Is it possible to use creams during pregnancy?

Choosing a high-quality face cream during pregnancy will preserve your beauty and solve some cosmetic problems associated with this difficult but joyful period. Pregnancy is not a reason to neglect yourself and stop taking care of your skin. We'll tell you: what components are allowed, how to choose a product, according to the recommendations of cosmetologists.

During pregnancy, the body reacts to everything unpredictably. Even your favorite time-tested cream sometimes causes an allergic reaction. Cosmetologists urge all expectant mothers to be vigilant and choose facial skin care products with extreme caution.

Can I use cream or not?

Several decades ago, a pregnant woman was carefully protected from any external “invasion” she was forbidden to dye her hair, use decorative cosmetics, or use facial skin care products. The expectant mother was allowed only folk remedies, at best baby cream.

Today, special lines of cosmetics have been developed for pregnant women, including face creams. Such products are made from natural ingredients, do not contain aggressive substances, and in general the amount of chemical components is reduced to a minimum. All products are gentle, delicate, absorb well, and do not have a strong aroma. Such cosmetics are approved by all doctors, from obstetricians-gynecologists to dermatologists.

What problems will it solve?

Modern cosmetologists say that pregnant women not only can, but also need to actively use face cream. A good product nourishes, protects, moisturizes, just like usual products, and in addition solves a number of problems that arise only during the period of bearing a child.

A good cream helps cope with:

  1. with increased skin sensitivity. The body adapts to new conditions of existence, all its systems are rebuilt, reaching a special level of “defense”. Any external fact-irritant, such as frost, heat, individual components in food, household chemicals become “enemy No. 1”, and the skin responds with irritation, redness, and itching.
  2. with restructuring of the skin. Against the background of hormonal shock, skin type often changes. Many expectant mothers notice that their once oily skin has become normal. On the contrary, the normal one began to shine and shine. Dry skin dries out even more and begins to flake, reacting to the most gentle cleansers. Everything is explained by the work of the hormone estrogen - during pregnancy it is released in large quantities, affecting the condition of the epithelium and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. with vascular networks. Spider veins are frequent companions of pregnant women. The fact is that the vessels dilate and become visible on the skin. There is nothing fatal in the phenomenon, no one experiences any discomfort. But from an aesthetic point of view, it looks ugly and becomes a cause of worry.
  4. with age spots. The period of waiting for a baby is often associated with a disruption in the production of melamine, which is responsible for the production of pigment and skin color. As a result, spots ranging from small to huge appear on the face.
  5. with acne, pimples. Since the sebaceous glands work intermittently, rashes, pimples, and large acne often appear on the face during pregnancy. The pores become clogged, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

But some pregnant girls continue to shine, delighting others with their excellent skin condition. Usually these are those who carefully chose a product for daily self-care. We will teach you the basics of choosing a good, safe product.

Selection rules

On the shelves of cosmetic stores and pharmacies there is a huge selection of creams designed specifically for ladies in anticipation. But can you trust all products? Let's talk about what kind of face cream for pregnant women cosmetologists recommend looking for.

Tips for choosing a cream:

  1. A future mother's makeup bag must include a moisturizer. Possible with hyaluronic acid. Acid is produced by the body independently, regulating the production of collagen and elastin and almost never causes allergies.
  2. The cream should not contain fragrances or active substances. Even if you liked the smell very much before pregnancy, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.
  3. It is better to buy mass-market products marked I.D.E. This marking indicates that the product has been tested and approved by the European Institute of Dermatology (the institution controls all cosmetic products entering the shelves of European stores). The mark also guarantees that there are no preservatives or harmful parabens in cosmetics.
  4. Changing skin type is a reason to change your skincare product. If a pregnant woman's oily skin has become normal, and normal skin has become dry, a cream should be selected specifically for the new type.
  5. To eliminate spider veins, doctors allow the purchase of products containing angioprotectors. Angioprotectors improve blood circulation in blood vessels and improve wall permeability.

There is no way to get rid of acne during pregnancy. Dermatologists recommend postponing radical procedures and carrying them out after the birth of the baby. But you can purchase a product that regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes oily shine, and has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect. And, of course, any cream during pregnancy simply must be hypoallergenic.

