Musical Animals

Musical animals

Music can help children develop their imagination and creativity. Try to entertain your child by showing him different musical sounds on the piano or other instruments.

Start with low notes. Press the bass keys of the piano several times slowly. Invite your child, after carefully listening to these sounds, to imitate the gait of a large animal that these notes remind him of - an elephant, a hippopotamus or a bear.

Then move up to high notes, playing at a faster tempo. Adapting to the music, let the child change his behavior, imitating the movements of light and mobile creatures - birds, mice, cats or monkeys.

Give your child the opportunity to tap the keys himself and portray the characters that arise in his imagination. If you don’t have a piano, you can play toy musical instruments - first, knock on the drum rarely and dully, then often and loudly.

In the house you can always find objects that will serve as improvised tools - a large plastic basin and two wooden spoons. Experiment together and see what happens!

Such games develop the child’s hearing and his ability to associate sounds with images. In addition, they allow you to show imagination and creativity. And most importantly, they bring a lot of joy to the baby!