Is it possible to get rid of blackheads forever?

Black spots on the nose are a nuisance that both teenagers and adults are familiar with. Let's say right away: it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of them once and for all, but reducing their number is quite possible. We'll show you how to achieve this.

  1. Reasons for the formation of blackheads
  2. Ways to deal with blackheads on the nose
  3. Prevention of blackheads on the nose

Reasons for the formation of blackheads

Blackheads on the nose, also known as open comedones, are formed due to clogging of pores with a mixture of sebum and dead skin cells. It is difficult not to notice them - they are dense tubercles with a dark top. Most often they appear on oily skin, which is characterized by enlarged pores and increased sebum production.

There are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of comedones. Here are some of them.

Skin sensitivity to hormones

During puberty, pregnancy or menopause, hormonal fluctuations cause sebum production to increase, leading to the appearance of blackheads.

Causes of blackheads include hormone sensitivity and poor skin care © iStock

Poor nutrition

As practice shows, abuse of sweets, fried and fatty foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the formation of open comedones.

This fact has not yet been scientifically substantiated, but if your skin is prone to inflammation and the appearance of blackheads, dermatologists strongly recommend carefully monitoring what you eat.

Habit of touching your face throughout the day

Often we don’t even realize how often we touch our cheeks, scratch our nose and scratch our chin. And in most cases, our hands are far from clean. As a result, the skin's protective barrier is damaged, its immunity is reduced, which provokes clogged pores, inflammation and acne.

Diseases of internal organs

Quite often, blackheads and acne occur in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and respiratory tract. The latter, however, has not been scientifically confirmed, but some dermatologists make a connection between skin problems and frequent sore throats. In any case, consulting a specialist will not be superfluous.

Unsuitable skin care products

Irregular cleansing

You can forget the horror stories that foundation, powder and concealer clog pores - modern non-comedogenic products are so light and comfortable that using them is a pleasure. But if you forget to regularly cleanse your skin before going to bed, then you definitely cannot avoid blackheads on your nose.

Neglecting exfoliation

Some girls believe that exfoliants and scrubs harm the skin. Sensitive - yes. Prone to fat - no. On the contrary, for blackheads, regular exfoliation is the number one recommendation. Exfoliation will remove dead epidermal cells that prevent sebum from coming out and prevent clogging of pores. As a result, it will remove blackheads on the nose quickly and effectively.

Ways to deal with blackheads on the nose

How can you remove blackheads on your nose? You can get rid of them using different methods:

using special cosmetics;

during cosmetic procedures;

adhering to preventive measures.

Traditional methods against blackheads on the nose

The simplest and most “effective” way to get rid of blackheads on the nose is to simply squeeze them out. Why you shouldn't do this yourself:

You can injure tissues and blood vessels, so that a red spot appears in place of the acne, which is not decorative at all, and takes a long time to heal.

There is a high probability of causing inflammation. And this is the worst case scenario. Because instead of an unnoticeable acne, you will get a pimple, or even more than one. And then you will have to read another article on, about how to care for skin with acne.

At home, exfoliate your skin with coffee and sugar © Getty Images

Other, less radical folk methods include:

Homemade scrubs based on sugar, salt and coffee. They have a right to exist, but in terms of effectiveness they are very far from ready-made remedies.

Clay based masks. They were good before the market was flooded with ready-made clay masks with various additives that cleanse the pores without drying out the skin to the “Sahara Desert” state.

Tonics and lotions with lemon and cucumber water. These mixtures from our grandmothers' recipe book really work well on oily skin: they have a brightening, exfoliating, astringent and refreshing effect. But they are unlikely to be comparable in effectiveness to ready-made formulas based on acids - salicylic, glycolic, LHA.

How to clear blackheads from your nose using cosmetic methods

As we have already said, if blackheads are removed incorrectly, inflammation can easily develop. This is why it is worth visiting a cosmetologist, especially since salons and clinics offer many effective procedures.

The pores are cleaned using a special uno spoon. First, the cosmetologist removes makeup, then uses a vaporizer to steam the skin, and then begins the cleansing procedure. It is believed that this is one of the most effective methods, although it is quite traumatic for the skin.

After preliminary steaming the face, the cosmetologist uses a device with a vacuum attachment, which literally sucks out sebum and impurities from the pores.

This is a manual way to cleanse pores. Unlike conventional mechanical cleansing, before the session begins, various cosmetic compositions are sequentially applied to the face, which soften the skin and help the pores open so that impurities can be painlessly removed from them. This method is suitable for people with sensitive skin and a low pain threshold.

