
Myxedema is a condition that develops as a result of a decrease or complete loss of thyroid function. It is one of the manifestations of hypothyroidism. Myxedema can occur due to disorders of intrauterine development or intrauterine infection, less often - as a result of inflammation of the thyroid gland or its injury. It can also develop when the pituitary gland is damaged.

With myxedema, swelling of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, tongue, dry skin, and hair loss are observed. There is increased fatigue, drowsiness, chilliness, a low hoarse voice, decreased body temperature, and low blood pressure. In children - mental retardation and growth retardation. The severity of the disease depends on the degree of decreased thyroid function.

Treatment is carried out by a doctor. Timely treatment of a child can ensure normal physical development and improve mental processes. In adults, modern treatment methods stop further development of the disease and often restore ability to work. However, it is necessary to constantly be under the supervision of a doctor and periodically undergo a course of treatment.