Prohibited substances

Usually doctors have nothing against creams that a woman is used to before pregnancy. But in some cases (especially if the pregnancy is accompanied by complications, there is a threat of premature birth, the tone of the uterus is increased), they strongly advise paying attention to the composition of the product. It is worth discarding it if the cream contains certain substances.

What could be potentially dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. retinoids. It would seem that what’s wrong with vitamin A-based components? But retinoids, which usually effectively fight wrinkles and help renew the epithelium at the cellular level, can lead to delays in fetal development. Retinoids are labeled Tazorac, Avage, Differin, Retin-A, Renova, Retinol.
  2. salicylic acid. Creams with salicylic acid cannot be used while expecting a baby, although it is very often included in creams for acne and any rashes. When pregnant, it is dangerous due to pathologies of fetal development, complications of pregnancy, and premature birth. You can recognize its presence by the designations BHA, Salicylic ac >

Some natural ingredients can also be dangerous. These are, for example, plant esters with bright aromas. They often provoke an allergic reaction and the appearance of hives. In the worst cases, it all ends with Quincke's edema.

We'll tell you what a high-quality cream for pregnant women should contain.

Recommended composition

You can use face creams during pregnancy with neutral ingredients, soft texture, and an unobtrusive delicate aroma. The priority is natural products and composition without chemicals.

Required components:

  1. vegetable oils (preferably cold pressed). Moisturizes and smoothes.
  2. animal fats. Nourishes and gives skin elasticity.
  3. hyaluronic acid. One of the best moisturizing ingredients. Helps the skin renew itself, helps collagen and elastin to be produced naturally.
  4. extracts of tea tree, aloe, green tea. They soothe, relieve irritation, and prevent any inflammatory processes.
  5. vitamins C, A. Renew, restore tone.
  6. Amino acids. Maintain youth and elasticity, nourish from the inside.

Fruit acids (in low concentrations), allatoin, and panthenol are also allowed. The former help cleanse the skin of dead cells and have a slight whitening effect. The second - soothe, serve as a prevention of any inflammation. Cream for pregnant women must be tested by dermatologists and have certificates. Cosmetologists advise purchasing them only in pharmacies.

The best choice for pregnant women - what does the expectant mother's skin need?

The requirements for the production of creams for expectant mothers are quite high, but on the shelves you can see many brands of expensive and affordable ones. Russian and foreign companies are vying with each other to offer facial products for use during pregnancy. We offer a list of cosmetic brands that have earned the best recommendations.

Buyer ratings are topped by:

  1. Avent
  2. Weleda
  3. Mustela
  4. Our mother.
  5. Mom Comfort.
  6. Chicco.
  7. Helan Linea Mamma.

These creams have different purposes: some protect from UV rays, others nourish, and others moisturize. The composition is different everywhere, but completely safe and approved by dermatologists. There is no universal cream for all occasions. For nutrition and hydration, day and night care, you need fundamentally different products.

How to properly care for your facial skin during pregnancy:

Moisturize and smooth

Using moisturizing cosmetics for pregnant women is a must. Such skin will retain elasticity and suffer less from the vagaries of the body. The skin of the expectant mother will not peel and turn red if the composition contains proteins, vitamin A, hyaluronic acid and lipids. Choose any brand - just carefully study the label.

We nourish and saturate

During all nine months it is important to nourish the skin, saturate it with minerals and amino acids. Then the skin will remain radiant and the complexion will remain fresh. For dry skin types, it is necessary to have a nourishing cream that is well absorbed. If the skin is not nourished, it will crack and a feeling of tightness will persist. Look for a cream with animal fats, a powerful vitamin complex, elastin and collagen. It is important to use the product an hour before bedtime on cleansed skin. If necessary, always remove excess with a soft cloth.

We support youth

Regenerating creams renew natural synthesis processes, maintain youth and fill all layers of the skin with nutrients. During pregnancy, this is important for maintaining the overall tone and immunity of the epithelium. Healthy skin actively resists external irritants and is less prone to pigmentation and acne. For pregnant women, creams have been created with amino acids, antioxidants, extracts of medicinal herbs (only those that do not cause allergies!), vegetable oils and collagen. They should be used before bedtime, and in the morning immediately after waking up.

