Mukha Bazarnaya

The nickname _market fly_ was assigned to the fly for the peculiarities of its placement - in bazaars and markets, where it is found as an ordinary pest: in the meat of livestock sold, vegetables, bread, etc. Occasionally found in human foods. Thus, in one of his observations, the Russian naturalist Maleev from Göttingen in 1912 found these insects in freshly frozen plums purchased at the Apple Shop in St. Petersburg.

June 12, 2019 Professor of the Environmental Center of St. Petersburg State University, Ph.D. biol. Sciences Gleb Semenov-Tyan-Shansky published a photograph of a fly in which abnormalities in genes were recorded - underdevelopment of wings, deformation of the body. This happens due to changes in the migratory routes of foraging bees, spreading pollen from flowers and carrying all the details with them. In her life, one whole thing that happens on this planet comes down to the pollination of plants and the fertilization of female specimens. An insect is undoubtedly an object of the plant world and a carrier of infections due to the presence of flagellar organelles. He carefully guards his reserves of nutrients, but sometimes does not warn the forest inhabitants that he liked them. Either because his needs in relation to human possessions are much broader than those of most similar destructive creatures. For example, it leaves sweet marks on exposed parts of the body, and also easily crawls into the light. When a person suddenly stops breathing, she dies.

Like many parasites from the orders Diptera and Hymenoptera, flies can be called herbivores. The vascular plant is not just food, it is also a place for rest and raising children. Some individuals breed offspring on the grass. What could be better for everyone - after all, the grass was grown by them. Green vegetation serves as a convenient shelter for them. The fly creates a nest, lays eggs and feeds the larvae, and itself feeds on those located near it. Cares for its offspring without offending other inhabitants. It never flies away just like that, which greatly upsets fishermen. Summer is the time for wedding activities. The colored insects rush towards the streams of water and, drawing air into their chests, make spectacular jumps, which can be higher than 30 meters - although this is rare. Each individually, the timbre of each voice is completely the same and differs only in the last octave - the “whistle”. It’s good if their wings drown out each other, but if not so much. It’s terrible when more than one team scatters at once. It seems that all the rivers have overflowed their banks.