Scars appeared on the back

Stretch marks on the skin are an unaesthetic defect that occurs due to various factors. Their presence upsets some people (for example, when stretch marks appear on the back, various suspicious people are embarrassed to wear open clothes), others make them think about their health, and others are not interested at all. The article was created for those who want to understand the reasons for the appearance of small grooves and find out how to eliminate this skin problem.

When and who gets this defect?

Stretch marks (striae) are not a disease. Sometimes they indicate hormonal changes in the human body, and only in this case can they be considered a pathology. Most often, stretch marks occur due to a violation of skin turgor (loss of elasticity) when the dermis is stretched. Therefore, they occur only in a few groups of people:

  1. The first is pregnant women. Here, the prerequisites are two factors: hormonal changes and the literal stretching of the dermis due to the growing fetus. Most often they appear in the abdomen and chest area.
  2. The second category is people who have either sharply gained or lost weight sharply. In intensive periods, not every skin is ready for metamorphosis. Therefore, in some areas where it is mechanically damaged (usually the buttocks, thighs and abdomen), stretch marks occur.
  3. The third is boys and girls. During increased growth, the dermis does not have time to “grow” properly, and therefore stretch marks appear on the back of a teenager who until recently was short. These skin areas do not have enough necessary substances to be generated into a state of normal, complete dermis. Also, the “hormonal upheaval” that is characteristic of adolescence plays a big role here.

What happens to the skin when stretch marks appear?

For example, when stretch marks appear on the back, this indicates two possible reasons: either increased growth or accelerated weight gain. From this it is clear that the skin literally stretches, becoming mechanically damaged. And then the body begins to “fasten” the torn areas with connective tissue, so long-standing stretch marks look a little like scars (whitish, non-pigmented). At first, this tissue is saturated with blood capillaries, and therefore, during the period of appearance, stretch marks look pinkish, or even purplish-red. It depends on the density of the dermis and the areas where they are formed. Then the natural process of aging of the tissue occurs: it loses its elasticity and dehydrates, the capillaries cease to function and die. As a result, the furrows become white, and even the rays of the sun will not make them darken due to the lack of pigment in these parts of the skin.

Since red, pink or completely white stretch marks on the back, for example, or other parts of the body attract few people, the next stage of considering the problem is logical: how to remove them?

Will they disappear or not?

This is one of the few problems whose solution does not depend on the factor of its occurrence. By paying close attention to the reasons that led to the appearance of stretch marks, you can only try to prevent their further spread.

The reader should be immediately warned that the fight against whitish grooves may not be successful without surgical intervention due to old age and the irreversibility of the process: the skin has already been damaged, and nothing can be done about it either with the help of masks, creams, or by changing the diet.

  1. If you notice their appearance and they are pink, change your diet: eat more protein, as it is what is involved in the generation of dermis.
  2. Use cosmetics with a high collagen content (you need to lubricate the entire skin, not just problem areas) or just moisturizing creams. This needs to be done regularly. Instead of creams, you can use oils, because they contain vitamin A, which is responsible for the beauty of the skin.
  3. You can try massage. It is very important during such a massage not to stretch the skin, but to gently warm it with your hands.
  4. Another good option is to apply scrubs. They promote renewal of the dermis, and it is possible that stretch marks will “retreat.”
  5. Among the “heavy artillery” against whitened furrows (which are already outdated), there is one remedy that, although it does not promise 100% results, will definitely be able to make them less noticeable - laser peeling.

These are the ways you can try to remove stretch marks on your back. Of course, no method guarantees their complete disappearance, but perhaps the combination of these methods, built into systematic daily skin care, will be more effective?

Stretch marks (striae) on the back are quite common in teenagers. About 20% of boys and girls face such problems. In most cases, this is simply a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated with proper nutrition, adequate exercise and cosmetic procedures.

Why do they appear?