Protecting yourself from the sun

The choice of sunscreen cosmetics for pregnant women is important for everyone who is pregnant in the summer. The active sun is harmful, dries out the skin, provokes the appearance of age spots and irritation. It is important to choose creams with high SPF factors, at least 30+.

Waiting for a baby is a time of surprises that the body presents to us from time to time. In addition to constant changes in mood and culinary preferences, we notice unpleasant changes in the mirror. But any mother has the power to make the period enjoyable, without sacrificing beauty for the sake of the baby. A beautiful mother means a happy one, then the baby will be born healthy and happy.

During pregnancy, a woman's appearance changes. Along with breast enlargement and a rounded tummy, acne, stretch marks, and swelling often appear. These pregnancy companions can be corrected with moderate physical activity, proper nutrition and the use of skin care products. Modern cosmetics for pregnant women are absolutely safe and are aimed at solving problems that arise during pregnancy.

To care for the skin of the body and face during pregnancy, a woman can partially use existing cosmetics. Additionally, you will need products aimed at solving specific problems: eliminating acne, age spots, stretch marks.

Cosmetics during pregnancy

The question of whether pregnant women can use cosmetics has long lost its relevance. Several decades ago, there was an opinion that when carrying a child, you need to give up not only creams, lotions, lipstick and mascara, but also cutting your hair. Today, attitudes towards care procedures have changed many manufacturers produce products without harmful substances, suitable, including for pregnant women.

Few pregnant women need enough water and cleansers to care for their skin. Changes in hormonal levels and metabolism lead to problems that require the use of special cosmetics. Lotions, tonics, creams, oils and gels created for expectant mothers are hypoallergenic and safe for the baby.

Cosmetology for pregnant women means body treatments using sea salt and algae. Baths, wraps, and light massage (except for the abdominal area and in the absence of contraindications) will help you relax and relieve stress. It is allowed to make face masks using special cosmetics approved during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to carry out salon procedures that involve temperature changes and the use of chemical reactions. These include: chemical peeling, massage with heated stones, hot wraps, as well as any use of essential oils. It is worth holding off on electro- and photoepilation and lifting.

The use of conventional cosmetics can cause dermatitis and the appearance of age spots.

Decorative cosmetics for pregnant women should be hypoallergenic. We need to more carefully monitor the expiration date of each product: mascara, blush, eye shadow, lipstick. If possible, you should avoid using foundation it closes the pores, enhancing the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the composition of cosmetics. Products with retinol, soy and bergamot are prohibited. If there are no allergic reactions, you can buy products from companies you already know. At the same time, it is worth giving preference to products with natural ingredients, and ideally, with a safety mark for pregnant women.

Rules for choosing cosmetics for pregnant women

The choice of cosmetics during pregnancy should be based on ideas about its safety and effectiveness.

To avoid unwanted consequences, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Natural cosmetics for pregnant women should be a priority
  2. you need to carefully study the composition of the product you are purchasing if it only lists the names of chemical compounds, then it is better to refuse the purchase
  3. give preference to products that primarily contain oils, herbal extracts, and vitamins
  4. choose facial skin care products designed to eliminate age spots, increased oiliness, and acne - frequent companions of pregnancy
  5. To care for your body skin, you should purchase moisturizing lotions and creams, natural oils and products for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks
  6. it is important to pay attention to the expiration date if it has expired, then the use of cosmetics can be harmful to health in general, and not just to the condition of the skin
  7. When choosing decorative cosmetics, you should give preference to products marked “hypoallergenic” this will protect you from unwanted reactions of the body.

The most necessary products during pregnancy are cosmetics for stretch marks and facial skin care. The right choice and timely start of use will help avoid problems.

Choosing a remedy for stretch marks

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are one of the main skin problems during pregnancy. And the reasons are hormonal changes and weight gain. As a result of stretching and loss of elasticity, the inner layer of the skin is torn, and the damaged area is filled with connective tissue. At first, stretch marks look like purple scars, but after a while they turn white and become less noticeable. Read more about stretch marks during pregnancy→

Cosmetics for pregnant women against stretch marks help not only eliminate the problem that has already arisen, but also prevent its occurrence. It is best to start using the products in advance, as soon as the stomach begins to increase in size and stretch the skin. Stretch marks more often occur with insufficient hydration and a lack of vitamin E. Before they appear, the skin itches and flakes.

