
Myometritis is an inflammation of the uterus that can occur in women at any age. This disease can be caused by various reasons, including infections, trauma, surgery and other factors.

Myometritis can have various symptoms, such as abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, fever and general malaise. If left untreated, myometritis can lead to serious complications such as infertility, premature birth, or even death.

To diagnose myometritis, it is necessary to conduct an examination and blood and urine tests. Treatment for myometritis usually includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and other medications depending on the cause of the disease.

It is important to remember that myometritis can be a dangerous disease, so if any symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The myometrium (muscular wall of the uterus) is a continuation of the muscular layer into the uterine cavity. Its inner surface covers the membranes, but does not extend into the uterine mucosa. Despite the fact that the myometrium is located outside the uterine cavity, it affects its function. Inflammation of the muscular wall of the uterus - myometritis - can have many causes and the nature of the course depends on many factors. The causes of inflammation can be infections, impaired uterine bleeding, severe injuries or surgical interventions. The cause may also be hormonal disorders, poor circulation, or poor quality of the endometrium after surgical interventions. These are the causes of internal inflammation of the myometrium. Most often, this includes interstitial damage to the myometrium, mainly in Asherman's syndrome. Second type of myometritis

Why is it important not to ignore the symptoms and signs of myometritis and consult a specialist in time? Myometritis can be caused by infection of the myometrium as a result of childbirth or other treatment. The infection can enter the muscle wall of the uterus through the blood or lymph, or through tissue that contains bacteria and other microorganisms. After this, inflammation of the muscle fibers is possible. Symptoms of myometritis include pelvic pain, general weakness, chills and fever. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms and do not start timely treatment, complications such as acute pelvioperitonitis, endometritis, adhesions and sepsis are possible. As soon as you notice the first symptoms of myometritis, immediately seek help from a doctor!

In gynecology, myometritis is a dangerous inflammatory disease that can develop both in the body of the uterus itself and in the inner lining surrounding it. This disease can cause a number of serious symptoms such as severe pain, nausea, fever and others. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of these data.