will need to use this technique often if you want your skin to remain smooth. The more often you shave, the denser, darker and greasy your hair will be. Agree, this is not the effect that I would like to achieve.

Epilation is a more elegant method. There are several different popular techniques, but they all boil down to one thing: hair is removed from the root. It will take at least a week for it to grow back, but in reality it will take about 2-3. All this time you will be able to enjoy flawlessly smooth hand skin.


Types of hand hair removal


Sugaring is very popular. Of course, you have heard about this sweet method. This is one of the simplest and safest hair removal methods. It has a lot of advantages:

  1. It can be done at home. You only need 10 spoons of sugar, one spoon of water, half a lemon and a vessel where all this can be heated.
  2. Thischeap method. Agree, a pack of sugar and a lemon will cost you 50 rubles. Even if you buy a ready-made product (for example, sugaring in cartridges), it will not cost more than two hundred rubles. Quite democratic.
  3. It's fast. The preparation will take about ten minutes, and the process itself will take even less. You need to act quickly before the paste cools down.
  4. It causes virtually no irritation. If you applied and removed the strip correctly, there should be no problem.
  5. No ingrown hairs. Sugaring either pulls out the hair by the roots or leaves it on the hand. It does not cut the hairs, so the direction of growth does not change.
  6. The method does not require special skills or training.



The next type is wax hair removal. It also has its own characteristics, but it is similar to sugaring. The difference is in the material - instead of a sugar mixture, wax of different temperatures is used. Varieties:

  1. Hot wax. Its temperature can reach 50 degrees, and that's a lot. If you have very sensitive thin skin, it is better not to try this method, otherwise it may burn. The technique is most suitable for owners of thick black and thick hair. Even men who also want to clean the space up to the elbow do not disdain this method.
  2. Warm wax. Temperature - from 37 to 40 degrees. This wax can usually be purchased in solid form. To heat it up, you can use the microwave. You can also make a water bath. It is good for women's hands with light but thick hair.
  3. Cold wax. This is the type that is sold ready-made. It consists of two strips tightly glued together. To use the wax, simply rub the strips with your hands. When the wax is wet, separate the strips and apply them to the desired areas of the skin. Remember that you need to remove them with a sharp movement, against the direction of hair growth. This method is the most painful due to the low temperature, which does not help soften the skin, but you can do everything yourself.

If you have coarse and dark hairs on your hands, and especially if there are a lot of them, then you should think about removing them. A neat woman's hands should be smooth and velvety, so that it is pleasant to look at and touch them. But before you start removing hair, you should choose a depilation method. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. And the fastest and most expensive hair removal method is not always the best for you. For such a delicate procedure, you should prepare and choose a method that will leave your skin in good condition, and will not dry it out and cause irritation, and will be simple and easy to use. When choosing, be sure to take into account the skin type on your hands, sensitivity, pain threshold and many other factors.

Removing hair on hands with depilatory cream

Advantages: Easy to use, fast and painless method.

Minuses: Hair grows quickly, and a poorly chosen product can cause skin irritation.

Chemical products remove hair right down to the root, without using a razor. And the hairs grow back not as prickly and hard as after shaving. Once upon a time, depilatory creams had to be left on the skin for at least a quarter of an hour. But today, 3 minutes is enough to remove hair. The unpleasant chemical smell of modern products is practically not noticeable; it is well masked by flavorings. Creams and lotions also contain substances that soothe and heal the skin (honey, aloe vera, avocado, jojoba or macadamia oil).

When using hand depilatory creams, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, first of all, not to prolong the depilation time indicated on the product. The essence of the action of this product is to dissolve the hairs. In order not to irritate the skin, depilatory cream or lotion must be carefully removed along with the hairs as soon as the time recommended by the manufacturer has expired. To do this, use a special plastic spatula or sponge included in the packaging by the manufacturer. After this, rinse off the remaining cream with water.

Depilation of hands with a razor

Advantages: Fast and cheap way.

Flaws: The very next day the hairs begin to grow. They are hard and dark, like stubble, they prick and cause discomfort. There may be a risk of minor cuts and skin irritation.

Cheap and easy to use, razors are the most popular method for removing unwanted hair. The main advantage is the price - you buy the machine once and only occasionally replace the blades for it. Both are inexpensive. An important advantage of this method of depilation is the speed of the procedure. But for hand hair removal, it is better to abandon this method. Sharp blades cause cuts and microcracks on the skin, and also cause irritation. In addition, situations when hair follicles become inflamed are very common. It looks even worse than dark hair. When using a razor to remove hair on your hands, you should not expect a long-lasting effect. Within 1-2 days, hard and prickly stubble appears, causing discomfort. It's best to keep the razor and only use it in emergencies.

Depilation of hands with wax

Advantages: The effect after hair removal lasts for a long time, new hair grows thinner and weaker.

Minuses: The hair removal process is painful and can cause irritation. The procedure must be done regularly.

Hand waxing is one of the most effective and preferred methods by women. With the help of wax, you can get rid of unwanted hair for a long time in a relatively short period of time - for about 2-3 weeks. After this time, when the hairs have grown to the desired length, the procedure should be repeated. The main disadvantage of waxing is pain. But after several such operations you get used to the pain, and it is no longer so noticeable. Another disadvantage of removing hair from hands with wax is skin irritation and possible allergic reactions. Synthetic wax is not for everyone, so you should be prepared for the possibility of unsightly pimples or goose bumps after the procedure. The irritation usually disappears the next day. Many people make the mistake of tearing off the wax patch glued to the skin too much, as this causes microtrauma to the skin and contributes to irritation on the hands. Waxing is not recommended for people with skin and blood vessel problems.

