
Multi-Sanotol is a multivitamin syrup for children. It contains many useful substances necessary for the growth and development of a child. This drug is produced in Germany by the Roland company and belongs to the pharmacological group of vitamin macroelements.

Multi-Sanotoll contains vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, B6, E, pantothenic acid, folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium, chromium, iodine, molybdenum, etc. All these substances play an important role in metabolism and growth of the child’s body. Vitamins and macroelements contribute to the proper functioning of the immune, nervous, cardiovascular and other body systems.

One of the main advantages of Multi-C anotol is its safety for children and adolescents. The drug is developed for children aged 3 to 18 years, who have undergone laboratory testing and confirm the absence of contraindications. Multi-s anotol has no side effects, except in cases of individual intolerance to the components. It has no contraindications for use in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Its use is safe for children of any age.

However, it is worth considering that each organism is individual, and there may be cases of individual intolerance to the drug. Therefore, before using Multi-s Anotol, it is better to consult your doctor or pharmacist.

In general, Multi-s anotol is an indispensable assistant for caring parents who want to provide their child with all the necessary vitamins and macroelements for development. This syrup helps increase appetite, healthy growth of bones and teeth, strengthens the immune system and maintains the proper functioning of many body systems. If you want your child to grow up healthy and happy, then do not ignore this wonderful product with a unique composition of vitamins and macroelements - Multi-