Hematocolpos is a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of menstrual blood in the vagina.
The reason for the development of hematocolpos is the presence of an opening in the hymen that is too narrow, through which menstrual blood cannot flow freely from the vaginal cavity. As a result, the vagina is stretched and the volume of the vagina increases due to accumulated blood - hematocolpos is formed.
Clinically, hematocolpos is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of pressure and fullness. A gynecological examination reveals an enlarged, densely elastic vagina filled with dark blood.
Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical picture and ultrasound results of the pelvic organs.
Treatment of hematocolpos involves cutting the hymen to ensure the drainage of accumulated menstrual blood from the vagina and normalization of the menstrual cycle.
Hematocolpos should be differentiated from cryptomenorrhea - delayed menstruation due to vaginal obstruction.
Hematocolpus is a rare gynecological disease that is characterized by the accumulation of menstrual blood in the uterine cavity. This happens because the opening in the hymen is too narrow or there is no opening at all. The problem is usually diagnosed in young women and requires timely treatment to prevent the development of serious complications. In this article we will look at the causes of hematocolpus, the symptoms of this disease, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Main causes of hematocolpos
Hematocolpos is a complication of the pathological process in the genital area, which indicates