The main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the back of a teenager include:

  1. genetic predisposition. If parents or grandparents have stretch marks on their backs, then there is a high probability that the child will also develop them;
  2. jumps in weight and height. In this case, the level of growth hormone (somatotropin) increases in the teenager’s body. Testosterone or estrogen levels may also increase. As a result, fatty tissue is quickly redistributed, and the skin does not have time to produce elastin and collagen, as a result of which it stretches;
  3. weakened immunity. In this case, the teenager’s skin becomes less elastic and more susceptible to stretch marks;
  4. Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (hypercortisolism). This is a group of diseases in which the body is affected by an excessive amount of hormones from the adrenal cortex. Additionally, other symptoms occur in the form of obesity, muscle atrophy, and disruption of the nervous and reproductive systems.

What they look like

Stretch marks (striae) are wavy stripes that appear where the skin is stretched. Due to microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue, collagen and elastin are torn, and red or pink lines up to 5 mm wide and up to 10 cm long appear on the skin. Over time, they become red-violet in color, and then white with a pearlescent tint.

Features of the problem in adolescents

The formation of stretch marks is becoming a serious aesthetic problem among teenagers. During this period, puberty occurs, hormone levels change, which is accompanied by sudden mood swings and psychological problems.

Video: Back exercise

How to remove stretch marks on your back

In order to get rid of stretch marks and prevent their further appearance, you need to choose the right vitamin complexes. They should include vitamins: A, E, C, K.

You can remove stretch marks on your back using pharmaceutical products.

The most effective creams are:

They can be applied to both fresh and old stretch marks. The drugs restore the skin, restore its pigmentation and moisturize. Treatment with such remedies can last from 6 months to a year.

Procedures in a cosmetology salon

Stretch marks that are more than a year old are almost impossible to remove. In order to make them less noticeable, you should seek help from specialists.

Cosmetology procedures:

  1. laser skin resurfacing. This removes the surface layer of skin and stretch marks become less noticeable. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The effect becomes noticeable within a month;
  2. deep peeling. In this case, acids are used, with the help of which the top layer of skin is burned and exfoliated. At the same time, stretch marks become less noticeable;
  3. microdermbrasion. This is a mechanical peeling using aluminum oxide. In this case, the skin is actively polished, its tone is evened out and stretch marks become almost invisible. In this case, stretch marks should not be older than 8 months. In order to eliminate them, up to 10 procedures will be needed.

How to get rid of stretch marks on your legs at home, read here.

Useful tips

Eliminating stretch marks at home

Dry brown seaweed – 20 g.

Warm boiled water.

Dry raw materials are poured with warm water and left until they swell. The resulting mass is applied to the area of ​​stretch marks and left for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply nourishing cream. The product is used every other day for 2 weeks.

The product helps stimulate biochemical processes in the cellular structures of tissues, improves skin regeneration, saturates it with vitamins and microelements.

Oatmeal - 5 tablespoons.

Homemade sour cream – 3 tablespoons.

Mumiyo – 2 tablets.

Oatmeal is ground into powder using a coffee grinder and mixed with sour cream. Mumiyo tablets are crushed and added to the resulting mass. It is applied to the area of ​​stretch marks and left for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use every other day for a month.

The product improves metabolism and promotes skin regeneration. After using it, the skin becomes more elastic, and stretch marks noticeably lighten.

Rosemary oil – 10 drops.

Jojoba oil – 10 drops.

Grapefruit oil – 10 drops.

Peach seed oil – 2 tablespoons.

Place the base oil in a dark glass bottle, gradually add other oils, shaking the product regularly. Apply to skin twice a day, rub in with light movements and leave until completely absorbed. Continue treatment for 21 days. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

The mixture of oils has a moisturizing and regenerating effect. The skin becomes elastic, the number of stretch marks decreases, and they become less noticeable.

Cocoa butter – 1 tablespoon.

Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon.

Vitamin E – 3 drops.