Cosmetics for stretch marks during pregnancy should be safe. You should be careful when choosing oils. They effectively soften the skin and retain moisture inside it, but can be dangerous when carrying a child and can lead to miscarriage.

Prohibited oils for the expectant mother are chamomile, mint, thyme, rose, oregano, cedar, ginger, nutmeg, fennel, parsley, basil, sage and cinnamon. All these plants may be present in other remedies for stretch marks, but in this case their concentration is much lower and cannot cause harm. The best option is to refuse to buy essential oil in favor of a softer option: cream, lotion, milk or gel.

Effective products for combating stretch marks should contain emollient oils (shea, jojoba) and components that improve blood circulation. Many manufacturers add vitamins, amino acids, collagen - all these compounds restore tissue. As a result, the skin surface becomes noticeably softer and smoother, flaking and dryness are eliminated.

Also, when choosing a product for stretch marks, you need to pay attention to the smell it should be unobtrusive and mild. In most products, fragrance additives reveal themselves upon contact with the skin, so if possible, it is worth applying a small sample of the product to the inner crease of your elbow. This will help not only to better evaluate the smell, but also to identify a possible allergic reaction.

In addition to the use of cosmetics, nutrition, wearing special underwear, a bandage, water procedures and physical activity play an important role in the fight against stretch marks. Strengthening skin tissue should occur not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Choosing a facial skin product

Facial cosmetics are necessary, first of all, for pregnant women with oily and combination skin. These skin types are characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, leading to the formation of acne. There are many remedies that can cope with this problem, but not all of them are safe for the expectant mother and baby.

When choosing cosmetics for pregnant women intended for facial skin, you need to pay attention to the composition.

The following components are dangerous:

  1. Salicylic acid. Widely used in products to combat acne and other rashes. It is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus and complications of the gestation process. On the packaging this component is designated as Salicylic acid, BHA, Beta hydroxy acid (BHA).
  2. Retinoids. Compounds based on vitamin A. It stimulates the division of skin cells and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Causes developmental disorders in the fetus. The packaging of products containing retinoids may indicate: Differin, Retin-A, Renova, Retinoic acid, Retinol, Retinyl linoleate, Retinyl palmitate, Tazorac and Avage.
  3. Phthalates. These are salts and esters of phthalic acid used as fragrances. Their toxic effect on the body has been identified for a long time.
  4. Hydroquinone and glautathione. The compounds have a whitening effect by acting on the enzymes that synthesize melanin.
  5. Dihydroxyacetone. It is present in self-tanners and leads to skin cancer, problems with the reproductive system, and mutagenic reactions.
  6. Parabens. They are used in many cosmetics and increase shelf life. Causes breast cancer and disorders of the reproductive organs.
  7. Ethylene oxide. It is a disinfectant component and makes the structure of the product softer. It has carcinogenic and mutagenic properties.
  8. Hormones. Despite the fact that phytoestrogens are replacing animal estrogens, their effect on the human body has not yet been fully studied.
  9. Sodium lauryl sulfate. Carcinogen, dangerous at concentrations greater than 2%. When using products with this compound, poisoning is possible.
  10. Benzene. It is a toxin that affects the bone marrow, causing blood cancer and anemia.

Facial skin care products should contain as many natural plant ingredients as possible. During pregnancy, many cosmetics can be replaced with traditional medicine: decoctions, infusions, mixtures.

Rules for using cosmetics for pregnant women

In order for the use of cosmetics during pregnancy to be truly safe, you need not only to be able to choose products, but also to apply them correctly:

  1. Milk, cream, gel or lotion for stretch marks can and should be used starting from the 13th week of pregnancy. At this time, the risk of miscarriage is already noticeably reduced, and the belly is just beginning to grow. Regular use of such products helps prevent the formation of stretch marks at a later date. Rub the cream (gel, lotion) into problem areas with light movements twice a day. It is best to carry out the procedure after a shower, then the active components will penetrate faster and deeper into the layers of the skin.
  2. It is enough to use facial skin care cosmetics once a day, best before bed, when the muscles are relaxed.
  3. You should use decorative cosmetics only when necessary. The less often the better. It is better not to use concealers such as foundation, concealer, or powder at all. Before going to bed, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of impurities and decorative cosmetics.

