What does laparoscopy look like photo

removal of 2-sided Endometriotic Ovarian Cysts 112mm and 68mm*45mm. Girls, don't be afraid.

Not as scary as I made myself believe before the operation

I was admitted on Monday 08/18/14 and surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. I took tests, etc., ate, walked... it was scary))) The next day in the morning We came in at 8 and wrapped our legs in elastic. bandages and said the operation would begin at about 9 o'clock. I’m waiting for my husband to come before the operation and wait until they operate. He doesn't exist and doesn't exist. Then a nurse came in, followed by a doctor, they told me to undress completely, put on a robe, take a sheet and duvet cover and go to the nurse’s room for an injection. I call my husband and shout, “Where are you?” The worst thing is that it's a mess. I’m almost leaving the room, he runs in. I manage to pin him down, then the nurse comes again, already FOR ME. And I went.

We got an injection in the butt and the nurse said we went to the 7th floor on foot to the operating room (we are on the 5th floor in gynecology). Well, let's go, let's go... Let's go, the injection is gradually relaxing me. I'm scared and it feels like an operation, like a holiday))

Let's go and ask her a bunch of questions!))

She says: “a lot of questions, something...

Me: “Well, I’m scared, so I need to talk!”))

she: “Well then, okay”))

We came to the 7th floor, there are operating rooms, we go to one of them.

We go into the pre-operative room and there is a large window into the operating room.. The nurse sat me on a chair and said wait... they will call me. I’m sitting looking out this window and I see all sorts of tools being prepared there... I think they’ll probably use it to cut and sew with it))) It’s fun) And there in Operats. there was a nurse and 2 interns (she explained everything, what to put where, etc.) They go out the door and where they are going... the doctor tells me: “Just don’t go anywhere!”

And then... the thought slipped through: - “RUN!”)) BUT.

it was so bad)))) my brains understood - THERE IS A CHANCE... but my body didn’t listen!) I think okay, I’ll stay and see what happens))

These 3 medical workers came and said let's go. They brought me to this table and said, “Take off your robe.” She took it off, climbed in, and lay down. They started tying their arms and legs! The nurse of one of the girls says tie your legs well, otherwise if they get untied and fall, touch the iron, and then I think IT’S COOL, IT WILL STAND WITH SHOCK)) for about 40 minutes, I lay there until they covered me, anointed me, until all the doctors came. Then the doctors came... They injected me with anesthesia and I immediately flew away. The operation lasted 2 hours 20 minutes.

I woke up on the operating table, well, as soon as I woke up, they woke me up, but I was still asleep) I remember they woke me up, I can’t open my eyes, but my stomach really hurts. I say my stomach hurts, do something for me... and they WAIT. and so on 20 times. While on this gurney to the elevator and there he is a coward. (((my stomach was hurting, damn it. They brought me to the ward, I somehow climbed onto the bed myself (of course, not without their help) then they injected me with a painkiller and that’s ALL!)) LAFA! I’m lying with my husband, talking, on the floor in a comatose state) Well, nothing! The main thing is that I didn’t feel sick (which I was afraid of). The recovery from anesthesia was excellent.

While they woke me up there. The doctor called my husband and told him how it went, they chopped off most of the ovaries... 10% of one remained and 20-25% of the second. That's it... well, they said there will be children! Only the trouble did not leave me... Endometriosis remained... the doctor cauterized the lesions where he found something... But you can’t cauterize everything.

Well, that’s a different story... here you need to continue treatment..

Scars after laparoscopy are the consequences of surgery, which disappear with the correct surgical technique and subsequent care. Examination of the patient's internal organs or performing surgery on them is possible through small holes. This method of surgical intervention is called laparoscopy. Three or four holes are made, 0.5-1.5 cm in size, the integrity of the abdominal wall remains unchanged (unlike abdominal surgery).

What is laparoscopy and its features

The priority of this type of surgical intervention is a low degree of trauma, which leads to the following favorable factors:

  1. a few hours after the operation the patient can get up;
  2. minimal pain during and after surgery;
  3. complications are rare;
  4. no scars visible.

