Mud Healing Radioactive

Radioactive therapeutic mud (syn. g.l. radon) is a special type of therapeutic mud containing radioactive radon gas. Such muds are formed in places where radioactive groundwater comes to the surface.

The radioactivity of mud is due to the presence of radon isotopes in them - Rn-222 and Rn-220. These isotopes are decay products of the naturally occurring radioactive elements uranium and thorium. When radon enters the human body, it has a positive effect due to ionizing alpha radiation.

Therapeutic radioactive mud is used in the form of applications and baths in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, and skin diseases. Radioactive isotopes of radon, entering the body through the skin, improve blood circulation and metabolism, have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and immunocorrective effect.

The main deposits of radioactive medicinal mud in Russia are located in the Caucasus, Crimea and Western Siberia. The most famous are Lake Tambukan in Adygea, Lake Uchkul in Kalmykia, Lake Saki in Crimea. Treatment with such mud is carried out in specialized sanatoriums and mud baths.

Radioactive therapeutic mud


**Healing radioactive mud** is a special type of mud that has healing properties due to the presence of certain radionuclides in it. This term is often used in medicine and cosmetology, where various forms of these muds are used to treat various diseases, as well as to rejuvenate the skin and improve its condition.

Therapeutic radioactive muds are formed mainly in the bowels of the earth and are mineral formations containing various radioactive elements, such as potassium, calcium, sulfur, sodium, aluminum, zinc and others. Upon contact with the skin, these elements penetrate the tissue, which leads to stimulation of cellular activity and increased blood circulation.

Usually, therapeutic radioactive mud is obtained from healing springs located in the mountains or on the sea coast. During use, these muds can be treated to improve their effectiveness. For example, they are filtered or frozen before use to remove solids and improve consistency.

Recently, interest in medicinal radioactive mud has been gaining momentum, since it has been found that it has many beneficial properties. One of the main advantages is that the procedure provides an effect on the entire body at once. And if a person has no contraindications for using mud, he can get lasting results for a long period of time.

How is the procedure performed?

Before use, the dirt is always thoroughly cleaned and filtered to achieve ideal purity and safety. Then it is applied to the body using a special film or water, because it is very important that the dirt lies exactly according to the pattern outlined by the doctor and without contact with other areas