Heat all components in a water bath and mix. Apply to the affected area twice a day for a month. Store the finished product in a cool place.

The mixture helps speed up metabolism, moisturize the skin, even out its tone and get rid of stretch marks.

Refined olive oil – 1 tablespoon.

Jojoba oil – 5 drops.

Vitamin A – 3 drops.

Vitamin E – 3 drops

Heat the olive oil in a water bath and add the remaining ingredients. Rub into skin three times a day. Continue treatment for 3 weeks.

The product softens the skin, helps retain moisture, accelerates regeneration, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Pumpkin pulp – 50 g.

Almond oil – 1 teaspoon.

Vitamin A – 2 drops.

Grate the pumpkin pulp on a fine grater and add oil. Apply the product to the affected area for half an hour. Then it needs to be washed off. Use every other day for a month.

The product has a moisturizing effect, restores the structure and pigmentation of the skin, nourishes it and accelerates regeneration.

At When stretch marks appear, special attention should be paid to the following factors::

  1. proper nutrition. The child’s body must receive protein so that the skin has time to grow the required number of cells. To do this, you need to adjust your diet, increasing the amount of protein foods and reducing the level of carbohydrates;
  2. hydration. In order to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams that contain collagen;
  3. cleansing the skin. In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you need to keep it clean and promote collagen production. Scrubs help with this. With their help, dead cells are exfoliated, resulting in the dermis being restored. But you shouldn’t get carried away with these remedies; it’s enough to use them twice a week;
  4. improving blood circulation. In order to provide nutrition to the tissues and skin cells, you can do a relaxing massage. In this case, the blood begins to circulate more actively;
  5. physical exercise. It is a proven fact that the skin of teenagers who play sports is less prone to stretch marks.


Details about treating striae at home.

The article describes the treatment of stretch marks on the legs of teenagers.

Read how flaxseed oil and coffee help against cellulite, below.

Particular attention should be paid to methods of preventing stretch marks, since it is easier to prevent their appearance than to get rid of this cosmetic defect. In order to make sure that stretch marks do not signal health problems, you need to visit a dermatologist and endocrinologist.

Problems with stretch marks on the skin concern not only adults. This phenomenon also occurs in teenagers, although it would seem that young and elastic skin should withstand any overload. Boys and girls who have stretch marks on their backs begin to feel complex and are embarrassed to go to the beach and pool. What to do?


Video about skin problems in adolescence ↑

First, you need to figure out what factor provoked the formation of stretch marks, and then choose the optimal method of treatment.

Reasons for the formation of stretch marks on the back in adolescents ↑

It should be remembered that stretch marks are not a disease and bother teenagers purely visually, disrupting the aesthetic appearance of the skin. In most cases, stretch marks are caused by excessive stretching of the dermis, which does not have time to “adapt” to the rapidly growing body.

Striae are not considered a disease, but their unaesthetic appearance causes a lot of complexes in adolescents

During adolescence, there are sharp jumps in height and weight. In a few months, young men can “grow” by 20-30 cm, and during this time the skin does not have time to grow the required volume of cells, which later become a full-fledged dermis. And she has to stretch mechanically, which leads to stretch marks.

In girls, this is most often due to sudden weight gain associated with hormonal changes in the body. The dermis experiences strong tension, begins to tear, and in order to maintain the integrity of the skin, it fastens the tear points with connective tissue. It is this tissue that gives teenagers unpleasant sensations, because it resembles scars, which at first have a pinkish or deep red color (blood vessels give this shade to stretch marks), and fade as they age. The capillaries gradually die, the tissue loses its elasticity, becomes dehydrated, and even a solarium or southern tan cannot change the white tint. A back with such loose pink or pale grooves looks unattractive, which causes a lot of inconvenience for teenagers.

If the stretch marks on the back are still pink or purple-red, they are easier to treat than whitish stretch marks

Sometimes hormonal imbalances in the body lead to the appearance of stretch marks on the back. And in this case, the fight against stretch marks should begin only after normal hormonal balance has been restored.