The operation is performed by a surgeon in a medical facility. The examination of internal organs takes place using a telescopic tube equipped with a digital video camera - a laparoscope. The instrument has halogen or xenon lighting and is also synchronized with the monitor.

The operation is prescribed in the following situations:

  1. infertility;
  2. endometriosis;
  3. ectopic pregnancy;
  4. benign tumor of the uterus (leiomyoma);
  5. fibroma;
  6. adhesions in the intestines;
  7. appendicitis;
  8. for restoration of fallopian tubes;
  9. ovarian cyst;
  10. removal of gallstones.

Laparoscopy is a highly effective and safe method of surgical intervention on the pelvic and abdominal organs.

The likelihood of scars after surgery

Whether marks will remain on the body after laparoscopy depends on several indicators. The first factor includes the growth of new connective tissue in areas of wounded skin. When connective tissue is formed in excess, hypertrophic or rough, raised keloid scars are formed.

If the amount of connective tissue produced is insufficient, atrophic scars appear. Their second name is sunken scars, since during healing the sutures flow into the internal cavity of the peritoneum. The photo shows the difference between raised and sunken scars.

To minimize the formation of scars, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight. Before tanning, be sure to protect your skin with special sunscreen.

Features of punctures during laparoscopy

To perform the operation, several punctures are made, one in the navel area, the other two or three in the lower abdomen. A laparoscopic instrument is inserted into the opening in the navel area, and surgical instruments are inserted into other incisions. After surgery, punctures are sutured with catgut (absorbable thread) or closed with a clip.

If the incisions are not properly cared for, scars may form during laparoscopy. The punctures have a small diameter and are almost invisible. They require postoperative care, which consists of treatment with brilliant green, antiseptics, antibacterial ointments and gels.

Punctures during laparoscopy are small and unnoticeable. With proper care, the likelihood of scar formation is minimized.

Scar care after surgery

If the doctor did not connect the edges well when stitching the puncture, the wound will ooze. In this case, traces of suppuration will remain on the gauze bandage, which will lead to the formation of visible scars.

In this case, careful care of the seams is required, it consists of the following actions:

  1. Treatment of the problem area around the edges (not the wound itself!) with alcohol-containing preparations.
  2. The seam is treated with hydrogen peroxide or the antiseptic Chlorhexidine.
  3. Remove the gauze bandage soaked in Syntomycin ointment every day and put on a new one until healing occurs.
  4. A bandage is applied to the area with the wound.
  5. You should not wet or wash the wound, and you should not use Levomekol ointment. Its healing properties cause severe scarring, which can result in a rough, highly visible scar.

Patients are sometimes frightened by such manifestations as mild pain, the formation of a purulent focus, a red suture, a “wet” wound and painful sensations in the abdominal cavity. These are normal reactions and will disappear in one to two weeks. Signs indicate natural healing.

Review of effective ointments and other remedies

After applying sutures to the incisions, it is necessary to apply a gauze bandage with special ointments or creams that promote rapid restoration of injured tissue. One of these products is Curiosin, it contains the active substance zinc hyaluronate - its deficiency leads to the formation of rough scars.

When the stitches stop hurting and heal a little, you can smear the scar after laparoscopy with Contractubex - this product is intended to soften scars. The drug normalizes the formation of new cells, is endowed with antibacterial properties, acts gently and smoothes the skin.

  1. Levosin is an inexpensive antibacterial, anti-inflammatory ointment, applied externally. Acts as an anesthetic, antibacterial, regenerating agent. The ointment is applied to a gauze bandage and then applied to the previously treated wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Mederma is a medicine in the form of a gel, with its help you can remove scars for up to one year. Old damage needs to be removed with hardware cosmetic devices and a laser. Thanks to the composition, the skin softens and becomes smooth under the influence of the gel. It can be used to smear scars, apply to the face, neck, and joints. The gel makes stretch marks, scars, marks from wounds and burns less noticeable. This German drug is sold in pharmacies without a special prescription.
  3. Dermatix is ​​a silicone-based gel product that moisturizes the skin, improves the appearance of scars, and softens and smoothes protruding scars. It also helps relieve discomfort in the wound area, reduce itching, and restore skin pigmentation. Dermatix is ​​intended for the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Prevention of scars

