What is harmful for those suffering from kulanj

Both food and actions can be harmful to them. As for food, all coarse meat of wild animals is harmful, even the meat of hare, antelope, deer and porcupine, as well as fish, especially large, fresh and salted, then all fried and stewed meat, whatever it may be, stomachs all animals and even all meat, with the exception of what we mentioned above. White unleavened bread, sikbaj, madira, vinegar with olive oil, barley soup, milk rice porridge and almond cake are harmful to such patients, while pancakes are less harmful. All dry biscuits harm them, as well as bread, pancakes, milk, cheese - old and fresh, all sorts of swelling foods and all vegetables, except those that we mentioned, for example, beets and cold rue. Mint sometimes harms such patients with its swelling effect, as well as indau; wormwood-tarragon also causes harm, like olives and all fruits, except for plums and apricots, which are harmful only with yellow gall, hot and fecal kulandzh, which arose only from heat, but not with its other varieties. Sweet melon before meals does not harm most sufferers of kulanj when they are healthy, as for pumpkin in particular, as well as kissa, cucumbers, quinces, white cabbage, white turnips, cauliflower, pears, apples, especially sour and astringent ones, hawthorn, fruits jujube, rowan, Tabaristan kachim, Syrian mulberry, barberry, sumac, unripe grapes, rhubarb and everything that is prepared from them and is similar to them, these are the worst enemies of kulanj and should not be consumed. Very fresh nuts and almonds and fresh fava beans are also harmful. Sweet pomegranates are less harmful than sour ones.

As for the actions that one should beware of, one cannot, for example, hold back the winds, hold back bowel movements, sleep with feces in the stomach, especially dry ones; on the contrary, you should go to the toilet every time before going to bed. Know that the retention of winds often gives rise to kulanj, since the winds drive feces upward and push it, and the feces collect into a single dense lump. In addition, they cause weakness in the intestines and this sometimes leads to dropsy, and sometimes causes darkening in the eyes, dizziness and headache. Often winds get stuck in the joints and cause spasms. Moving after eating is harmful for such patients, as is drinking cold water and a lot of wine after meals.