Myelitis Hemorrhagic

Pseudohemorrhagic inflammation of the spinal cord (meningomyelitis, secondary spinomyelitis)

Myelitis is an inflammation of the cortex and medulla of the spinal cord or medulla oblongata, caused by infection (epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis), neuropara

**Hemorrhagic myelitis** is a disease that is accompanied by damage to the spinal cord. It is mainly caused by infectious processes in the body, injuries, tumors and vascular disorders. In any case, the cause of the disease is inflammation of the tissues of the spinal cord and its membranes, or damage to the neurins. A characteristic feature of hemorrhagic myelitis is the occurrence of hemorrhages inside the spinal lining.

Thus, myelitis is an inflammatory lesion of the substance and / or membranes of the spinal cord, characterized by a conduction disorder along the corresponding pathways and a disruption of the motor, sensory and trophic innervation below the site of the lesion. This pathological condition is one of the most severe inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. This is due to a lightning-fast course, severe impairment of vital functions due to total damage to the central nervous system, serious complications in the form of infectious lesions (meningitis, meningoencephalitis) and a progressive course with profound irreversible morphological changes.