It is necessary to follow certain instructions after laparoscopy, which are prescribed by the attending physician, namely:

  1. Limit physical activity until the postoperative incisions heal completely (1.5-2 months).
  2. Minimize the contact of water on the wound to avoid infection. You should not shower for a week, or better yet, two weeks after surgery. For a month you cannot take a bath or visit a swimming pool, public ponds, saunas, or steam baths.
  3. Do not overheat or sunbathe without protective equipment. Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on laparoscopy marks.
  4. You should not have sexual intercourse for several weeks.
  5. You need to eat right. It is worth excluding alcohol, carbonated drinks, and hard-to-digest foods from your diet.

If you follow all the doctor’s instructions, the risk of complications after laparoscopy remains minimal.

7 minutes Author: Lyubov Dobretsova 12244

Laparoscopy is gaining popularity every year, and this method is preferred by doctors from different fields of medicine. To perform it, you need modern equipment that allows you to make precise incisions and visually monitor the process in order to avoid erroneous actions by the surgeon.

This technique becomes safe only in the hands of professionals. They should not only know what laparoscopy is, but also have extensive experience in operating in this way. Learning this technique requires a long time and dedication. Laparoscopy is most often used by gynecologists, but it has also found wide application in other areas of medicine.

Areas of use

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive method of diagnosis and surgical treatment. During its implementation, all surgical procedures are performed through a small (about 10–15 mm) hole in the abdominal cavity using special instruments. A laparoscope, which is equipped with a video system, allows you to visualize what is happening during the procedure.

Most often, laparoscopy is used when performing the following operations:

  1. removal of the gallbladder or stones in it;
  2. ovarian cystectomy;
  3. myectomy;
  4. operations on the small and large intestines;
  5. appendectomy;
  6. gastric resection;
  7. removal of umbilical and inguinal hernia;
  8. liver cystectomy;
  9. pancreatectomy;
  10. adrenalectomy;
  11. elimination of obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  12. elimination of varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
  13. surgical methods for treating obesity.

Using the laparoscopic method, it is possible to perform all traditional operations and at the same time maintain the integrity of the tissues of the abdominal wall. In addition, laparoscopy is also used for diagnostic purposes in the following cases: serious damage to the abdominal organs with irritation of the peritoneum, pathologies of the hepatobiliary system, pathologies of internal organs caused by trauma.

The list continues with effusion of blood into the body cavity, ascites of the abdominal cavity, purulent inflammation of the peritoneum, and neoplasms in the internal organs. Laparoscopy is performed both routinely and in emergency cases. Hydrosalpinx is a pathology of the fallopian tubes caused by the accumulation of transudate in their lumen.

Gynecological practice

In gynecology, a combination of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy often occurs, when it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and immediately carry out a series of therapeutic actions. Thus, hysteroscopy allows for diagnostics, sampling of material for histological analysis, or immediate elimination of minor defects in the uterus (septums or polyps). And laparoscopy, unlike the first procedure, allows even tumors to be removed. It can completely replace abdominal surgery.

These diagnostic procedures cannot be avoided when a woman is examined for infertility. If, during hysterosalpinography, obstruction of the fallopian tubes was confirmed, then, according to indications, hydrosalpinx laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. After its removal, the chances of successfully getting pregnant increase to 40–70%. If it is necessary to remove the tube, then the woman can resort to IVF.


With all its advantages, laparoscopy has a number of absolute and relative contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to perform this procedure in the following cases:

  1. acute blood loss;
  2. proliferation of connective tissue cords in the peritoneum;
  3. purulent cavities on the walls of the peritoneum;
  4. abdominal pain and severe flatulence;
  5. postoperative hernia at the site of the scar;
  6. severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  7. brain damage;
  8. liver and kidney failure;
  9. severe pathologies of the respiratory system;
  10. malignant formations of the appendages.