The most effective and comfortable procedure. It is performed using a special spatula, which removes contaminants from the pores under the influence of high-frequency ultrasonic waves.

In a beauty salon, facial cleansing can get rid of blackheads © iStock

Precautions when cleaning blackheads

Deep cleaning is an extremely effective procedure, but in some cases it should be abandoned. Contraindications are listed below.

Viral and infectious diseases.

Skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema.

Pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Replace your usual cleanser with a more gentle one.

Apply moisturizer with SPF every day, regardless of the weather or time of year.

Use a minimum of decorative cosmetics and do not forget to remove them in the evening.

If redness bothers you, use a soothing face mask or apply a cold compress.

Prevention of blackheads on the nose

Composition of cosmetics for the prevention of blackheads

Beauty products for preventing comedones usually include certain substances that promote:

normalization of sebum secretion;

exfoliation of dead cells;

Look for the following components.

Ingredients table

Active Ingredient Designation on the package Action
Acids benzoic, glycolic, salicylic, lipohydroxy acid Promotes exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells.
Moisturizing and emollient agents hyaluronic acid, squalane, aloe, red algae, glycerin, allantoin, panthenol, vitamin E Increases moisture levels in the skin and helps soften it.
Sebum-regulating ingredients zinc, kaolin, bentonite Reduces sebum production, absorbs excess sebum, and helps narrow pores.

Remedies for blackheads on the nose

Many cosmetic products offer to cope with this task. Choose those that have cleansing and sebum-regulating properties and, of course, focus on your skin type.

How to remove blackheads quickly and, preferably, forever? This question worries many men and women.

They all have something in common - in the vast majority of cases they have the same type of epidermis: oily or combination.

You can almost always trace the relationship between blackheads and increased sebum production. Increased self-activity also has its reasons.

Having figured this out, you can get rid of the annoying problem at home, without resorting to the help of specialists.

The nature of blackheads on the skin

Blackheads most often appear in enlarged pores on the face: on the nose, forehead and chin, and less often on other areas of the skin.

This defect occurs for the same reason as acne: due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Both pimples and blackheads are called comedones.

Closed comedones are located under the surface of the epidermis and are formed when the sebaceous ducts become clogged. The inflammatory process gradually develops, and then acne appears.

Open comedones are located on the surface of the skin; they are also a kind of plugs that clog the pores from the outside.

They consist of dead skin cells that do not have time to exfoliate, held together by sebum.

What gives them their black color is not pollution, as is commonly believed, but special substances that arise during oxidation.

The fact that comedones are open creates the misleading impression that the problem can be easily solved even at home, just clean the skin.

However, the “lucky ones” who have the dubious pleasure of looking for such a remedy quickly discover that finding it is not so easy.

The best preparations for washing oily and combination skin, not to mention soap, cannot cope with blackheads on the face, which makes even the cleanest skin look unkempt.

This is only one aspect of the problem, there is a second one. Even if you find a remedy for removing blackheads (prepared at home or bought at a pharmacy), you will soon be convinced that after a while they will appear again, because the root cause does not go away.

The skin secretes excess oil, the pores remain enlarged, the cells of the stratum corneum do not have time to exfoliate, and now the comedones are back in their place.

To get rid of blackheads at home not only quickly, but also for a long time, it is important to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In addition to blackheads, other problems cause excess oily skin. Firstly, metabolic processes in the skin are disrupted, which causes the color of the skin to deteriorate, and secondly, enlarged pores create unevenness in its relief.

It all sounds unpleasant, but sebum serves as the skin's natural defense against many factors that cause aging.

People with this type of epidermis retain youthful skin much longer; deep wrinkles appear on their faces later than in people with porcelain skin in their youth.

There are ways to realize the potential of oily skin type even at home and at the same time neutralize the negative manifestations of excess sebum activity.

Ways to get rid of blackheads: general points

Since the problem in question is complex, its solution also needs to be approached from different angles.

At the same time, it is important to debug the processes in the body that affect fat content: hormonal levels and metabolism.

In some cases, when inflamed comedones form severe pimples, a dermatologist may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

It is also important to cleanse your face at home and with the help of a cosmetologist, and use special cosmetics that improve sebum regulation of the skin.

Excessive oily skin normally disappears after 30 years, although in 10% of cases it persists even after this age.

The dependence of skin oiliness on age is associated with the amount of hormones, which is at its peak in youth and decreases over time.

However, individual sensitivity to hormones of the skin's sebum-regulating system differs, and therefore the oiliness of the skin varies among people the same age.

With a versatile approach, you can defeat acne and blackheads even at home, without resorting to expensive salon procedures, which, by the way, are not always effective.

How useful a particular method will be depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.

For example, sensitive skin quickly turns red, and signs of irritation persist for a long time.

If the skin is not prone to redness or the redness fades quickly, then mechanical cleansing can be quite effective in combating blackheads even at home.

Another example of the importance of an individual approach is feedback from other people. A friend may recommend a method that “definitely helps,” but this does not mean that it will be beneficial for your skin.

If you look for recipes based solely on reviews, then you need to understand that the method that worked for twenty other people is not necessarily “yours.”

The effectiveness of recipes also depends on the care with which you apply them at home. So, almost all recipes for removing blackheads are effective on steamed skin.

Without this step, even the most wonderful recipe will not work or will not work enough.

It is worth adding a decoction of herbs to the bath water that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and relieve inflammation, for example, chamomile, immortelle, sage, plantain, St. John's wort and many others.

With their help, you can not only steam your face, but also improve the condition of your skin.

How to get rid of blackheads before evening?

Women don't always need to get rid of blackheads or conquer acne forever.

Sometimes you need to make a good impression this evening, so you need a method that will get rid of skin blemishes quickly.

In cosmetology, there are different ways to quickly tidy up your facial skin. These include mechanical cleaning (at home or in a beauty salon), masks (purchased at a pharmacy and prepared at home), scrubs, patches (“beauty stickers”) and others.

Masks for combating blackheads are divided into two groups: those that act on the principle of a film and pull out the “plugs” from the pores and those that dissolve their contents and absorb it.

Both can be prepared from products found at home or purchased at the pharmacy.

For example, a protein film mask. You need to beat the egg white into a foam and apply a thick layer to the steamed dry skin, place a paper napkin on it and secure with another thick layer of protein foam.

This mask hardens for about 20-30 minutes, after which it needs to be lifted at the edges and torn off the skin with a sharp movement. If it is accurate enough, the contents of the pores will remain on the film.

Another film mask is prepared from gelatin in juice, herbal decoction or milk. The thick composition is applied in a dense layer to the skin of the T-zone. After hardening, the film must be carefully removed, this time avoiding sudden movements.

One of the most effective masks for blackheads is prepared at home from kaolin (white clay), the powder of which is sold at the pharmacy. The thick paste absorbs the contents of the pores.

A dense mass on the face prevents oxygen from reaching the skin from the outside, which causes blood to rush to its surface, improving blood supply to the epidermis.

As a result, after just 15 minutes, your face looks not only clean, but also much fresher. In addition, kaolin reduces the amount of fat, which has a positive effect on acne.

Regular kefir can dissolve blackheads. Just choose one of the many kefir masks, for example, with starch or rice flour.

Mechanical cleaning is a quick way to get rid of blackheads, but it is not suitable for everyone. If you are one of the lucky ones with skin that is not prone to redness, then use two tips.

Maintain cleanliness so as not to introduce infection through pores or microdamages and press the skin not with your nails, but with your fingertips.

“No” to blackheads and pimples

If you are really tired of blackheads and pimples, you can try to get rid of them, but it is not so easy. It is necessary to change some habits, and you need to act in three directions at once.

The first direction is diet. Nutritional errors are the first to show on the face. Excess of sweet, fatty, spicy, refined foods worsens the condition of the skin, and avoiding these foods and a balanced diet in general allows you to regulate skin secretions.

The second direction is hormonal levels. One of the most effective and safest ways to balance hormones is to get enough exercise.

We are talking about any sport (except strength sports) or regular walking. Seven kilometers a day is exactly how much you need to walk for your hormones to return to normal.

The third direction is daily thorough cleansing of the skin plus regular masks, scrubs and other procedures at home or in the salon. Every day when laziness overcomes, it will set you back far on the path to beautiful facial skin.

All three areas are equally important; the more comprehensive your approach, the better the result. Be patient.

Negative changes in the body do not happen suddenly, so it also takes time to debug all processes. Sooner or later (or better late than never) all your efforts will be rewarded!

It is very easy to develop skin problems. It is enough to systematically ignore basic facial skin care: do not take off your make-up at night, use low-quality cosmetics (or inappropriate for your age), etc., as well as have a bunch of bad habits (this is not only about alcohol and smoking, but also about your eating style ). But fixing the problem is more difficult, to the point where regular facial cleansing is required. A cosmetologist will help you get rid of blackheads, but there are also home options for eliminating them.

Causes of blackheads

In order for the fight against unwanted points to be truly effective, it is worth looking at the “root” of the problem and acting in appropriate ways to solve it. Pores are clogged by various pollutants: sebum + dust + cosmetic residues = blackhead. Dirt sits deep in the pore and does not allow it to narrow, thereby provoking its constant expanded state. Because of this, the problem of blackheads can last forever: you just got rid of it, but the enlarged pores accept new impurities and the comedones appear again.


Example of blackheads on the nose

Some of the main causes of blackheads may be:

  1. work of the sebaceous glands in “extreme” mode. This often occurs in adolescence during the hormonal formation of the body, as well as when this feature is inherited. Don’t forget about hormonal surges in women “once a month” during pregnancy;
  2. “harmful” nutrition regarding the skin. Such delicacies include all types of sweets, smoked meats, preserves, buns and fried foods;
  3. constant stressful situations;
  4. inappropriate facial care (improper washing, after which impurities remain on the skin, ignoring makeup removal before going to bed at night, etc. also has a negative impact)
  5. preference for cosmetics with dense textures, as well as its excessive use.

The presence of at least one of the presented factors in a woman’s life can appear on the skin of the face as small black dots, which definitely need to be gotten rid of.

Treatment methods for blackheads

Going to a cosmetologist or dealing with clogged enlarged pores on your own is every woman’s business. Fortunately, there are now enough methods for getting rid of blocked sebaceous glands, so you can use any suitable one.

In parallel to changing the style of caring for your skin, it is worth changing your diet, eliminating unhealthy foods (excessively sweet, fatty, smoked, etc.) from the foods you consume.

Steaming and mechanical cleaning

Simple tools for squeezing out comedones can be purchased at any cosmetics store; in extreme cases, they can be squeezed out manually. But before you do this, you need to prepare the skin:

  1. remove makeup with your usual product;
  2. wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile to cleanse the skin of remaining traces of cosmetics and disinfect the surface (or use a decoction of calendula or sage);
  3. let the broth dry on its own on the skin;
  4. carry out the procedure of squeezing out comedones with a tool or manually.

You can complete this cosmetic procedure for mechanical removal of sebaceous plugs with a soothing mask based on aloe or cucumber. But it is worth remembering that frequent mechanical procedures cause injury to the pores and stretch them, aggravating the situation.


Mechanical removal of comedones

You can steam the skin over steam (a decoction of chamomile, mint, sage, etc.), warm compresses, or simply in a bathhouse (sauna). But the steaming procedure is essentially useless without subsequent cleaning, because simply opening the pore with steam is not enough, the comedone will not go away on its own. Therefore, it is further better to use special adhesive patches for blackheads, which, after removal, will simply linger on them and leave the pores clean.

Adhesive plasters, patches and film masks

A prepared, steamed face is an excellent base for using any adhesive device, be it a small patch or a mask. But if it is not possible to steam your face, then feel free to choose a product with a warming effect (traditionally camphor is included in the adhesive side of a special patch).

Film masks for problem skin fit perfectly, filling all the dimples of the skin surface, so they are great for “pulling out” unfortunate comedones from the pores. Before using the mask, your face should be cleaned of excess dirt, and you should keep it on for as long as the manufacturer indicated in the instructions.


Blackhead patch

Recipes for masks against blackheads

If you don’t want to buy special masks, then there are home alternative ways to get rid of blackheads. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. The easiest way to make a film mask is to mix 5 crushed charcoal tablets (pharmaceutical activated) with PVA office glue (1 tablespoon). Before the mask, it is better to cleanse the skin of dead cells using scrubbing. Next, you should apply the mixture to the “T” zone - forehead, nose and wings, chin. After complete drying, you can remove the resulting film, and along with it the comedones will be removed;
  2. Another interesting mask is made from a chicken egg and essential oils of tea tree and ylang-ylang (3 drops each). You can do it every day, especially since it doesn’t last long – only 15 minutes;
  3. if there is no inflammation on the face, then you can use this mask: mix a spoonful of baking soda with a spoonful of lemon juice and a pinch of cosmetic clay. Apply the mask to the nose and other problem areas, and after 20 minutes cleanse the skin with a sponge soaked in chamomile infusion. You can also simply wash off the mask.

Half an hour after using the mask, you can wipe problem areas of the skin with hydrosol of rose, chamomile, calendula, aloe, etc.