Review of popular manufacturers

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of cosmetics for pregnant women. Some companies specialize only in producing products for expectant mothers, while others create lines within the existing brand.

The most popular cosmetics from the following manufacturers:

  1. Weleda. The manufacturer from Germany focuses on natural ingredients that are harmless to pregnant women. The range consists of a tonic gel for feet and three types of oils: for the breast during lactation, for ruptures during childbirth, and for stretch marks.
  2. Chicco. Cosmetics from Italy. The line for pregnant women contains rice bran and wheat grain oils - components that moisturize and increase skin elasticity. For expectant mothers, they produce products for stretch marks, breast serum, face gel, shampoos, and insect repellent gels.
  3. Mustela. The French company produces a whole series of “9 months” these cosmetics for pregnant women contain natural ingredients and are tested by dermatologists. On sale you can find breast skin care products, nipple care products, oil for stretch marks and much more.
  4. Avent. All products of this brand from the UK are hypoallergenic and contain shea butter, papaya butter, seaweed extract and milk proteins. The range includes creams for stretch marks and nipple care, moisturizing oil and shower gel.
  5. Sanosan. The manufacturer from Germany produces environmentally friendly products approved by independent European experts. The series for pregnant women includes a protective cream with panthenolm, an anti-stretch mark product, a moisturizing soap, a weather cream and wet wipes.
  6. Our mother. Cosmetics for pregnant women of the domestic company “Our Mama” are produced as part of the “Mama Comfort” series. The products are based on natural ingredients and enriched with vitamins. The range includes creams and gels for stretch marks, breast skin care, nipple care, liquid soap, shampoo, multivitamin oil, etc.

Modern cosmetics for pregnant women are made on the basis of natural ingredients, with the addition of vitamins and amino acids. All products undergo dermatological control and are certified. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the composition, expiration date and the presence of marks on permission for use by pregnant women.

Author: Olga Khanova, doctor,
especially for

Useful video about cosmetics for pregnant women



Any woman wants to be beautiful, regardless of the season and age. But during pregnancy, a woman is in a special state, both physically and emotionally, and beauty is especially important to her. Therefore, it is worth understanding in detail whether all the usual cosmetics are acceptable for use during pregnancy, and whether their use will harm the fetus and the mother herself?

Several decades ago, doctors strongly recommended that during pregnancy one should completely refrain from using cosmetics and performing cosmetic procedures. But today the attitude towards the use of cosmetics during pregnancy has changed it is quite acceptable to use. But in order to ensure that makeup does not harm, and your favorite cream does not cause problems, you should adhere to a number of rules.


  1. First of all, during pregnancy you should not suddenly change the brand of cosmetics, as this leads to an increased risk of allergic reactions. Carrying a child is not the time to experiment on yourself.
  2. When purchasing new products, you should first test them on small areas of the body - on the bend of the elbow or on the forearm.
  3. You should avoid products with strong fragrances, they can cause attacks of nausea and increased toxicosis.
  4. Experts also do not recommend cosmetics containing essential oils - their effect on the development of pregnancy has been little studied.

Pregnant skin features and problems

Some women during pregnancy are quite able to maintain a healthy appearance of the skin of the face and body only with the help of water and cleansers. But there are not many such women. Most of us require the use of good face creams, which you may already have your eye on. However, during pregnancy, you should seriously think about using special cosmetics specifically for pregnant women, since under the influence of hormones your skin also undergoes changes. Your favorite creams may no longer cope with the tasks assigned to them.

The processes that occur with the skin during pregnancy can be divided into three large groups:

  1. manifestations of skin diseases that occur during pregnancy,
  2. exacerbation or intensification of skin problems that existed before pregnancy,
  3. physiological processes on the skin that are associated with pregnancy.

The first two problems must be treated and corrected in close contact with a doctor, but the manifestations of physiological changes in pregnant women can be corrected with the help of cosmetics. It is for these reasons that creams during pregnancy should be different from the usual ones. What problems can bearing a child cause for the skin and how to choose cosmetics?