In addition, there are a number of other restrictions:

  1. carrying a child for up to 16 weeks;
  2. benign tumor of large muscle tissue;
  3. suspicion of oncopathology of the pelvic organs;
  4. acute respiratory infection in the acute stage;
  5. allergic reaction to anesthetics or other drugs.

Preparing for surgery

If emergency laparoscopy is recommended, preparation is limited to cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with an enema and emptying the bladder. The most necessary tests are taken - a clinical blood and urine test, RW, the heart is checked on an electrocardiogram and blood clotting is assessed on a coagulogram.

Preparation for the planned diagnosis is carried out in more detail and for a long time. The patient is carefully examined within 3–4 weeks. It all starts with collecting an anamnesis, since the success of the operation largely depends on it. The doctor must find out the following nuances: the presence of injuries, damage or previous operations, chronic diseases and medications taken on an ongoing basis, allergic reactions to medications.

Then a consultation with specialized specialists (cardiologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist) is recommended. In addition, all necessary laboratory tests and, if necessary, additional diagnostic procedures (ultrasound, MRI) are carried out.

Successful operation depends on compliance with the following rules:

  1. 3–5 days before surgery it is forbidden to drink alcohol;
  2. take medications that reduce gas formation for 5 days;
  3. immediately before surgery, cleanse the intestines using enemas;
  4. on the day of laparoscopy, take a shower and shave your hair in the necessary places;
  5. no later than 8 hours before surgery you should refrain from eating;
  6. empty your bladder 60 minutes before laparoscopy.

If there is a need to perform emergency laparoscopy, then menstruation is not a contraindication for this. If the operation is planned, then it can be performed starting from the 6th day of the cycle.

Performing laparoscopy

In connection with the planned operation, patients are often concerned about how laparoscopy is performed, under what anesthesia and how long the sutures take to heal. Performing laparoscopy includes the following steps. Application of pneumoperitoneum - a Veress needle is used for these purposes. The manipulation involves injecting carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity to improve visualization and movement of instruments.

Insertion of tubes: when the required amount of gas is injected into the peritoneum, the Veress needle is removed, and hollow tubes (tubes) are inserted into the existing puncture sites. Trocar insertion: As a rule, during therapeutic laparoscopy, 4 trocars are inserted, the first one being blindly inserted. They are necessary for the further introduction of special instruments (preparing probes, spatulas, clamps, aspirators-irrigators).

Visual examination of the abdominal cavity is carried out using a laparoscope. The image is transmitted from the camera to the control unit, and from it the video is displayed on the monitor screen. After examining the insides, specialists decide on further treatment tactics. During the process, biomaterial can be taken for further research. At the end of the operation, the tubes are removed, gas is removed from the peritoneum and the subcutaneous tissue of the canal is sutured.

Diagnostic laparoscopy is performed under local anesthesia, therapeutic laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. In many cases, doctors prefer spinal anesthesia, since it does not require putting the patient into medical sleep and does not cause significant harm to the body.

Rehabilitation period

The postoperative period, as a rule, passes quickly and without significant complications. After a few hours you can and even need to move. You can drink and eat in the usual amount only after 24 hours. Discharge from the surgery department occurs the next day. The pain in the lower abdomen, as a rule, only occurs in the first 2–3 hours after manipulation.

Some patients have a slight increase in temperature (37.0–37.5 °C). If the operation was performed on the gynecological part, then bleeding may be observed for 1–2 days. On the first day, patients may experience indigestion, and in subsequent days, bowel problems (diarrhea or constipation).

Patients who were examined in this way due to the inability to have children may try to get pregnant just a month after the procedure. If a benign tumor was removed during the process, then you can try to conceive a child only after six months. Sutures are removed after laparoscopy after 7–10 days. This is decided by the attending physician. If the suture does not heal for a long time, then the period may increase to one month, and throughout this time they should be properly cared for.


Laparoscopic methods are now very popular in various areas of medicine, so it is not difficult to find reviews about this.

The advantages of laparoscopy are low trauma, low risk of complications, faster rehabilitation and the absence of postoperative scars. But at the same time, for some diagnoses, abdominal access remains a more correct solution, so doctors need to carefully weigh everything before giving preference to laparoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment.