Epigastric Division

The epigastric region (or Epigastric region) is the upper part of the abdomen in the navel area. It is the transitional part from the chest to the abdomen. The epigastric region is not developed in itself, but connects two types of tissues of different densities. This is why it is important to strengthen the muscles in this area to strengthen your back and reduce pain.

It plays a special role in maintaining posture. But don’t forget about proper nutrition. If there are digestive or acid-base balance problems, problems may also appear in the lower back.

**Epigastric, also called epigastrium**. In humans, this section is located directly above the navel and is a fairly clearly visible part of the abdomen. It is located between the navel, ribs and pubic bones and is bounded below by the pubic tubercles. In addition, this section of the abdomen includes skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue and the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. The skin of the epigastrium has a longitudinal fold - the so-called transverse palmar fold (palmo-inguinal fold), running