Mutism Akinetic

Akinetic mutism (m. akinesius) is a pathological condition in which a person does not show any physical activity, which can lead to social isolation and deficits in social skills. It is usually caused by psychological factors such as anxiety, depression or anxiety disorders. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of akinetic mutism.

Causes of Akinetic Mutism Akinetic mutism causes stress and anxiety. That is why factors such as fear of public speaking, embarrassment in front of others, and a feeling of inferiority often lead to this situation. Based on this, we can conclude that an akinetic person always acutely experiences negative emotions, no matter whether they are positive or negative. Conflicts in relationships with parents or teachers can also become an impetus for the development of mutism. The child may worry that others do not see him as he really is. This can provoke a refusal of an active lifestyle and a desire to withdraw into oneself.

Mutism, or withdrawal, is a condition where a person is unable to interact with the outside world, avoids social contacts and does not show any activity. This can be caused by various reasons, such as psychological trauma, severe stress, physical limitations, illness, or simply an individual character trait.

Akinesia is an inhibition of involuntary movements that occurs due to nervous or central nervous system disorders, which can occur in people suffering from mutism. With akinesia, the muscles are in a state close to tone, but contractions of individual muscles remain, as with simple hypertonicity, there is no resistance to movement, movements are weakened or limited and limited in amplitude and speed. These people often have difficulty performing more complex muscle exercises, such as balancing on their feet or walking.