Adrenal Indentation

Adrenal indentation is a pathological condition in which the renal diaphragm narrows and the upper pole of the kidney moves into the chest. This phenomenon can lead to compression of the blood vessels leaving the inferior vena cava in the kidney area. As a result, compensatory hypertension develops.

The adrenal fossa is located on the spine, between the twelfth rib and the tenth pair of ribs. Its greatest depth is 8-10 cm. It is located below the diaphragm, being the deepest of all the skin and subcutaneous cavities.

Adjacent structures: from the front side of the VPA

Adrenal recess - also known as pressium supracrenalis or impressum suprarenalis. The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys. Pushing through this area can damage the adrenal glands and require surgery to remove the damaged tissue.

The disease caused by adrenal impression disease is called adrenal impression disease. In people with adrenal insufficiency, adrenaline may be produced in excess of normal by the adrenal glands during exercise, causing feelings of fatigue, increased body temperature and palpitations. It can also lead to deterioration of the nervous system and