Tumors arising in the glands

As for glandular tumors, which develop differently from buboes, sometimes they arise in places where matter is expelled during crises, and sometimes they appear in those places where matter is expelled from the main organs. They are often caused by ulcers or other tumors located in the limbs; the juices flowing to them pass by such glandular meat along the way and get stuck in it. Thus, sometimes the eyes and armpits of people suffering from jarab or ulcers on the legs and arms become swollen, and sometimes tumors arise when the body is full, although often there is no particularly large overflow in the body.

Their treatment, as you know, differs from the treatment of other tumors in that they do not begin with the expulsion of matter and do not rush with it at all, while emptying by bloodletting and laxation is one of the means necessary here. As for other treatment measures, if possible, it is better to wait with them until the situation becomes clearer. If a tumor arises as a result of a crisis or as a result of the removal of matter from the dominant organ, then this should not be interfered with, but on the contrary, matter should be attracted to the swollen organ in all possible ways, including cupping.

If the tumor has formed as a result of large overfilling, then emptying is the basis here, as well as reducing and facilitating nutrition. Do not use drugs that expel, but relax tissues,

although it is also better not to use relaxing ones without emptying: this sometimes brings trouble to the organ and attracts a lot of matter; on the contrary, using relaxing ones, at the same time produce emptying and distract the matter in the other direction. Removing drugs are dangerous because they return matter to the insides and dominant organs, and relaxing drugs are dangerous because they attract a lot of matter; the removal and rejection of matter protects tissue-relaxing drugs from being harmful.

If the pain gets very intense, it is necessary to soothe it, for example, with a woolen rag soaked in hot olive oil; later, at the end of the illness, to soothe the pain, salts are added there with something dissolving. At first, salt sometimes makes the pain worse.

If the body is clean or you have cleansed it, then do not be afraid and dissolve it; Wheat flour often promotes successful dissolution, but barley flour is safer.

Sometimes strong dissolving agents increase the swelling; therefore, they are used only when necessary to drive matter away from the dominant organs and divert it to the tumor out of fear for these dominant organs. Often such a tumor is cured by one heated olive oil, which is poured on the tumor. If a tumor has formed in loose flesh located in a noble organ, for example, on the chest or in the testicles, and you are not afraid of harm by holding back the matter, then hold back and distract it; If you find a tumor tending to harden, soften it wherever it is.