Thoughts Inspired

There is such a specific type of obsessive thoughts - **Suggested thoughts**. Almost every person has experienced such a state when it seems that some thought flashed through his head and then floated away. And the idea itself came out of nowhere and disappeared into thin air. This happens only in one case, if the information was presented to you by someone at a time when you were thinking about some important issue or problem. This technique is very often used by various sectarians (from Scientology to Esotericism), NLP practitioners, or people with diagnosed diseases. In the case of inspired thoughts, the problem is so high that it is quite difficult to get rid of them on your own and even fight. For example, the treatment of ectrenia does not begin with the fight against the disease, but with getting rid of the fear of inspired thoughts.

Of course, this is a problem that can and should be combated. In fact, these thoughts can be generated not only by the speaking lips of close people, but also by many other sources of information attack, which can be divided into three categories: * Sources such as “friendly” advice, which