Products Used for Massage


Massage is one of the most effective ways to treat and prevent various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. When performing a massage, various means are used to help achieve the best result. In this article we will look at the main tools used for massage.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

Anti-inflammatory ointments are products that are used to treat and prevent inflammatory processes in muscles and tissues. These include aromatic oils, heparia, horse chestnut, arnica, essential oils and hyaluronidase. These components help reduce inflammation and pain, and also accelerate the process of repairing damaged tissue.

Hyperemic ointments

Hyperemic ointments are products that are used to increase blood flow in the massaged muscles and tissues. They contain nicotinic acid, methyl salicylate, camphor, capsicin and bee venom. These components lead to vasodilation and increased blood flow, which speeds up the tissue repair process and relieves pain.

Ointments for athletes

Ointments for athletes are products that are used to prevent and treat injuries associated with intense physical activity. Ointments such as finalgon, dolpic, nicoflex and venoruton contain active ingredients that are well absorbed through the skin and penetrate the blood vessels. These ointments help relieve pain and speed up the process of repairing damaged tissue.

Rules for using ointments during massage

When working with athletes and people who exercise, it is especially important to choose the right massage products and use them correctly. In case of acute injury, in the first three days it is recommended to use only gels that cool but do not irritate the skin and also relieve pain. In the following days, hyperemic and anti-inflammatory ointments should be combined.

For diseases and injuries associated with the musculoskeletal system, the ointment should be applied in small quantities, because the absorption process is slow. When using a warming ointment, you should first massage it to increase the absorption of the ointment. It is not recommended to apply ointment to the gel layer, because it forms a film through which the ointment cannot be absorbed. To ensure that ointments are absorbed faster, they should be combined with heat compresses. Apply a bandage moistened with hot water or alcohol to the ointment layer, wrap it in thin plastic wrap and secure with a soft bandage.

When using compresses during a massage, special care should be taken in case of injuries to the wrist, ankle and other joints, so as not to aggravate pain and inflammation. It is important to remember that when applying ointments to the skin, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the injury and the degree of disease of the musculoskeletal system.


Massage is an effective way to treat and prevent various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To achieve the best results during massage, you need to choose the right products and apply them correctly. Anti-inflammatory ointments help reduce inflammation and pain, hyperemic ointments increase blood flow and speed up the process of tissue repair, and ointments for athletes help relieve pain and speed up the process of repair of damaged tissue. When using ointments and compresses, special care must be taken so as not to aggravate pain and inflammation.