Muscle Square Soles

Muscles and their functions

Muscles are organs of the body that can be moved without the participation of bony levers. Some of these muscles are found only in humans and primates. They are responsible for moving our head, upper limb and other parts of the body according to the movements we experience from within. Instead of bones, these muscles wrap around specific bones and attach to adjacent bones in the system. This example is important for this article because we are focusing on the quadratus sole muscle. Localization: Normally located superficially on the lateral sides of the foot, as well as in front of the internal condyle of the tibia, located between the outer lateral intermuscular septum and the deep transverse muscle. A little deeper from it lies the tibialis anterior muscle, and even deeper is the flexor digitorum longus muscle. Also, the quadratus sole muscle is located under the navicular cuneiform. The nerve passes in front of the muscle. Severance of a large hematoma is a condition for the occurrence of varicothrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities - this is one of the serious complications of traumatic injury during surgical interventions. Innervation: posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, posterior tibial branch. Coming out