Scrubs and peelings for comedones

Scrubs and peelings can help in the complex of measures to treat acne. You can make the product yourself or purchase it at a cosmetic store.

Among the effective recipes for scrubs, we can highlight the following: for abrasives, you can take ground coffee or “Extra” salt, ground apricot kernels, chopped nuts, etc. Take a spoonful of the selected abrasive (take a tablespoon or a teaspoon, depending on the required amount of scrub), add this a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lavender ether.

You can combine the following components to make your own homemade scrub:

  1. cinnamon powder + honey + tea tree ether;
  2. white clay + cucumber juice;
  3. sea ​​salt + avocado juice;
  4. baking soda + liquid baby soap.

For peeling, it is effective to use honey, namely the patting method (pour a little honey onto your palms, rub them and use patting movements to work on the face, namely problem areas with pores). Such actions “pull out” comedones from the pores using the natural stickiness of honey. It is also effective to use strawberry pulp, which will serve as a scrub, and its acids as an “acid” peeling. To enhance the effect, you can use a special cosmetic glove.

Salon beauty treatments

If you can go to a salon, you can use various cosmetic procedures to get rid of sebum accumulations and blackheads that have appeared. A specialist, after examining the skin, can suggest the following methods for removing comedones:

  1. mechanical cleaning (although not a particularly useful procedure for the skin, it is effective. It takes place in several stages. After the session, a recovery period is required);
  2. phototherapy (a safe procedure without pain, which is carried out with a special device and requires a course of 8-10 sessions. Reduces the appearance of new blackheads and acne, blackheads disappear for a while, and the skin looks much healthier);
  3. chemical peeling (non-intense peeling brings the skin “to life”, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby eliminates blackheads);
  4. mesotherapy (“the right” medications will not only improve the skin’s overall health, but also relieve it of many problems, including blackheads. A course of such therapy is necessary to see the effect);
  5. biodermabrasion (one of the peeling options, which is carried out using a complex of mechanical and chemical effects, with the help of the procedure you can significantly reduce the number and appearance of blackheads);
  6. fractional laser (an expensive procedure with a long recovery period, but it completely gets rid of blackheads. At the same time, you can reduce wrinkles and skin irregularities);
  7. ultrasonic cleaning (a gentle procedure that requires a course. But it significantly reduces pores and normalizes sebum production).


Ultrasound facial cleansing

In order for the salon procedure to give the expected effect, you should follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for skin care after the session.

Cosmetic creams, masks and lotions

On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about the use of this or that cosmetics for blackheads. Some express their “wow” from the effect, but there are also those who were completely dissatisfied with the result. In any case, there are plenty of such products on the cosmetic market.

Be that as it may, the use of cosmetics has its place. Manufacturers claim that only products from one line can be a salvation from blackheads and other similar skin problems. One line, as a rule, includes all the necessary “jars and bottles” for cleansing and caring for the skin of the face. By the way, it often happens that inexpensive complexes have a much greater effect than their famous expensive analogues.


Line of anti-blackhead products

Pharmacy creams and preparations

There are opinions that experts in the pharmaceutical craft know some unique recipes for drugs that allow them to look young for many years and at the same time quickly eliminate skin problems.

When contacting a dermatologist with the problem of comedones, he can select individual proportions of talkers, creams, and ointments. Among these popular remedies, pharmacists-magicians can make:

  1. zinc-based chatter (+chloramphenicol, aspirin, dimexide, etc.);
  2. ointment based on sulfur (+zinc, streptocide, etc.).

If you look at the pharmacy counter, you can find ready-made creams for blackheads: Differin, Propeller, Baziron. Ointments: Zinc, Ichthyol, Retinoic.

Prevention of acne and blackheads

It is easier to prevent the occurrence of comedones than to try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. Cosmetologists note the following basic preventive measures that prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands:

  1. if inflammation appears on the skin, you should not try to get rid of it using mechanical cleansing or other aggressive procedures (for example, squeezing out the comedone yourself);
  2. It is not recommended to remove oily shine on the skin with alcohol-containing products, or to remove makeup with them;
  3. Do not wash your face frequently with soap or use scrubs every day, this can cause excessively dry skin;
  4. you need to use cosmetics specifically designed for a specific skin type;
  5. Do not use oily cream for oily (or combination) skin.

Treatment of acne and comedones is quite lengthy and unpleasant, and can also require considerable expenses. Timely cleansing of the skin will prevent the development of infection, and suitable cosmetics will eliminate the problem of intense work of the sebaceous glands.