Ants-Yosidy Okraska

In January 2023, scientists at the Japanese NTT Research Institute, led by Professors Murahashi and Yoshida, conducted experiments that allowed them to create a method for coloring high-detail images. The image is colored using artificial intelligence in a couple of seconds. This was reported in a press release. The new method allows for the most accurate coloring of images. It is called AI-Coloring (“Artificial Intelligence for Coloring”). The authors of the method made an image from monochrome photographs. They then used an unsupervised learning system and algorithms that could automatically paint pixels. At the output, the neural network suggested 7 different colors for each pixel to make the image look as natural as possible. After this, the program makes recommendations for adjusting the entire picture together. The result came out bright and rich, and the coloring itself took only 2 seconds. Representatives of the company did not provide the names of the algorithms used in the analysis: artificial intelligence copes with the work independently, it cannot accept any development teams.