Epilator for removing hair on hands

Advantages: If such depilation is carried out frequently, the hair grows more and more slowly and stubble may not appear for quite a long time. Low cost of the procedure if you have your own device.

Minuses: Removing hair with an epilator is a painful process and may cause ingrown hairs.

If you have your own epilator, this is a very cheap way to depilate your body. However, fewer and fewer women are choosing this method of hair removal. The device is quite noisy and the procedure is quite painful. Since the epilator pulls the hairs along with the follicle, the pain is very severe, irritation occurs, which may not go away for up to a week. Removing arm hair with an epilator is associated with the risk of ingrown hairs and inflammation of the hair follicles. Small pustules on the hands, which also hurt, are not the best decoration for a woman’s hands. Depilating your hands with an epilator is not fun, but it is a fairly effective method that gives good results. Hair grows back in up to 3 weeks, and with regular use it becomes thinner and less noticeable. Modern devices are equipped with cooling pads that are designed to reduce pain during hair removal.


Advantages: Long lasting results, no allergic reactions.

Flaws: It is difficult to prepare sugar paste yourself, and the procedure in the office is an expensive pleasure. The procedure is painful.

Depilating your hands with sugar paste is an almost ideal way to remove hair. The paste consists of natural ingredients - sugar and lemon juice. The effect is comparable to waxing, but unlike synthetic wax, the paste does not cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Hair is removed much easier, the skin is practically not affected.

Sugar paste is difficult to make yourself. There are many recipes and tips on how to prepare it on the Internet, but not all of them can give the desired result. Women who use this hair removal method and prepare the paste at home will agree that this hair removal method requires practice and practice. Another disadvantage of hand sugaring is the risk of burns if the hair removal procedure is done on your own. Too hot a mixture and carelessness can lead to deep burns. Therefore, it is better to visit a beauty salon where you can safely remove hair on your arms. An experienced cosmetologist will show you how to properly depilate with sugar paste, and may even give you a recipe for its preparation. Remember that doing hand sugaring yourself is very risky. This is the most dangerous method of depilation compared to others. And it is better for beginners to trust specialists rather than risk their health and their beauty.

Laser hair removal for hands

Advantages: Has a very long lasting effect. Hair grows less often, it is lighter and thinner. After several courses of the procedure, hair practically stops growing.

Minuses: High price. Epilation must be repeated at least once a year.

Laser hair removal is based on the action of a laser beam that penetrates the skin, destroying the hair follicles along with the roots. Laser hair removal is safe because the laser's impact is absorbed by melanin and converted into thermal energy, which leads to irreversible destruction of the hair roots. Laser hair removal of the hands is not performed once, but in a course of procedures. It must be repeated several times a year in order to gradually destroy the roots of all hair and remove them all. For this reason, this method of dealing with unwanted hair is the most expensive. Depending on the salon, the cost of one procedure can vary from 1,500 rubles.

Laser hair removal of hands is not a pleasant procedure. Pain is felt throughout its entire length. When choosing this method of hair removal, you need to prepare in advance. The skin should not be tanned, as the effect of the laser will be significantly reduced. The lighter the skin, the better. There should also be no visible irritation, rashes, pimples, or ulcers. The hair on your arms should be the desired length. Before the procedure, your doctor will consult you and tell you how many days before the session you will need to shave your hair. Laser hair removal is especially effective for those with black and dark hair. This method is not suitable for blondes, since the laser affects light hair very poorly. The effect of the procedure is minimal.

There are a number of contraindications for those who want to use this method of hair removal. The procedure is not suitable for chronically ill patients (including those with skin diseases), pregnant women, taking antibiotics, antidepressants, retinoids and retinol ointments, drinking herbal infusions and medications that reduce blood clotting. After laser hair removal, there is usually slight irritation on the arms, which disappears after a few hours.


Advantages: Suitable for removing hair of all types. Almost no pain. Allows you to permanently get rid of hair in just a few sessions.

Flaws: High price. Minor irritation immediately after the procedure. Large list of contraindications. This is done only in the salon.

In 5-7 sessions, electrolysis allows you to get rid of hair forever. The hair is subjected to a weak electric current, causing it to die. After this, it is removed with special tweezers. Choosing electrolysis for the hands has several advantages: it is suitable for owners of any hair type, both dark and light, the procedure does not cause severe discomfort, and is highly effective. The first few days there are small wounds on the skin that quickly heal. After removing hair on the arms using electrolysis, special skin care is required to avoid unpleasant consequences, such as scarring. The main disadvantages of the procedure are its high cost and the small number of specialists who can professionally remove hair using electric current.

When choosing a method for arm hair removal, be guided by your own sensitivity and pain threshold, preferences, skin type and allergies to various drugs. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. It's up to you to decide which one is best for your hands and will allow you to forget about annoying hairs for a long time.

Is it possible to remove hair on your hands with an epilator??

Of course you can! It will be much more painless on your arms than on your legs and other places. And the hair on your arms grows much slower than in other places, so this unpleasant procedure will need to be carried out no more than once a month. The only caveat is that if the hairs on your hands are very thin, then the epilator tweezers may not be able to grab them.