Popular remedies in the fight against teenage stretch marks on the back ↑

There are many ways to remove stretch marks on your back. But it should be borne in mind that the “younger” the striae, the more effectively you can fight them. The easiest stretch marks to treat are pinkish in color. If they become whitish, it means that the skin is completely damaged and it will no longer be possible to restore its former shape. You can only try to reduce the depth of the stretch marks and narrow their boundaries.

Fighting “young” stretch marks ↑

  1. Review of diet

If stretch marks have just begun to appear, the first thing you need to do is review your diet. In order for the dermis to have time to “grow” the required number of cells, it needs protein. Therefore, carbohydrate foods must be replaced with protein foods. Thus, you will reduce rapid weight gain and provide the skin with the necessary “building material” for new cells.

Protein foods will help not only in the fight against stretch marks, but also in normalizing weight

  1. Daily use of collagen cosmetics

To prevent new stretch marks, you need to keep your skin moisturized. This is helped by regular moisturizing creams, which are applied to the entire back several times a day (and not just the stretch marks!). To increase the elasticity of the skin, choose a cream that contains a large amount of collagen.

Instead of cream, you can lubricate your back with vitamin A oil, because this component improves cell regeneration and promotes skin elasticity.

Scrubs promote the production of your own collagen in cells. They exfoliate the top dead layer of skin and restore the dermis. Use scrubs 1-2 times a week, and after a shower, be sure to moisturize your back with a cosmetic product.

To improve blood circulation in the cells, it is useful to do back massages. But these should not be therapeutic massages aimed at warming up the muscles, because too strong an impact will only increase the stretching of the skin. A soft relaxing massage is needed, during which the body acquires the desired tone and the blood begins to flow faster through the capillaries. You can use a massager or a brush with stiff bristles.

  1. Using special ointments

During the period of stretch marks, you can lubricate your back with special medicinal ointments, such as Contractubex, Lierak, Mederma, etc. They reduce tissue tears, restore the natural color of the skin and stimulate collagen production. Such ointments are applied to stretch marks 1-2 times a day.

Any medicinal ointment should be used only after consultation with a cosmetologist

  1. Sports activities

It has been noted that active teenagers are less likely to encounter the problem of stretch marks, because their skin is always elastic, toned and ready for increased stress. To prevent the occurrence of new ones and reduce the depth of existing stretch marks, it is necessary to increase physical activity: engage in sports games, aerobics. Water sports are the best way to strengthen your skin.

Correct lifestyle is the main prevention of stretch marks

Fighting “old” stretch marks ↑

If the stretch marks have already noticeably “aged”, i.e. have acquired a whitish tint, it is impossible to get rid of them at home. Damaged tissue can only be removed by salon procedures, among which peelings and laser resurfacing are popular. But teenagers should choose the most gentle procedures, such as algae wraps and peeling with fruit acids.

Spirulina wraps. If there are few stretch marks, then seaweed wraps will help make them less noticeable. Spirulina has the most effective effect on the skin. It is ground into a paste-like mass and applied to the back. During this time (about an hour), the patient is wrapped in a thermal blanket so that the high temperature helps the active absorption of substances into the body.

Spirulina wraps are safe for the teenage body, so they are used in the complex treatment of juvenile acne and stretch marks

Peeling with fruit acids. Among all types of chemical effects on the skin, peeling with fruit acids is considered the softest and most gentle. It painlessly exfoliates the top layer of dead cells and activates the regeneration of new ones. Along with dead skin particles, stretch marks are also removed, and healthy dermis grows in their place.

Teenagers should try mechanical peeling and laser resurfacing only when all the above procedures have failed. In addition, many procedures are generally prohibited if the boy or girl is under 18 years of age.

If teenage stretch marks are treated promptly, they will not become a serious cosmetic defect for the rest of your life.