Planning the training process

Majority newcomerswho decided to take up bodybuilding, with enviable consistency, regularly step on the same rake. They want to quickly become strong and ripped and simply exhaust themselves in training, studying for a very long time and exhausting, so to speak, until complete exhaustion. The result is overtraining, severe muscle pain, discomfort in everyday life, and the need for two weeks of recovery after such killer training. And the effect is zero! We all know this! Probably every young bodybuilder has gone through this and been in this shoes...

Table of contents and navigation within the article:

Introduction to training planning.

An example of a weekly cycle of classes.

How to combine and combine training in the gym and at home?

Long-term planning.

Short-term planning.

Adjustments and changes to the plan.

Why is training planning so necessary?

And the recipe is simple. Not much needs to be done. Have to do often. AND constantly. It is impossible to pump up and become Schwarzenegger in one go. But if you study constantly, little by little, but often, you’ll become better. Your workout should be as short as possible, but at the same time intense.... But this is very difficult for a beginner to understand. He wants everything at once. Therefore, during training, he is in a hurry to do this, and this, and this, and this. And all this must be done now in this particular workout. As a result, having spent the whole day in the gym in the morning, and having pumped up everything that was possible, he, completely exhausted and squeezed out like a lemon, in the late evening begins to crawl towards the exit... The funny thing is that they (“yellow mouths”) are still after that they are perplexed: “Like, why am I training so hard and still not growing?” As you already understand, this is stupid, wrong and ineffective.

To achieve real tangible results, need to stick to the system. And the system is nothing more than training process planning. Create a training schedule for yourself. Moreover, train not all at once, but individual selected muscle groups. Don't forget about rest and recovery. For example:

  1. On Monday we train: deltoids, abs, forearms and calves,
  2. On Wednesday we work on: neck, back and triceps,
  3. On Friday we do: chest, legs and biceps.
  4. On all other days - recovery, rest and light aerobic training.

What do we end up with with this scheme? Instead of one workout, it turned out to be two. But - as short as possible in time and extremely intensive. And this is exactly what we need – to train a little, but often. Naturally, the effect of two short workouts is much higher than from one long one. And with such a cycle it is much easier for the body to recover. This is the scheme you need combine training in the gym and at home. Give it a try. This scheme is really very convenient and productive.

Another important point is that planning the training process, as such, can be divided into the following types:

  1. Strategic – or long-term planning. This means drawing up a comprehensive program for your development. for the next quarter, six months or year. Think about: how often you will train, in what rhythm, with what weights, approximately what results you want to achieve by the end of the reporting period, what methods and principles you plan to use, what you need for this, what you are missing... Also, with a fairly serious approach before training, we strongly recommend that you periodically monitor your “measurements” to determine current anthropometric indicators. This is done with a regular sewing measuring tape - measure the volume of the neck, chest, shoulder, ... and so on - read more about this here. By constantly accumulating and analyzing this data, you can easily assess your progress for one muscle group or another. It wouldn’t hurt to add a number of your photographs to this. It’s just important to understand that for proper analysis, you always need to take pictures in the same place, under the same lighting, from the same angle and distance. All these above points are “not empty ringing.” They are of no small importance when strategically planning your bodybuilding or fitness activities...
  2. Tactical – or short-term planning. This means compiling and maintaining plan for the current workout. It is important to understand that when you come to the gym, you must clearly know: what muscle groups are planned for today, what exercises, in what sequence, in what number of approaches and repetitions you need to do, how much time is allocated for each of them, not forgetting, of course, and about stretching, warming up and working with cardio equipment. Remember: for your normal, high-quality, full-fledged training, all these questions must be answered before coming to the gym - this is one of the key points of proper training. You should not rush from machine to machine, with a struggle of motives and thoughts: “What should I do today?”, losing your precious training time. Only confidence and strict adherence planned scheme can lead you to victory, and to the progress we all need so much.

It is important to understand: bodybuilding is a system. Not just a single workout performed to the point of exhaustion that brings nothing useful. And a grand, meticulous plan. Plan for your whole life! How do you think Arnold Schwarzenegger became a multiple champion? Was he immediately born covered in muscles? Or maybe: he came to the gym one day and worked hard all day, pushing himself to the point of complete failure - and within a day he became so powerful? - of course not! He set himself a goal. The goal of your whole life. Your dream. And, accordingly, the plan is not for a day, not for a week, not for a year. And for the rest of my life. And persistently, progressively, day after day, I carried out this plan, bringing my dream closer with every step. In the end, with all his strength, patience, perseverance and perseverance, he was able to achieve the task, and now he is an example for all of us!

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