The main problem is combination skin

During pregnancy, a change occurs in the processes of thermoregulation, while the sweat and sebaceous glands function intensively, and the secretion of pigment by the skin increases. The circulatory system also changes, which leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood with increased fragility of venous vessels and dilation of capillaries. The skin may react by developing age spots, small rashes and oily sheen, rashes and itching. An increase in oily facial skin can be simultaneously accompanied by severe dry skin on the body. These symptoms may be uncomfortable.

The problem can be solved by using special cosmetics with a combination of solar filters, which reduces chloasma (pigmentation) on the face. Such products may contain essential acids and natural oils, vitamin C, which brightens the skin and reduces pigmentation, as well as vitamin E, which relieves inflammation. Such creams do not contain fragrances, which reduces the risk of allergies. You can also use hypoallergenic moisturizing creams from pharmaceutical companies.

Another pregnancy problem is spider veins on the skin., expansion of intradermal small vessels. This is due to changes in the balance of body hormones and the structural features of the skin of pregnant women. To solve this problem, from the first trimester of pregnancy you need creams with substances that improve the functioning of capillaries - angioprotectors. They help activate microcirculation and normalize the permeability of vascular walls.

And another significant problem of pregnancy is acne. – they arise due to increased levels of androgens and activity of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum with dead skin cells causes clogged pores. This is a favorable environment for the development of microbes and inflammation with the formation of acne. Caring for such skin should combine moisturizing with cleansing. Increased fat content can be eliminated with delicate peelings and creams it is better to choose them together with a dermatologist so that the products are safe for a pregnant woman. Masks made from natural products - kefir, oat flakes, milk - also help.

Decorative cosmetics during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should choose decorative cosmetics only from the hypoallergenic series, avoid foundation so that it does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe. Instead of lipstick, you should use light lip gloss, pay attention to the composition and use only high-quality ingredients.

What cosmetics should not be used during pregnancy?

If you tolerate the usual products that you used previously, you can continue to use them, carefully reading the labels to see if they contain any prohibited substances. When purchasing new products, also read the labels and discard those components that could cause potential harm to your condition. Dangerous components include:

Retinoids. This is a special class of substances based on vitamin A, often included in anti-aging skin products. Retinoids trigger the process of active cell proliferation, which helps eliminate facial wrinkles, making the skin more elastic and smooth. But high doses of vitamin A in these products can harm the fetus, so you should avoid such products during pregnancy. On the label, the presence of retinoids will be indicated by the terms retinol, retinyl, differin, retinoic acid and retinol compounds.

You should be no less wary of products containing salicylic acid. This product is popular in cosmetology it gently removes dying cells and has a slight antiseptic effect. It is added to the formulas of many toners for acne-prone and oily skin. Salicylic acid can lead to pregnancy complications and fetal problems, so you should avoid it. Labels may list either salicylic acid or beta-hydroxylic acid.

Perfume fragrances in the products may cause allergic reactions during pregnancy. Therefore, even if you did not suffer from allergies before pregnancy, you should refrain from using cosmetics with a strong smell and do not use such products. Also, a pungent odor can even provoke dizziness and nausea.

Salon procedures – what are they allowed and not for pregnant women?

Expectant mothers also want to visit beauty salons and undergo facial and body skin care procedures, but the list of permitted services will be significantly reduced during pregnancy. When signing up for procedures, be sure to clarify what your condition is and what your term is. Chemical peelings of the face and body, various types of injections and physiotherapy are prohibited during pregnancy. Doctors also discourage aromatherapy sessions, laser resurfacing and body wraps using particularly active ingredients. Hardware massage and procedures are contraindicated. It is worth consulting a doctor when doing foot massages, facial cleansing, or using special masks on the chest.

Often pregnant women experience allergic reactions to products containing mercury, zinc, parabens, hormones or fruit acids. These products should not be used in the salon during pregnancy. It is also undesirable to use products with essential oils, only in a very small percentage, so as not to provoke skin irritation and allergies.

The basis of any product should be not animal, but vegetable fat, with the exception of shark oil or extracts from whale and shark fins. All animal components - porcine or bovine collagen, hyaluronic acid from bird combs can cause skin rashes and itching. Hyaluronic acid can be obtained by isolating microbes from cells, but then it must be highly purified so that it does not contain any special endotoxins, this must be indicated on the label.

Gentle wraps and massages of a relaxing, decongestant, nourishing and moisturizing nature will be useful during pregnancy.